

  HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY: TO AND FOR ALL THE WOMEN IN MY LIFE, PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE: Thank you one and all, you're the first ones besides Jesus Christ, I think of Each morning when I rise, You're the last ones besides my heavenly Father, I think of, When I close my eyes, You're in each thought I have, And every breath I take, My feelings are growing stronger, With every seed, action and teaching you have given me through out the years, You're my angels from above Who made me the man that I am today, My love for you is so strong, God's beautiful anointed daughters, It's always just the same, You're the miracles in my life, my Mothers, Sisters, and Daughters Who can always make me smile, Just knowing that you care, Makes my life worthwhile living and serving, God Ladies, You've touched my heart and soul, Which you have from the start, Your warm soft words, Will never leave my heart, Christ, dear sweet dear and kind ones, You are everything...


  MANY HAVE LEFT THE NEIGHBORHOOD, AND NOT LOOKED BACK: 2 KINGS CHAPTER 7 So Many Of Our Very Own People Have Gotten Up - Out of The Hood, With Their Mothers Working More Than One Job, Dad Could Not Find A Good Paying Job, And Their Neighbors Are Letf Behind, Still Trying To Get Out, While Many Of Our ( Own ) Brag On Their Massive Homes, High Price Autos, And Money To Throw Away On Pleasure Of Their Flesh. Many Of Them Made Their Great Wealth On The Backs Of Poor People In The Hood's, And They Made God A Promised to That If He Would Bless The And Open Door's For Them, They Would Never Ever Forget Where They Came From, And They Would Help Their Community With Their Success And Blessings. But These Four Sick Lepers Didn't Forget Their needy community, When They Were Dying Of Starvation, when God made a way for them, They Went Back To Help And Bless Their Community. Four Very Sick Men, So Stop Bragging On How Much Money You Have And All Of Your Wealth, And Start Supporting, He...


  WORK IT ALL OUT FOR OUR GOOD, JESUS!!! PRAYING WITH ALL OF MY SPIRIT FILLED LOVING BROTHERS & SISTERS IN THE FAITH: Heavenly Father The Blessed Savior of all men, I lift my eyes to You, the Maker of heaven and earth. You are My Help, My Shield, and My Ever-Present Protector. I thank You for Your faithfulness and for the promises in Your Word that assure me of Your unwavering care. Lord, I declare Psalm 121 over our lives and the lives of those I love. I trust in You, for My help comes from You alone. You are My Keeper, and You never slumber nor sleep. I rest in the assurance that You are always watching over us, guarding our steps, and shielding us from harm. Father, I ask for a mighty hedge of protection to surround us, our families, our homes, and all that concerns Your sons and daughters. Let Your angels encamp around us, as You have promised in Your Word. Let no evil come near us, and let every plan of the enemy be destroyed by the power of Your Name JESUS. You are our sh...


  GOD, DIDN'T CHOOSE AND ORDAIN ME TO MAKE MILLIONS OF FOLLOWERS, BUT HE ANOINTED ME TO EMPOWER HIS SONS & DAUGHTERS TO BECOME LEADERS: I'm Mandated By The Lord To CuLitivate, Enlighten, And Empower Jesus Christ's Nations And Daughters In His Love And Grace, Please Know This, I'm Not In The Work Of Ministry To Beg For Money, But I do need financial supporters. ( Still) I Am In Christ's Work And Ministry To Hear Jesus Christ Say, Well Done, Good, And Faithful Minister; This Is The Everlasting Reward We Are Expecting To Hear And Receive. Glory To God in Jesus Christ. HALLELUJAH! Yes, many times, God will ask us to do His Kingdom will and purpose that seem over our heads. He’ll put dreams, and visions, ministries in our hearts that we can’t accomplish on our own. We don’t have the resources, the training, the connections. But God wouldn’t ask us to do it if we weren’t well able. This is when we have to have the right mindsets. Don't think weak limited. “We'...


  ARE YOU SERVING IN THE CORRECT HOUSE?: God's Nationwide Global Kingdom Renowned Apostle & Country Smith-Addition Preacher, James R, Winfree, Sr, I Am Mandated By The Lord To CuLitivate, Enlighten, And Empower, Jesus Christ's Nation Son's And Daughter's In His Love And Grace, Please Know This, I'm Not In The Work Of Ministry To Beg For Moneytill, I Am In Christ Work And Ministry To Hear Jesus Christ Say, Well Done My Good And Faithful Minister, This Is The Everlasting Rewared We Are Expecting To Hear And Receive. Glory To God in Jesus Christ. HALLELUJAH! JOHN 4:23-24, 23 But the hour is coming, and now is, when The True worshipers will worship The Father in Spirit and Truth; for The Father is seeking such to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and Truth.” THE LORD CHRIST JESUS BREAKING KINGDOM BIBLICAL NEWS: The Chosen Church Is His Spiritual Sons And Daughters In Christ: 1 Peter 2:4-6, 4, Coming to Him as to a living...


  About Apostle James & Elect Lady Betty Winfree Sr. Ministries:  Attention this is very important, I'm a National, International Global representative of our Lord Jesus Christ and this is His Ministry, I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for all of you who do support me, I'm your Senior God-Ordained Chosen Apostle, Christ Jesus, Ambassador & Messenger, ( Spiritual Biblical Revolutionists ) and He sent me, Elder James Winfree Sr, to serve all of His spiritual Kingdom sons and  daughters in the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our Ministry & Vision In the New Testament Today, we have a vision. It is a vision deeply rooted in the New Testament. We have a vision this day, that the body of Jesus Christ will become "One" in Him. We Have a vision this day that the Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers, will work together in Unity and Equality side by side, hand in hand. We have a vision this day that the Words of Jesus Christ and His Apostles and Prop...