
Showing posts from March, 2010

To Our Daughter Tarsha With Love!

God in Jesus Christ, sent me an angel from the heavens above. Sent me an angel to bless my very soul by given me one awesome sweet loving and beautiful daughter like you Tarsha...My heart was so happy when my eyes laid on you the day you were born, 'cause all I do is cry. God, sent me an angel to wipe the tears from my eyes.If I ever saw an angel, it was in your eyes Tarsha .My loving daughter Tarsha You've touched my life like an angel... Thanks for being my heart love Tarsha and If I were an angel... I would choose to watch over you forever and until time ends!...Tarsha You're a song written by the hands of God in Jesus Christ.Tarsha one need not look forward towards Heaven to find an angel, for you are right here with us.This I come to know and learn Tarsha Angels live in the hearts of those who dare to love and I hope you know that Mom and I do really love you.Tarsha I remember the last time I saw that sparkle in your eye - when I realized there was a beautiful angel by...

" This Is All For Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ" - * WELCOME FRIENDS *

" This Is All For Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ" - * WELCOME FRIENDS *

You Changed My Life Mrs. Betty Winfree

You've Changed My Life Mrs. Betty Winfree Married Together This Day 32 Blessed Years...March 26, 1968 To March 26,2010 Baby and all that with sugar on top, Thanks for being there when I needed a shoulder to lean on, for patiently listening to my personal problems. Baby, I just want you to know how happy am I to have you in my life and I thank God in Jesus Christ for that. Thank you for the love and the joy you bring. You've changed my life, Baby. You're the only Woman who gives my heart some excitement and thrills. When I'm with you I feel like I'm out of control! You taught me how to handle life seriously, you taught me how to solve my problems and to face it without any fear ... when I'm with you, I feel no fear, not even a single one. I know that when you say you love me and I admit that I've fallen for you, I know that I wouldn't shed any tears from now on. I love you and that's what I want you to bear in your mind, and it's for keeps and Ev...

To All Jesus Believers Women

Jesus Believer Women Of God Be Balance In The Kingdom Our Daily Dosage Of Jesus Word With Apostle James Winfree Sr, A Balanced Woman of God Sees Scripture as God's Vital and Relevant Word Worth Her Attention, Devotion, and Application. I learned this principle from Timothy's mother Eunice and his maternal grandmother Lois. And he (Paul) came also to Derbe and to Lystra. And behold, a certain disciple was there, named Timothy, the son of a Jewish woman who was a believer, but his father was a Greek, and he was well spoken of by the brethren who were in Lystra and Iconium (Acts 16:1-2). I (Paul) thank God, whom I serve with a clear conscience the way my forefathers did, as I constantly remember you (Timothy) in my prayers night and day, longing to see you, even as I recall your tears, so that I may be filled with joy. For I am with you, which fist dwelt in your grandmother Lois, and your mother Eunice, and I am sure that it is in you as well (2 Timothy 1:3-5). And that ...

Time To Pray With Apostle James R Winfree

Time To Pray With Apostle James R Winfree Sr, Dear Heavenly Father In The Name That Is Above All And Every Name Jesus Christ, Lord God above, we are on our knees before you. We enter into your most holy presence by Your sweet loving Holy Spirit. Father, we embrace You. We love You and we acknowledge that You are The One True God Jesus Christ. You are The Creator of all. Father God in Christ Jesus, We confess that we are saved only because of Your Saving grace, and are unworthy of Your attention. Thank You Father for Loving us anyway in Jesus. Lord, We repent of our sins we do wrong against our brothers and sisters, and ask for your power to keep us on the right path. We want to walk with Jesus and live in Him. We want to follow His example. Lord God in Christ Jesus, there are those among us who, like us, have sinned and repented. Father, we ask for Your Holy spirit of forgiveness towards those brothers and sisters. Let our attitude towards them reflect Christ Jesus. Let us learn to lo...

Our Daily Dosage Of Jesus Word

Our Daily Dosage Of Jesus Word By Apostle James R Winfree Sr, Dear Father God In The Blessed Name That Is Above All And Every Name Jesus Christ, The One Real, True And Only God, Many do not understand that all reality is rooted in You, so they chase the "gods" of this world, the "idols" which they worship -- money, fame, sex, glamor, power, security -- and in some cases real idols and the real demons who are behind those idols. Many loving brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus have recently been freed from bondage to a culture that worships these false gods, and due to their weak consciences they can easily be drawn back. Keep me from pursuing the things they were in the habit of pursuing, lest they think I am serving their old "gods" and that it is okay for them to violate their consciences and return to former practices. Don't let my "knowledge" destroy someone who is weak. May I be willing to forego any right or privilege rather than cause...

Jesus Said To Ask In His Blessed Word?

Apostle James & Betty R Winfree Ministries & Team If you've been touched are blessed by the Apostle James R. Winfree Sr, Ministries in a special way, or are particularly appreciative of Christ Holy Word we share daily, we'd love to hear about it and please send seeds of blessings for help and loving support! You can leave feedback and support using our ministry address /Home Office 832.618.3700. We and the Team thank you and you all are always in our hearts and prayers.

Are We Christ Love In Action?

Hey U. Are We Christ Love N. Action? Time To Pray With Apostle James Winfree Sr, Dear Father God In Your One And Only Blessed Name Jesus, The One Real And Only God, Give me more love and humility than knowledge, for "Knowledge puffs up but love builds up." People know lots of things, but they let it go to their heads. Help me, Father in Jesus Christ, never to imagine that I know everything, because I know that I do not yet know as I ought to know. What I want is to love You as I should and love my loving Brothers and awesome sweet Sisters just as You love me, for if I love You, then I am loved and known by You. All the things that men and women pursue, O. God, seem to have no real existence when compared to You. There is no God but you Jesus Christ in my mind, body, soul, spirit, heart my very being, The One God Who Name is Jesus The Very Christ our Lord and Savior of all people. The world is full of "gods." But for us Jesus Believers there is just One God Jesus, ...


We Are The FatherTreasure In Jesus Christ, Glory!!! Time To Pray With Apostle James Winfree Sr, Dear Father God In That Blessed Name Which Is Above Every And All Names Jesus Christ, Our Powerful Sustainer, Thank You for putting Your loving awesome treasure in a cracked clay pot like me so that it will be evident that the treasure is from you, the transcendent and powerful God in Christ Jesus, and not from me, the container. Thank You for upholding all who serve You. When I am afflicted in every way, I am not crushed; when perplexed, I am not driven to despair; when persecuted, I am not forsaken; when struck down, I am not destroyed. Reveal Your immortality through my mortal body. May unbelievers see the glorious work You are doing in my life. I come as your humble servant one of Your very own beloved sons, In The Name Of Your Only Son Jesus The Very Christ. Amen.

Jesus Christ Is Still Faithful When We're Not!!!

Jesus Christ Is Still Faithful When We're Not!!! My Prayer To Jesus With My Brothers And My Sisters In Christ: Dear Father God In The Name That Is Above Every And All Names Jesus Christ...,Jesus our Powerful Sustainer, You have called me to minister Your Love, Unity, Equality, Mercy and Grace to the world, so let me never lose heart or give up! May I renounce disgraceful, underhanded ways in all forms and refuse to practice cunning or to tamper with your word. Let me state truth plainly and thereby commend myself to every one's conscience in Your sight. Even if the message of Good News is veiled to some, it is veiled only to those who are perishing! Open the eyes of those whom the god of this world has blinded. May they see the light of love the Good News, the glory of Christ Jesus, Your very likeness Your awesome Holy Spirit. May I not put forth myself, but Jesus Christ only, for I am Your servant, Your slave, for Jesus' sake! For You have said, "Let light shine out...

How To Pray, Support And Pray For Us!

We have Members and Partners In Every Nation! Whom We are looking forward To meeting soon! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT US We Thank You For Your Continued Prayers And Financial Support Of This Ministry 1 Corinthians 9:7 (Amplified Bible) 7[Consider this:] What soldier at any time serves at his own expense? Who plants a vineyard and does not eat any of the fruit of it? Who tends a flock and does not partake of the milk of the flock? 1 Corinthians 9:11 If we have SOWN spiritual things for you, is it a great thing if we REAP your material things? 1 Timothy 5:17, 18 (Amplified Bible) 17 Let the elders who perform the duties of their office well be CONSIDERED DOUBLY WORTHY OF HONOR [and of adequate financial support], ESPECIALLY those who labor FAITHFULLY in preaching and teaching. 18 For the Scripture says, You shall not muzzle an ox when it is treading out the grain, and again, The LABORER is WORTHY of his hire. Please Send Al...

Please Let Us Wash Your Feet, Please?

Please Let Me Wash Your Feet, Please? Time To Pray With Apostle James Winfree Sr, Dear Father And Lord In The Name That Is Above All Names Jesus Christ, God of order, You have invested the inferior parts of the body with greater honor. You have given the weak parts of the body indispensable roles. You have given some who are unpresentable a greater modesty. Your ordering of people in the body of Christ is altogether wonderful. You have called all of us to be humble, loving, caring. You want us to prefer one another in honor and to count others better than ourselves. Help me to be this way in relating to other believers in Your awesome Kingdom. Thank You for making me, us a member of Christ's body, thus guaranteeing that I, We will live forever in Him Jesus Christ. O heavenly Father, let Your life - Your goodness and everlasting love -- be lived fully in our life. Fill us with Your loving awesome and powerful presence and Spirit. In the name of Jesus Christ and I'm willing to ...

Thanks For Being Help And Support Team

Your Blessings Is Your Gift To Us Time To Pray With Apostle James Winfree Sr, Dear Father God In Your Only Name That Is Above Every And All Names Jesus The Christ, Help us to live according to Your Holy Scriptures in Christ Jesus love and amazing grace. That is why We pray to You in our very words with tears of sweet joy in our souls and our hearts. We want to be conformed to Your will, for You will what is best for us. Help us not to be puffed up against our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus the only real true Saving Lord. For who sees any difference in me. We all have been freely justified by Your awesome loving grace, forgiven of our sins. What have We that We have not been given? We cannot boast of anything as if it were not a gift. Whatever We are or have, Father who lives in Jesus Christ and live in Your children all Jesus Christ Believers, you have given. I would not be addressing this prayer to You if You had not called me to be Your servant, Your child, and Your warrior i...

We Just Need Your Help Loving Holy Spirit!

We Just Need Your Help Loving Holy Spirit In Jesus Name! Time To Pray With Apostle James Winfree Sr, Dear Father In The Blessed Name That Is Above All And Every Name Jesus Christ, God of the present and the future, but also of the past, Make us willing to consider and accept new things in Your Blessed loving Kingdom. But also help us to respect and maintain the traditions from the past because You never chance. May We acknowledge that Christ Jesus is our head and submit ourselves to Him, even as He acknowledges You as His head. May Christian wives acknowledge the headship of their own husbands, and may their husbands honor Christ Jesus as their head. Help husbands and wives live interdependently, realizing that they need each other for mutual support and procreation. May all the women in Your Holy Church Jesus Christ conduct themselves in a way that shows their devotion to Your Word and to their own husbands, and may all husbands give their wives honor, respect and genuine love. Help ...

Help Us If You Love Us!

One of the most loving blessings of being in fellowship and partnership with Apostle James Winfree & Team Ministries is that the results of the choices we make together now will echo and make changes now and throughout time and eternity!!" Dear Jesus Believers And Partners: Has the Holy Spirit ever asked you to step out to do something for Jesus Christ Kingdom? Has He placed it on your heart that it is the time to "Work together as One in love, unity and equality?" When the Holy Spirit calls us to do something, He will equip us -- we just have to obey and obey quickly. It can be summed up as "delayed obedience is disobedience." John 4:35 says: "Do you not say, 'There are still four months and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!" The time to act is now! We can't say that we will do something for Christ Jesus Kingdom in the future. Now Is the tim...

Lord Jesus Forgive Us Of This SIN!

Subject: JEZEBEL STOP GIVEN CHRIST CHILDREN SEX JEZEBEL: Its main purpose is to shut down the prophetic voice in the church. When Jesus spoke in Revelation 2:19-29 He was Speaking to the leaders of the church. Because as the anointing runs from the head down so does the entrance of unclean spirits Such as Jezebel. Its main purpose is to control the leaders so God cannot move. It wants to grieve the Holy Spirit. When this spirit comes into the church, it has the leaders teach on the Jezebel spirit and tricks the people and everyone starts to look at each other to try to see if they have some characteristic. Then walls are put up then leaders become consumed and this beast becomes more Powerful. Unity and freedom will kill this giant but first repentance must come from the head down. Leaders are responsible to bind And loose this beast but when we let it in the heavens become brass. This spirit will come and seduce leaders. She is not concerned about the sheep. She knows the damage. She ...

If You Are Really Ready Lets Go!!

Our Ministry & Vision In the New Testament Today, we have a vision. It is a vision deeply rooted in the New Testament. We have a vision this day, that the body of Jesus Christ will become "One" in Him. We Have a vision this day that the Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers, will work together in Unity and Equality side by side, hand in hand. We have a vision this day that the Words of Jesus Christ and His Apostles and Prophets will become evident in our lives. "Neither was there any Christian or believer among them that was in need because they had all things in Common in Jesus. Yes we have a vision this day that the Church, the body of Jesus, the people of God will become "One" in Him. With this vision, we will go out and transform dark yesterdays into bright tomorrows. With this vision we will be able to achieve this new day when all of God's people will be exalted together and when all men, Jews and Gentiles will come together and ...

Just No Way Around This, We Must Have The Holy Spirit!

APOSTLE JAMES & BETTY WINFREE MINISTRIES That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. John 3:6 The Holy Spirit - Written By Apostle James R. Winfree Sr, Jesus answered, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Holy Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. John 3:5 We were created with a need for loving intimacy, and we are restless and insecure people those of us who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ. Until we have a loving and Spiritual birth as found in (John 3:1-8), this is what verse (6), says, "That which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of Spirit is Spirit." One hears a lot these days about "Holy Spirit-filled Christ Believers." For the life of me I cannot find any teaching in the Bible which would lead me to believe there is any other kind of Christ Believer. Let me share with you why I believe this. When Peter delivered that opening sermon on the Day of Penteco...