God's Loving Kingdom Doors Are Open & All Are Welcome!
ApostleJWinfree1@aol.com Writes:We take this opportunity to welcome all new members and loving friends to the body of Jesus, His blessed Kingdom...The friends who have joined God `s Awesome loving Kingdom in Christ. Werequest all of you to visit and get to know your Brothers and Sisters inGod `s family. Today we have posted a note in the following link on theabove subject. This is family time in the body of Jesus Christ as in theBible days to the Jews first and then to the Gentiles, our calling,vision, mission, ministry is to all Believers, Christians, Saints first this is aprophetic word for us. http://www.freewebs.com/winfreeministries Let uscontinue to pray for one another and meet the needs of all Believers,Christians, Saints in the body of Christ. If you have any prayer request,Please post then on our prayer page. We believe the Lord willdefinitely perform many miracles and blessings His children in Christ'sKingdom. We are here to serve you.We are Jesus Christ Servant/ Apost...