
Showing posts from November, 2010

We Just Gotta Call GOD JESUS!!!

"There Is Neither Jew Nor Greek, There Is Neither Slave Nor Free, There Is Neither Male Nor Female; For You Are ALL ONE In Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28" " The Time Is Right Now" Our Ministry & Vision In The Holy Spirit In Jesus Christ " You Gotta Call Him God Jesus Is His Name" Today, we have a vision. It is a vision deeply rooted in the New Testament. We have a vision this day, that the body of Jesus Christ will become "One" in Him. We Have a vision this day that the Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers, will work together in Unity and Equality side by side, hand in hand. We have a vision this day that the Words of Jesus Christ and His Apostles and Prophets will become evident in our lives. "Neither was there any Christian or believer among them that was in need because they had all things in Common in Jesus. Yes we have a vision this day that the Church, the body of Jesus, the people of God will become "One...

What More Can We Do For You Jesus Believers Please?

What More Can We Do Too Be A Blessing To You Beloved Children Of The Most High God In Christ Jesus Please Let Me Know Because We Are Called Into Ministry And This Work Because Of You Jesus Believers First And Too All Others. The Time Is Right Now!!! Dear Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus : Cause us to be single-minded and sure of Your calling upon our lives. May Your Love,Unity and Equality of heart, mind and spirit prevail in our lives, home and service on earth as it in heaven. Dear Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ, break down the barriers that separate us and bind us Your people together again in Your love. Raise those among us who have fallen. Cause Your compassion to stir our hearts and impregnate us with Your purposes of Equality and Unity. May our chief loyalty be to You and to all who share our common bloodline in the Lord Jesus Christ. As Christ Jesus Believers we have the responsibility to value all people for whom Christ said are lost. God loves His children in Love and with Equally an...

Thanks Jesus Believers And Blogger Family

Greetings and Blessings to our wonderful members friends & partners. We are very grateful to God for you in Christ Jesus our loving Lord. We would not be able to do this great work without you believers in Christ awesome Kingdom. Thank you for standing with us and supporting us. May the Lord's love, unity and equality continues to overshadow and overtake your every endeavor while we stand together as one in Jesus Christ. From Jesus Believers Worldwide and Apostle James R Winfree Sr, The Time Is Right Now!!!

Go Too Work Its Time!!!

One Of The Most Loving Blessings Of Being In Fellowship And Partnership With Apostle James Winfree & Team Ministries Is That The Results Of The Choices We Make Together Now Will Echo And Make Changes Now And Throughout Time And Eternity In Jesus Christ!!" If you're looking to get involved in either Short Term, Full Term or be our partner in ministry, tell us your ministry interests using the form below. We desire to get to know you and see where your gifts and interests fit into our ministry work and ours in yours. We look forward in hearing from you. Long Term: Are work with us – If God is calling you to a long-term ministry, U.N.J.B.M has many opportunities to serve for years or longer. A greater time commitment helps you to gain experience in your ministry and to become more familiar with your loving brothers and sisters around you. Ministries are built around trusting relationships and these often take time to develop. Full-term assignments allow these relationships t...

Greetings & Blessings Jesus Believers

'PLEASE BRIDE OF CHRIST JESUS WE MUST WAKE UP' We are at a turning point in our lives; there are many paths to choose from today. One path we should never take is one that only leads to fragmentation and self-interest. Down this path lies mistaken ideas of false blessings and hopes this path way always lead to constant conflict, chaos, false power in the control others in the body of Christ. We as Jesus Believers, Christians, Saints have a common enemy. We have this for sure in common-the devil and his demons-an oppressor, exploiter, discriminator, killer, and everything that is evil. Yes, the devil and all its evil is our common enemy to all of us in Christ. May I talk down to earth with you Jesus Believers and too all those who love God; a language that you understand, we all must agree today, all Jesus Believers, Christians, Saints, that we have some very serious problems in the Lord's Church. Not only does the Church, but we ourselves have some serious prob...

Are You One, Yet?

"In The Old Testament God Has Many Names" " In The New Testament God The Father Name Is JESUS" Luke 4:4 It Is Written, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by Every Word that comes from God's mouth, His Awesome Word" John 5: 39 " JESUS" Said you search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and these are they which Testify of Me! John 10: 30 " Is Jesus lying when He said Himself, I and My Father are One? I Believe Everything Jesus Said now and forevermore!!! Col 1:19 " For it pleased The Father that in Jesus Christ All The Fullness of God Dwell! Col 2:9 " For in Jesus Christ Dwell All The Fullness of The God-Head Bodily. Are U A Jesus Believer Yet, Because I'm sure One!!! Apostle James R Winfree Sr Its Time!!!

Why Do The Church Hate JESUS?

What Did The Early Church Believed? A Name Change Jesus The Christ! The book of Acts records eyewitness accounts of the early Church from Christ's resurrection until about A.D. 60. Chapter 2 records the beginning of the Church. This special event began when the room in which the apostles and other disciples were gathered suddenly was filled with the Holy Spirit sound of a mighty wind and "tongues, as of fire," that appeared to alight on them. They went out and almost immediately began to speak to the crowds gathered in Jerusalem, for these events occurred on the biblical Feast of Pentecost. Miraculously, the apostles' preaching was comprehensible to all people from many lands of the Jewish leaders and people so that all understood their words in their own language. Often overlooked in this account is the significance of these events occurring on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1). This was one of the festivals God commanded for His people many centuries before (Leviticus...

We Must Do It All In Jesus Name!!!

Apostle James R Winfree Sr, Ministries in Houston, Texas. Our mission and vision in Jesus Christ is to see people know and live for Jesus Christ for God's glory and live their lives by the Holy Spirit. Together we are learning to keep Jesus Christ as central in our worlds by living the timeless message of Christ and God's awesome word, a people living by faith, known by love, and a voice of hope, peace, unity and equality in Christ Jesus blessed Kingdom. As a home church, we hold to the ancient truths of the Jesus Believers faith and have been profoundly impacted by the love of God in the Holy Spirit, seen most clearly in the life of Christ and His work on the cross. We are passionate to see the reality of this gospel (good news) bring renewal in us and so through us to others, whether by words, acts of kindness or lives of friendship. We desire to be a people that gives glory to God in the face of our Lord Jesus Christ, loves people deeply, and brings healing and hope to our f...

We're Here Too Help!

Apostle James R Winfree Sr, Ministries in Houston, Texas. Our mission and vision in Jesus Christ is to see people know and live for Jesus Christ for God's glory and live their lives by the Holy Spirit. Together we are learning to keep Jesus Christ as central in our worlds by living the timeless message of Christ and God's awesome word, a people living by faith, known by love, and a voice of hope, peace, unity and equality in Christ Jesus blessed Kingdom. As a home church, we hold to the ancient truths of the Jesus Believers faith and have been profoundly impacted by the love of God in the Holy Spirit, seen most clearly in the life of Christ and His work on the cross. We are passionate to see the reality of this gospel (good news) bring renewal in us and so through us to others, whether by words, acts of kindness or lives of friendship. We desire to be a people that gives glory to God in the face of our Lord Jesus Christ, loves people deeply, and brings healing and hope to our f...

To All Jesus Believers I Must Wash Your Feet Please!!!

"To All Jesus Believers In Christ I Must Wash Your Feet" Too All Those Who Know And Follow Jesus Christ I Must Wash Your Feet And I Don't Know How I'm Going To Do This But I'm Ready And Willing To Obey Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ, So too all those Who Have Made Jesus The Christ Lord And GOD Of Their Lives I Apostle James R Winfree Sr, Must And Will Wash Your Feet With The Faith Of God All Things Are Possible. Amen Its Time.John 13:1-17

Greetings & Blessings Jesus Believers

"Put GOD Name On Everybody And Everything JESUS" ITS TIME!!! Jesus Christ Believers! Romans 10:13 Whoever calls on The Name of The Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved. Our names may have meaning or significance. But to bear the name Christian is Life-Transforming!! Lord of my life, henceforth I bear The name of Jesus Believers everywhere; Therefore, O Christ, my spirit claim, And make me worthy of Your Name. The Name of Jesus Is The Only Name With The Power To Transform And Save!! Have A Jesus Filled Life Here On Earth And Up In Heaven!!! IN GOD NAME JESUS!!! Apostle James R Winfree Sr, loves first the children of God in Christ Jesus and then all others.

The Hope Jesus Christ

The Hope For A Troubled World Jesus Christ! Ultimately, God In Christ Jesus Desires That All Mankind Be Saved Only In Our Lord Jesus Christ And Live Eternally In His Family Of Jesus Believers In His Kingdom. And This Is What Motivates Us Apostle James & Betty R Winfree Ministries And The Members Of The United Nations Jesus Believers Team Ministry In Our Collective Responsibility In The Awesome Holy Spirit. Jesus said not to worry and fret over our physical needs but to "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you" (Matthew 6:33). This, then, is the first priority of every Christian and Jesus Believer to pursue God's Kingdom through Christ Jesus living as He commands in the Holy Spirit and His awesome Word your Bible. This pursuit leads to a life of great meaning and purpose, filled with personal enrichment, one with absolute faith in a future that is wonderful beyond anything we can imagine. Ultimately, God desires t...

About Us In Jesus Christ!!!

Introduction To All United Nations Jesus Believers Ministries In Christ: The Vision And Mission Of The United Nations Jesus Believers Ministries Is To Proclaim To The World The Love For Jesus Christ And His Gospel Taught By Jesus Christ And His Apostles The Good News Of The Coming Kingdom Of God In The Holy Spirit And To Prepare A People His Church For Jesus Christ Blessed And Loving Kingdom. This Message Not Only Offers Great Hope And Peace For All Of Humanity, But Encompasses The Purpose Of Human Existence For The Need For Christ Jesus Love, Unity And Equality.And Why We Are Here And Where Our World Is Headed And His Church. Nearly 2,000 years ago, at the beginning of Jesus Christ public ministry, Jesus Christ arrived on the world scene with a specific message. Mark 1:14 tells us He came "preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God" (emphasis added throughout). But what was His message? Christ's gospel—the word gospel meaning "good news"—focused on God's wo...