Vision This!!!
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are ALL ONE In Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28" Dear And Awesome Holy Father In Christ Jesus Name Thank You For Making All Believers, Christians, Saints, Children Of God One In Your Blessed Kingdom! Sometimes people come into your lifeand you know right away that they weremeant to be there ... to serve somesort of purpose, teach you a lesson orhelp figure out who you are or who youWant to become. You never know whothese people may be but when you lookeyes with them, you know that everymoment that you are with them, theywill affect your life in some profoundWay. And sometimes things happen toyou at the time that may seem horrible,painful and unfair, but in reflectionyou realize that without overcomingthose obstacles you would have neverrealized your potential, strength,Will power or heart.Everything happens for a reason!Nothing happens by chance or by meansOf good luck. Il...