
Showing posts from March, 2009

R. U. Ready 2 Work Together?

"To All of God's Children in Christ Jesus" "ONE by ONE we are making Christ Jesus Love, Unity and Equality A Reality In The Body Of Our Lord Jesus Christ!!""One of the most loving blessings of being in fellowship and partnership with Apostle James Winfree & Team Ministries is that the results of the choices we make together now will echo and make changes now and throughout time and eternity!!" Working toward Christ love ,unity and our God given equality among Jesus’ followers today is an awesome and seemingly insurmountable challenge. As denominational brand name loyalty continues to diminish, I pray that we can turn back to Scripture and seriously work toward this passionate desire of Jesus for his followers. Clearly other Scriptures must be applied to these principles (e.g., Ephesians 4:1-16 ; the book of 1 John); we must commit to share the passion of our dying Savior for unity. In a world increasingly without Jesus, there will not be enough lig...

One by One!

"ONE by ONE we are making Christ Jesus Love,Unity and Equality A Reality In The Body Of Our Lord Jesus Christ!!" "One of the most loving blessings of being in fellowship and partnership with Apostle James Winfree & Team Ministries is that the results of the choices we make together now will echo and make changes now and throughout time and eternity!!" " Stop Hating Me Because We are Family" By Apostle James R Winfree Sr, So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus ( Galatians 3:26-28 This is in your Bible. We all like people who are like us. I guess that's a pretty obvious statement, and I doubt that I'm all that unusual in liking people who are like me. There's something in us, I guess, that draws us to people who share our...

The Heart Vision Of Apostle James R Winfree & Team Ministries

The Way To Unity, Equality, Oneness In Christ Church! By Apostle James R Winfree Sr, [This message is to all of God's people, Believers, Christians, Saints and Believing Jews and Gentiles) We are blessed to witness this splendid occasion of God's people coming together to express publicly our commitment to the long neglected doctrine , Christian , Saints Love, Unity, Equality and Oneness in Christ Body His loving Church Family. We stand boldly together this evening against every divisive spirit in the universe as we confidently declare with One Voice that we shall endeavor to keep the Unity of the Spirit and to protect the harmony of the sacred body of Jesus Christ in God's Equality and His awesome grace and love. We gather this day as the body of Christ with the Godly determination to reflect the divine unity, equality, love, oneness that exists within the Godhead between Father, Son, and Spirit. We stand as one person, in one spirit, against every strategy of division de...

Show us Please How Do We Get Help?

"One of the most loving blessings of being in fellowship and partnership with Apostle James Winfree & Team Ministries is that the results of the choices we make together now will echo and make changes now and throughout time and eternity!!" Please Help Us Keep This Ministry And Work Going Here In America And Around the World! Thank you for your interest in donating to Apostle James & Betty R. Winfred & Team Ministry! Without your encouragement, prayers, and donations we would not be able to continue to bring web resources to people all over the world! (For more on what Apostle James R Winfree & Team does, check out our Website at ) As we enter 2009, we truly need your help to keep this work and ministry going...Each gift is precious to us right now. We have expanded our ministry to many Websites and kept our costs low with by having only part time staff, each of whom is deeply committed to the ministry. However, we d...

This Is Very Important To God's People!

"Who Did Jesus Called These Things?" [Meet The False And Fake Preachers Many Seem To Love] . Who Were The Foxes And The wolves In Christ's Day? The purpose of this paper is not to defend my style of writing, (God only knows that I do not profess to be a scholar, nor a polished orator, nor a man of eloquent words), but to rather see how Jesus really taught in public, to the masses, and particularly to the lying, hypocritical Scribes and Pharisees. We will examine whether Jesus Christ Himself did indeed use sarcasm, exaggeration, caricature, satire, irony, and anger to get across His Gospel Message. And yet countlessBelievers, Christians, Saints write and tell us that Jesus never spoke like this or ever said a cruel or angry word in His life. Therefore when I sometimes write with an edge on my voice I am accused of not following the example of Jesus. Oh but Jesus surely did speak harshly, demeaningly, and with great anger in His voice to the Scribes and Pharisees—the religi...

So Many Are Loving This Letter!!!

To All Of Us In Ministry It's Time To Stop Feeding God's People Dodo Or Dung! No, it's not a water pipe or a window. But it's making lots of noise and spilling a big mess everywhere. "Bang Bang Clang Clang. Do you hear it?" What's broke in many churches today is the Brotherly Love that Jesus said would be the identifier to the world that we are His. At times we can hardly get folks to stand together long enough to help and support one another in Christ Blessed family. Much less come together in prayer for the sake of God's Love, Unity, Equality and souls in for the Loving Kingdom of God. This is a real issue for God's Preachers too. We know this because God's Holy Word took many chapters and of His leaders to deal with it, Even Jesus The Christ Himself Preached to us about this. When all of God's Believers, Christians, Saints is bound together with Christ Love, Unity, and Equality we can do great things for God's awesome Kingdom...