
Showing posts from March, 2012


I TOLD THEM WHAT YOU SAID JESUS!!! Daddy God The Father Of Us All Let Everything We Do, Say And Pray Be Done For Your Glory And Praise Only Jesus!!! How We Doing Church? I Love You Church!!! Your Brother And Apostle: James Winfree Sr, Dear Jesus, Never let any idols or men or women stand between me and You Jesus. We are not stronger than You Lord Jesus. We don't want to provoke You to jealousy King Jesus. Help us to understand that while "all things are lawful," all things are not helpful to us Jesus. Let everything We do, whether ministry working or resting, eating or drinking, Let it be done for Your glory only Jesus. We are our dear Brothers and loving Sisters keepers Jesus. May We never worship ourselves, live for ourselves, or strive to please ourselves Jesus. We want to worship You only Jesus in our lives here on earth and when We get to heaven, to live for You and do ministries business all in Your blessed Name Jesus, to please You in Your Holy Spirit of love, gra...


Our Incredible Savior The Lord Jesus Christ! How We Doing Church? I Love You Church!!! Your Brother And Apostle: James Winfree Sr, Daddy, The One True And Real God, In Our Lord And Saving Love Jesus Christ Give us more love and humility than knowledge, for "Knowledge puffs up but Your pure love builds up our Brothers and our Sisters in the household of faith Jesus." We might know lots of things, but We let it go to our heads at times Jesus. Help us, Daddy, never to imagine that We know everything, because We know that We do not yet know as We ought to know Jesus. What We want and must have is to love You as We should Jesus, for if We love You Lord Jesus, Not We need Your help in loving others in Your household of faith, then We are loved and known by You Jesus. All the things that our Brothers and Sisters pursue, O God, seem to have no real existence when compared to You Lord Jesus. There is No other God but You Jesus, THE ONE GOD. Our world is full of "gods....

To The Family Church

Even If You Don't Like It, We Are Family! "In God's Household Of Faith Church" How We Doing Church? I Love You Church!!! Your Brother And Apostle: James Winfree Sr, Awesome and Loving Daddy, God of order in our Lord Jesus Christ, You have invested the inferior parts of the family with greater honor. You have given the weak parts of the family indispensable roles. You have given some who are unpresentable a greater modesty in the household of faith. Your ordering of family in the body of Christ is altogether wonderful. You have called all of us to be humble, loving, caring. You want us to prefer one another in honor and to count others better than ourselves. Help us to be this way in relating to other family members in the household of faith Jesus. Thank you for making us a member of Christ's body and making us all family in You Jesus, thus guaranteeing that We will live forever in our Savior Jesus Christ. O heavenly Daddy, let Your Life - Your Goodness and Ever...

Whatever He Says Just Do It!!

We Must Be Willing And Ready To Forgive Church Just As Christ Forgiven Us!!! How We Doing Church? Your Loving Brother And Apostle: James Winfree Sr, Dear Daddy In Christ Jesus, Who is always ready To Forgive and Forget, Daddy, help us, when someone sins, to encourage him or her to repent, then to forgive and comfort that person in your love, mercy and grace. Help all Jesus Believers to affirm such loving forgiveness and to comfort each other so that Satan will not gain the advantage over us, for we are not ignorant that his designs are that we should be unforgiving. In The Name of Jesus and in full confidence of Salvation through Jesus Christ We are praying these words of blessings on all your children in the household of faith. Amen. Church, Saints, Jesus Believers, Christians, God's Children, Be Free and Blessed in Christ Jesus Always!!! May we never use freedom as a pretext for evil or as an excuse for indulging sinful desires dear Daddy God. Rather, grant that we, out of love...

Marriage In God Church

Where Did Holy Union Matrimony Go Church? How We Doing Church? Your Loving Brother And Apostle: James Winfree Sr, Many questions arise in connection with this subject. Should the wife obey her husband? What should be the attitude toward an unbelieving partner in marriage? These and many related questions arise from time to time as people seek to find some set of rules by which to live the Jesus Believers life. In the first place, we do not have detailed laws today as did the Jews, but just as Christ Church obeys Jesus, the wife should and must obey her husband in God's love and grace. We have to find for ourselves the good works which were before ordained that we should walk in them. The secret of success in the Jesus Believers life is to make ourselves available to and for Christ so that He can work through us. The Word of God says say that the wife should obey her own husband. Eph. 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. Col. 3:18 Wives, submit yo...

We Have ONE In Common JESUS!!!

We Have ONE In Common Church JESUS!!! How We Doing Church? Your Loving Brother And Apostle: James Winfree Sr, " WE ARE A MINISTRY WHERE JESUS BELIEVERS COME FIRST IN GOD'S KINGDOM HIS CHURCH" A relationship between individuals or groups that are characterized by mutual cooperation and responsibility, as for the achievement of a specified goal: A good example is joining in partnership with Apostle James Winfree Ministries and Team. When you join you enter into a relationship with us and we are all about teamwork; we are a give-and-take ministry; where each partner gives what they have and Apostle James & Betty RWinfree Ministries and Team gives what we have. No one party is giving all the time to anyone who is just taking. Partnership is not just any one person taking all the time that is not teamwork. Teamwork is a cooperative effort by the members of a group or team to achieve a common goal That, is what we here looking for here at Apostle James & Betty R Winfr...

Highly Loved!!!

Bearing Each Others' Burdens Church Is A Must! How We Doing Church? Your Loving Brother And Apostle: James Winfree Sr, Dear Father God, lifter of our heavy loads in Your Beloved Son Jesus Christ, Fill our hearts with love for our brothers and sisters in Christ. If someone is overtaken in some misdeed, weakness, lack in their lives help us to assist in restoring that person or persons, in a spirit of gentleness in Christ love and grace and His saving mercy. Let us watch out not just for ourselves only, lest we also be tempted in not becoming the Church you birth in Your Kingdom Jesus. Help all of us to bear one another's overloads, weaknesses and our sins so fulfil the law of Christ. But help us not to deceive ourselves, thinking we are something when we are really nothing without You Christ Jesus. Let each one of us test our own work by Your word Jesus, so that our reason for pride may be in what we do and not in what our neighbor does, because the fact is they are our born ag...


"A New Beginning In God's Grace" How Are We Doing Church? Your Loving Brother And Apostle: James Winfree Sr, When we have trusted God and lived in hurts and pains and don't feel like we are winning When we felt like doing wrong and many times we, yes God's see and knows all Church And our steps take us another way because He put His power in our oh so weak flesh ... Our Loving Daddy is always saying My child, My Church Never forget My Love and Grace. When we made our plans and they've gone so crazy at times seems like nothing we do goes right When we tried our best and there's no more we can say or do Daddy is saying I Got you My children Daddy got you!!! When we failed and Lord knows we do thinking nobody sees or knows Church, and you don't know why ... Daddy says My child you are weak But I AM Strong will you let Me carry you in My Arms of Love and grace My people and My Church, you always have a new beginning in Me. When we told our friends what we ...

The New Is So Much Better Church

The New Covenant By The Life Blood Of Jesus Christ How We Doing Church? I Love You Church!!! Your Brother And Apostle: James Winfree Sr, THE NEW IS SO MUCH BETTER CHURCH!!! We enter into this new covenant with God by faith. By faith we receive the blood that Jesus shed as a holy sacrifice for our sins. The blood of Jesus makes us holy and worthy to receive God’s Holy Spirit in us. In this new covenant we agree to be led by God’s Holy Spirit. The proof of our faith is our obedience to God. Faith without works is dead faith. For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. (James 2:26) When we are not obeying the Holy Spirit we feel dead. God’s part of this new covenant is for Him to adopt us as His children so that we become heirs of God and co-heirs with Jesus Christ, (Romans 8: 9-17). God promises to put His Holy Spirit in us, the Spirit of adoption. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit o...

Thank You Betty

Happy Loving And Beautiful 34 Blessed Years My Sweetheart Betty Words cant explain the love that I feel This feeling I have that's just so real The touch of your hand The warmth of your kiss There is not a single one that I want to miss The happiness I feel laying in your arms Betty Safe and secure, without any harm The way you make me smile, when I'm so sad or feeling down at times You always make me laugh,you know just what to do The way you make me want you when I stare into your eyes I could never feel this way with any other woman Betty With your arm tight around me I feel so close to you as one soul in God's perfect purpose baby You kiss my lips off my face and whisper "I love you" I get really mad and we have a big fight and you let me win Betty LOL But you'll still grab my hand and hold it real tight I love everything about you And the love you show for me and have shown me in the many years we have been together Betty I know deep inside my heart, tha...

Think New

A NEW MIND AND THINKING IN JESUS CHRIST How We Doing Church? Your Loving Brother And Apostle: James Winfree Sr, Are you sometimes bothered by worry, fear, doubt and all the things and stuff that keeps getting in your way like, bitterness, painful memories, or negative thinking? Do you have a hard time getting your mind to “quiet down” and relax? Do you have a hard time concentrating or focusing on the right things? You can be a new creation in Christ and have the life of God in your spirit and still be in bondage to the same old mind set. Everything you see and hear from the Lord Jesus Christ must sooner or later pass through your mind. The challenge is to get your mind to cooperate with God instead of resisting Him in the weakness of your flesh mind Church! God wants to completely deliver you in the area of your mind, thoughts, and emotions, but there is a part that you play in the process Church and think of it this way Church, whatever we don't water and feed will die, So we mu...

Keep Our Nation In Prayer Church

Thanks for writing to share your thoughts on where the country should go Apostle Winfree James Sr, There will be many more ways to get involved in the weeks and months to come -- and with a lot of hard work ahead of us, we'll be counting on your to help and prayers and support Apostle Winfree James Sr,. Thanks for all Biblical teaching you send to us and we are looking for your support Apostle Winfree James Sr,, The President Obama and staff The White house

You Ready?

Welcome, All Those Who Are In Christ Jesus And To All Those Who Want To Be In Christ Jesus ! My wife Betty and I extend an invitation to you, and your family and friends to join us and the Apostle James R Winfree Sr, And Team Family in reaching, teaching and loving Christ believers first and then our World for Christ and with Christ. We are excited to be able to bring God’s Word to the families of our country and the world. The love of God abounds at Apostle James & Betty R Winfree Ministries & Team. Our faith and trust is built on a foundation of Bible teaching for people of all races, creeds, all ages – children, youth and adults. We believe that through receiving and applying the Word of God, you will have VICTORY in your life DAILY through Jesus Christ. Greetings & Blessings Jesus Believers, Be Free and Stay Blessed in Christ Jesus Love and Grace! LET’S GET MOTIVATED JESUS BELIEVERS! The Jesus Believers Billion Soul movement Ministry needs everybody. We don‘t need elbow...

Please Send To Our Houston Office

Apostle James And Betty R Winfree & Team Outreach International Ministries/ 2250 Holly Hall St Unit 120/ Houston, Texas 77054 Home Office # 832.618.8355 YOUR NAME:______________________________________________________ YOUR HOME ADDRESS:_____________________________________________ CITY:___________________STATE:_____________COUNTRY:_________________ YOUR HOME PHONE:________________________________________________ YOUR PERSONAL EMAIL:____________________________________________ NAME OF MINISTRY OR MISSION:______________________________________ EMAIL:__________________________________________________________ Make sure email address is correct PHONE:__(____)___________________________________________________ Including area code first FAX:___(____)_____________________________________________________ WEBSITE:________________________________________________________ Make sure website address is correct REGISTRATION OR LICENSE NUMBER OF YOUR MINISTRY OR MISSION: ___...

What We Offer To You!

How To Become Licensed And Partner With Apostle James R Winfree Sir, Ministries How We Are Doing Church? I Love You Church!!! Your Brother And Apostle: James Winfree Sr, Rules and regulations to be accepted as a licensed minister by Apostle James & Betty R Winfree Ministries Outeach International Ministry: You must be a legally licensed, or registered ministry in your country. or a legally licensed by the Lord Jesus Christ in order to be ordained. You must provide proof of Identification, Proof that you are a licensed, or registered Ministry in your country, & provide necessary identification documents such as: *Birth certificate, or legal Personal Identification (copies only--Do not send original) * License, or Registration of Ministry, Or Apostle Winfree Knows You (issued by your government) *Provide complete legal name (Name on your passport or birth certificate) NO FALSE NAMES or English names if you are from another country other than USA. You must use your country's f...


We As God's People Always Have An Word To Give And Share In The Church, But Do We As Ministers And Members Still See Needs In The Household Of Faith Church? How We Doing Church? I Love You Church God's People In The Lord Jesus Christ!!! Your Brother And Apostle: James Winfree Sr, Apostle James 2:15-17 15 Suppose a believer, whether a man or a woman, needs clothes or food 16 and one of you tells that person, “God be with you! Stay warm, and make sure you eat enough.” If you don’t provide for that person’s physical needs, what good does it do? 17 In the same way, faith by itself is dead if it doesn’t cause you to do any good things. Church Did Our Loving And Awesome Savior Come To Us In Words Only, Or Did He Meet The Needs Of His People? 1 John 3:16-18 16 We understand what love is when we realize that Christ gave his life for us. That means we must give our lives for other believers. 17 Now, suppose a person has enough to live on and notices another believer in need. How can...

Give God Your Prayers

Praying In The Holy Spirit Church Is A Must! How We Doing Church? I Love You Church God's People In The Lord Jesus Christ!!! Your Brother And Apostle: James Winfree Sr, Zechariah 12:10 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son or daughter, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn child. Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. 15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but you have received the Spirit of adoption sonship and daughtership, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helps our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself makes intercession for us with groaning's which cannot be uttered. 27 And He that ...