Be One God's People In Christ Kingdom
"This is The Pray and The Heart of Christ Jesus...God our Father Make All My Believers, Christians, Saints One, that the world may Believe that YOU sent ME (Daddy)” John 17:11,20-23 We come together to live, teach and preach love, unity and equality to all believers in Christ Jesus, to celebrate God's goodness and faithfulness. We are here for the encouragement, teaching and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ building up the body of Christ. We are here to support and have loving saints in our communities that live, believe and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ and teach unity and equality for all believers in the faith. We know and believe that every believer in Christ Jesus has something of value to offer to this ministry and to each other this is where we are maturing in all areas of our lives spiritually as we give of ourselves and support to help others in the faith. We are first of all believers in Christ Jesus striving to make Jesus central in our live...