R. U. Ready 2 Work Together?
"To All of God's Children in Christ Jesus" "ONE by ONE we are making Christ Jesus Love, Unity and Equality A Reality In The Body Of Our Lord Jesus Christ!!""One of the most loving blessings of being in fellowship and partnership with Apostle James Winfree & Team Ministries is that the results of the choices we make together now will echo and make changes now and throughout time and eternity!!" Working toward Christ love ,unity and our God given equality among Jesus’ followers today is an awesome and seemingly insurmountable challenge. As denominational brand name loyalty continues to diminish, I pray that we can turn back to Scripture and seriously work toward this passionate desire of Jesus for his followers. Clearly other Scriptures must be applied to these principles (e.g., Ephesians 4:1-16 ; the book of 1 John); we must commit to share the passion of our dying Savior for unity. In a world increasingly without Jesus, there will not be enough lig...