HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY: TO AND FOR ALL THE WOMEN IN MY LIFE, PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE: Thank you one and all, you're the first ones besides Jesus Christ, I think of Each morning when I rise, You're the last ones besides my heavenly Father, I think of, When I close my eyes, You're in each thought I have, And every breath I take, My feelings are growing stronger, With every seed, action and teaching you have given me through out the years, You're my angels from above Who made me the man that I am today, My love for you is so strong, God's beautiful anointed daughters, It's always just the same, You're the miracles in my life, my Mothers, Sisters, and Daughters Who can always make me smile, Just knowing that you care, Makes my life worthwhile living and serving, God Ladies, You've touched my heart and soul, Which you have from the start, Your warm soft words, Will never leave my heart, Christ, dear sweet dear and kind ones, You are everything...