
Showing posts from October, 2010


ITS TIME!!!....If you would like to talk more about finding God's Love in Jesus Christ,Yes Unity and Equality in Christ Jesus or would like me to pray for you, please contact me at Or It is our prayer that Christ Jesus Love, Unity, Equality will rise in your heart and with confidence you will posses the purpose and destiny that Daddy has ordained for you and to all Believers, Christians, Saints. Remember that life is only in Christ Jesus our Savior and Lord, So Feel free to study The Lords Web site at or Write us at / Apostle James R Winfree Sr, Or you can Write us @ 8450 Cambridge St, # 1145 Houston, Texas 77054 We remain True and Faithful to this Vision to all of God's People, Believers. Christians, Saints Yours in Christ Jesus Blessed Kingdom, The Lord's Team Its Time!!! Apostle James R Winfree Sr,

To All Jesus Believers

Hope ,Faith & Love In Jesus Christ Our Lord God Hope,Faith and Love helped and is helping me too overcome obstacles and reach the pinnacle of success Christ has for me and others Jesus Believers in the faith. We knew it formed a solid foundation for true success in life and ministry. Many of my words reflect this faith belief and my love for sharing it with others in Christ Jesus loving Kingdom. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "My priorities have always been God first in Jesus Christ, family in Christ Jesus second, ministry third. I have found that when I put my life in this order, everything seems to work out. God in Jesus Christ was and is my first priority early in my life when I was struggling to make ends meet. Through the failures and success I have experienced since then, my faith has remained strong in Jesus Christ." "Hope is wishing for something to come true. Faith is belief that it will come true. Belie...

Lets Pray Its Time!!

ITS TIME!!!!.... PRAYER FOR THE DAY Our Loving and awesome Father God in Jesus Christ our Saving Lord and soon coming King thank you for the "completion" of the cross; that We can totally be secure in the fact that what You set out to do "through" Christ Jesus, on our behalf, has been totally and successfully accomplished. We can wake everyday knowing that eternity belongs to us because of the finished work of the cross of Jesus Christ Your amazing and beautiful Son. Thank You for the strength of Your unfailing love in the Holy Spirit and Dad God again thanks for making us who love, trust and believe in You One and Dad we will love like You and do for each other as You did for us Jesus. Amen.

Welcome Jesus Believers Its Time!!!

About Us United Nations Jesus Believers Ministries/ Apostle James R Winfree Sr, & Team UNJBM presently consist of family of house and home churches throughout the USA, and the World that have come into Covenant Relationship with Jesus Christ teaching and the apostles leadership of this Fellowship. UNJBM isn't a traditional Organization but yet we're organized. Our goal is to serve as a place of Loving and Caring Fellowship of United Nations Of Jesus Believers in House & Home Churches, Training, and Refuge for house churches and Jesus Believers Leaders that have a legitimate desire to do the work of the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. We exist for the sole purpose of educating, edifying, fellowship with, and training the saints for positions of leadership and servant hood within the Body of Christ. Through teaching and training we strive to protect, proclaim, and promote the teaching of the Word...

Who Told The Church Too Get A Sex Change?

Who Commanded Or Gave Orders For The Church To Have A Sex Change? by Winfree James on Thursday, October 14, 2010 at 10:02 am Rom's 1:14-32..... Where are we going children of The Most High God Men are becoming Women and Women are becoming Men, our little children thinking there are grown, Babies having babies, Down low Men and Women teaching and preaching too the children of the Most High God Wow!!!!......We still have black churches, White churches, Brown churches, Red churches, Yellow churches, Jewish churches, Gay churches and all the other Mess in our world along with Women churches and you all are trying to tell me " We are not out of Order in our Father Eyes....Please!!!! We don't call Sin, Sin and Wrong is not really Wrong and to be called a Christian today means you can just about too do anything, say anything, live in kind of way and its God... the devil is a Lier!!! Please Children Of The Most High God look at what I Father says in Malachi 1:6-14 and please read...

Now Hiring!!!............ Its Time!!!

" Jesus Christ Kingdom Is In Need Of Spiritual Authentic,Fathers, Mothers, Men, Women & Children" Galatians 4:19-31 & 1Timothy 3:1-16 & Titus 2:1-15" Its Time With Apostle James R Winfree Sr,!!!! Galatians 4:19-31 ( What Pair Do U Wear Boxers Or Panties No More Effeminate Men And No More Manly Women And More Disobedient Children In Christ Jesus Blessed Kingdom And His Church!!! )

What Pair Are U Wearing?

2 Timothy 4: Today men are wearing the Panties & Thongs while at the same time women are wearing the Boxers & Briefs Its Time For The Truth In Jesus Christ By Apostle Paul & Apostle James R Winfree Sr, 1I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; 2Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. 3For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 5But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. 6For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. 7I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: 8Henceforth ther...

Its High Time For The Church Too Get Back In Order!!!

Its Time!!! Your Bible Says The Older Women Should Teach The Younger Women How Too Live godly And How To Love Their Husbands and Their families....But Most Women Are Trying Too Pastor And Teach Men This Is Out Of Order In Christ Jesus Blessed Kingdom Church. Please Study and Learn Your Bible Which Is The Very Word Of God!!!.... Its Time!! 1 Cor 11-3/ Eph 5:23/ 1 Tim2:14,15/ Titus 1:5-16/ Titus 2:1-15/ 1 Peter 3:1-5/ Rev 2:20 Its High Time Do Obey And Follow God's Holy Word In The Holy Spirit!!! Apostle James R Winfree Sr,

Who Do We Believe God Or Man?

Their is no where in your Bible where God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit ever called a woman a Prophet and think about this if you please, If a woman can be a Prophet then a man can be a Prophetess and we know this too be not true...Ex 15:20/ Judges 4:4/ 2Kings 22:14/ 2Chr 34:22/ Neh 6:14/ Is 8:3/ Luke 2:36/ Rev 2:20/ 1 Cor 14:35,36. Will God's Holy word ever lie so who should we really believe man or God's written word?