
Showing posts from May, 2012

Fight It Out Church!!!

Fighting The Good Fight Church Your Brother And Apostle To The Nations: James Winfree Sr, Dear Jesus,The Teacher And Lord Of All Your Spiritual Soldiers, Thank You loving Father for the example of the meekness and gentleness of Christ Jesus. If We must show boldness or be abrasive in any way, let it be for the good of others in Your household of faith Jesus. Keep us from having the mind set and thinking of the world or living at all in a worldly fashion. For though We live in the world, We are not carrying on a worldly war. The weapons of our warfare are not worldly but have divine Holy Spirit power from you for destroying strongholds and obstacles of every kind in ONE and as ONE in You Jesus Christ, for destroying arguments and rationalizations and hypocrisy. We have Your awesome and loving power to take every thought captive for Christ and in Christ, when Your believers have the courage to face up to their condition before you. Let us bear witness for You and warn other...

He Is Well Pleased!!

Giving To Christ Believers Is Giving Too JESUS!!! Your Brother And Apostle To The Nations: James Winfree Sr, Dear Lord Jesus, Our only Saving Savior Give us the discipline to set something aside from our earnings every week to subsidize Your workers online here all those who do Your will and follow after you in feeding, building up, and supporting Your true Church those in the household of faith in Jesus Christ. May We then administer this money wisely and honorably first to Kingdom builders in Christ Jesus and then too all others as the Holy Spirit lead. Open wide the doors for effective work for Your kingdom of Christ Jesus Believers. May We willingly give to help Your worthy servants and Your saints in Jesus Christ. Let us give hospitality and support to those who labor in Your loving and awesome gospel Jesus those of us who are not in human built buildings. Father God Your love and the grace of the Lord Jesus be with them and us for ever and ever in ONE and as ONE. ...


In One As One With Christ Your Brother And Apostle To The Nations: James Winfree Sr, Dear Father God, In The Lord And Savior Jesus Christ Thank You, Jesus, for giving Your holy law to Moses and for the role it played in setting Your children free and bringing them to Christ amazing grace. Thank You even more that Christ Jesus has come as our Real Teacher and that We have been delivered to Him and for Him, that We are justified by faith in Jesus alone in One and as One. Thank you for making us Your sons and Your daughters through faith, for making it possible to put on Christ by our baptism into Christ as it is written in Acts 2:38. Thank You that in You there is neither Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female, rich or poor or skin color, but that we are all One in Christ Jesus body the household of faith. Thank You that by making us One Father with Christ You have made us to be Abraham's offspring, heirs according to the promise you made him. In The Name of Jesus Th...


Light And Darkness Don't Mix Your Brother And Apostle To The Nations: James Winfree Sr, Dear God Our Father, Worthy of OUR undivided loyalty in ONE and as ONE in Jesus Christ, May We never be yoked to any person or organization that does not have faith in The Lord Jesus Christ. For what partnership does righteousness have with iniquity? What fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial ( meaning human built buildings ) ? What agreement has your temple with the temple of idols built with human hands? We are Your temple, the temple of The Living God in Christ Jesus! For You have said, "I will live in them, and move among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Therefore come out from among them My true living Church, and be separate from them, and touch nothing unclean, and I will welcome you, and I will be Your father in Jesus Christ My living Church in ONE and as ONE in My love, mercy, grace, unity and equality... Yes, and yo...

The New Birth

Your Brother And Apostle To The Nations: James Winfree Sr, How We Are Doing Church? I Love You Church!!! Water And Spirit Birth In Christ Jesus In the old set of relationships under the law, Jews were the children of God and Gentiles were sinners (see Acts 1:8 ). But now Gentile Believers are all sons and daughters of God through faith in Christ Jesus. This must have been a shocking declaration for a Jew to hear. In Jewish literature, sons of God was a title of highest honor, used only for "the members of righteous Israel, destined to inherit the eschatological blessings" (Acts 2:38 ). But now Gentiles--the rejected, the outsiders, the sinners, those who do not observe the law--are called sons of God. Indeed this is a "new creation" (Luke 24: 47). How could a Gentile ever be called a child of God? Paul's answer is clear--through faith in Christ Jesus (John 3:1-21 ). Since Christ Jesus is the "Son of God" (Rom 8:9,14,16 ), all who by faith are in C...

Get On The Team!!!

Get On The Team! Your Brother And Apostle To The Nations: James Winfree Sr, How We Are Doing Church? I Love You Church!!! Taking Jesus Christ Teaching Into All Nations With the Apostle Of Nation James Winfree Sr, and Team “But what said it? The word is near you, even in your mouth, and in your heart: that is, The Word of Faith, which We preach…” – Romans 10:8 Our Team Alliance is a committed company of ministers under the Spiritual Leadership of The Lord Jesus Christ in His Holy Spirit who are determined to Take God's Love, Unity and Equality to every Nations of our World. Our Purpose In The Household Of Faith Our Alliance serves to help ministers and members to Take Gods Love, Unity and Equality to the Nations of the World by: Sharing With Each Other God’s Word In Love, Unity And Equality. Connecting them to other ministers, members here in the USA and around the World for fellowship. Equipping them with tools, help, support to help fulfill their ministry calling in ONE an...

Christ Jesus Team Working

How We Are Doing Church? I Love You Church!!! Your Brother And Apostle To The Nations: James Winfree Sr, We can assist you in your Spiritual growth and development; and give you a greater understanding of the word of God .You will receive principles that will help you inherit your divine birthright in the household of faith; enhance your peace, joy, success and effectiveness in life and in the work and calling if the Lord Jesus Christ. You will gain in-depth knowledge and understanding how to properly respond to the Word of God in Christ love, mercy and grace; use your benefits, reap the rewards, take action and the Holy Spirit will control of your life Church. You will discover the keys to greatness through the powerful and anointed teaching ministry of me your Brother and Apostle to the Nations James Winfree Sr, Our ministries and teaching will help you understand the untapped and unstoppable power within you in Jesus Christ Church. It will motivate, challenge and inspire you to ...

Let's Go Too GOD!!!

Today's Prayer With The Apostle Of Nations: With The Household Of Faith In Christ Jesus How We Are Doing Church? I Love You Church!!! Your Brother And Apostle To The Nations: James Winfree Sr, Our Father in Christ Jesus, We thank You that You have blessed us and Your family of faith in Jesus Christ with all Your Spiritual Blessings in Christ Jesus.Through skillful encouraging and godly wisdom Your household of grace and love Jesus... Our lives, our homes, our families are built, and by understanding it is established on the sound and awesome foundation in Jesus Christ. And by knowledge shall We stand together in ONE and as ONE in every area of our lives be filled with all precious and pleasant riches-great priceless treasure in You Jesus. The body of Jesus Believers is the uncompromisingly righteous shall stand together in ONE and as ONE in Christ. Prosperity and Sharing are in our homes, In The Name Of Jesus Christ The ONE. Our homes is securely built in Christ and on Chri...


FROM ONE MANY ACTS 17:26 Biblical Unity & Equality For All Jesus Believers In God's Son Kingdom Church! ( FROM ONE MANY Acts 17:26 ) How We Are Doing Church? I Love You Church!!! Your Brother And Apostle To The Nations: James Winfree Sr, The new vertical relationship with God results in a new horizontal relationship with One another. All racial, economic and gender barriers and all other inequalities are removed in Christ. The Equality and Unity of all in Christ are not an addition, a tangent or an optional application of the gospel. They are part of the essence of the gospel. Equality in Christ is the starting point for all truly biblical social ethics. The Church that does not express this Equality and Unity in Christ in its life and ministry are not faithful to the gospel. Paul's own immediate concern is to make sure that the racial Equality of Jews and Gentiles is implemented in the Church. Gentiles were being demoted to a second-class status because they we...

You Name This!!!

Biblical Unity & Equality For All Jesus Believers In God's Son Kingdom Church! How We Are Doing Church? I Love You Church!!! Your Brother And Apostle: James Winfree Sr, We looked up the word “EQUALITY” in the encyclopedia, and this is what it says: 1) The condition or quality of being EQUAL. 2) Exact likeness in amount, size, number, value, degree, or rank. We looked up the word “EQUALITY” in the Webster’s new world college Dictionary and this is what it says: a) EQUAL, level, even, flat. b) Of the same quantity, size, number, value, degree, intensity, quality. c) Having the same rights, privileges, ability, rank. d) Evenly proportioned, balanced or uniform in effect or operation. e) Having the necessary ability, strength, power, capacity, or courage. f) Fair, just; impartial, anything or person that is EQUAL. We are committed to reaching beyond any and all racial and denominational barriers to demonstrate the power of biblical UNITY and EQUALITY. The...


" True Unity In Christ Jesus In ONE as ONE" By Apostle James R Winfree Sr, So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, neither male nor female, for you are all ONE in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:26-28 This is in your Bible. We all like people who are like us. I know that's a pretty obvious statement, and I doubt that I'm all that unusual in liking people who are like me. There's something in us, I know, that draws us to people who share our experiences, perspectives, and priorities. We have an affinity with people who look like us, talk like us, dress like us, and live like us. Say what you like about appreciating diversity; my guess is that your default reaction upon walking into a room filled with people of various ethnicity's, races, and socioeconomic standing would be to find the people who are most...

We Love You Mom's

This Is Why We Love Our Mothers Happy Mama's Day Mother's From Brother And Apostle James Winfree Sr, Dear Moms, Mama's, Mothers, Step Mom's Mom's is a bond and relationship that has caught fire, it is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. She settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses. Mon's is content with the present, She hopes for the future, and it doesn't brood over the past. yes the day in and day out chronicle of irritations, problems, compromises, small disappointments, big victories, and working toward common goals this just what Mom's do. If you have your Mama in your life, She can make up for a great many things you lack. If you don't have her, no matter what else there is, it's not enough is She is not their with you in mine, heart and spirit. Of all the people in this world, you're the one I run to Mother. Your love has been i...

To My Wife Betty

To My Baby And The Mother Of Our Children Your Husband James R Winfree Sr, Dear Beloved Betty, I love you more than my words could ever express. From the moment I saw you and learned from you I had to bow down before you baby . Although I was only a young man you taught me how to express myself as a true man. You taught me everything I know about loving someone. You molded me into something rare and strong. Now that so many years have passed, My love has only grown for you Betty. Everyone looks at our relationship and are jealous because we are an example of pure love God so very blessed us with in this life Betty, and I give God praise, glory and thanks for you every morning He opens up my eyes each day. When you touch my very soul, my heart seems to explode and this is why I love you baby. Each night before I sleep your sweet voice echoes through my mind. As I rest my head on my pillow a smile seeps through my soul, knowing that you, and you alone have made me whole Betty and...


JESUS CHRIST SAID IN HIS WORD AND BY THE HOLY SPIRIT MY PREACHERS AND MY CHILDREN GIVE GIVE IT AWAY!!! "Its Long Over Due For The Church Of Jesus Christ Too Start Sharing & Supporting Each Other" 1. Too often, men and women made church buildings are like games preachers play... A. The real true Church that Christ Jesus gave His loving live for seems too always have too wait or most time does without while at the very same time the leaders and pastors live like kings and queens in the ministry, its time for Every true child of Jesus Christ too have their need or needs met in our Lord's Blessed Kingdom and the saints need a much needed rest from their services and labor in The Lord's work . B. The spectators who is doing the most preaching need to exercise more by doing what Jesus did, He said it is more blessed too give and share than it is too receive when He said this He was not teaching the people, but He was teaching His preachers first. 2. Christ Believer...


A Letter From Me, Apostle James R Winfree Sr, Dear Friends And Many Colleague In Ministry: According to Romans 10:8, we (as ministers) are called to preach the Word of faith to the world. However, this is not a task that is to be undertaken alone. There are two essential divine connections that a minister of the gospel needs to fulfill the call God has given him or her. The first is with a Spiritual father. First Corinthians 4:14-16 demonstrates the role a Spiritual father plays in the life of Jesus Believers: “I write not these things to shame you, but as my Beloved sons I warn you. For though you have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have you not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. Wherefore I beseech you, be you followers of me in Christ Jesus our Lord, Savior and Saving God.” It is my belief and experience that ministers of the gospel need the practical wisdom, encouragement, ministry, and accountability that having a Spiritual fath...

Good News

We are A Ministry Of Givers And Not Takers, The Lord Jesus Said It Is More Blessed To Give Than Too Receive!!! Every Man or Woman According As They Purpose In Their hearts, So Let Them Give Not Grudgingly, Or O Any Necessity For Our God In Jesus Christ Loves A Cheerful Giver And Supporter. (Acts 20:19-35) / (2 Cor 9:7) Believers for Jesus missionaries are the heartbeat of our ministry. They are the Church who minister face to face with Christ Jesus seekers. Though we have no 8-5 job description,Our missionaries team do whatever it takes to make All welcome into the household of faith in Jesus Christ an unavoidable issue to our Jesus Believers Churches Worldwide in all Nations. Our missionaries are all ministers. We have to study their very own Bibles and our many online web sites and spend time with brother and apostle James Winfree Sr, by meeting him in Houston and by telephone calls and here online (apostle Winfree many teachings online) and make contact in many different ways w...


WE MUST ALL SOULS RECEIVE THE LORD AND ONLY REAL TRUE SAVING SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST!!! Written by, Apostle James R Winfree Sr. The Ministry Founder & Visionary I am unlocking another dimension of Spiritual Revelation, available to those who seek to know and understand Jesus Christ Kingdom wisdom. There will be greater clarity that will bring depth and richness to your walk in The Holy Spirit. All you have to do is release your desire to know Jesus Christ more fully and intimately, says The Lord Your God in your very own Bibles, Church. Then, come to Me The Lord Jesus says with expectation in faith All My Christ Jesus Believers. Luke 11:9 "So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. “But to as many who received Jesus, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His Name. ( John 1:12 ) , (John 3:1 -21) For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yo...


A WORD FOR GOD'S PEOPLE TO BUILD THEM UP WITH APOSTLE JAMES WINFREE SR, I am unlocking another dimension of Spiritual Revelation, available to those who seek to know and understand Jesus Christ Kingdom. There will be greater clarity that will bring depth and richness to your walk in The Holy Spirit. All you have to do is release your desire to know Jesus more fully and intimately, says The Lord Your God. Then, come to Me with expectation in faith All My Christ Jesus Believers. Luke 11:9 "So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. John 3:8 "The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is Everyone who is born of The Spirit of Jesus Christ." Where is the wind blowing, what is The Holy Spirit accomplishing on the earth? I can't see where the wind comes from, and I can't tell where the wind is going, but I can see it...


ATONEMENT AND SALVATION IS ONLY FOUND IN CHRIST JESUS We the Apostle James Winfree Ministries And Team, Believe That "ALL Scripture is Given by Inspiration of God In Jesus Christ" You see, No matter what your background, where you come from, or where you're going, God gave His Son, Jesus The Christ, so that you would not have to die, but have eternal life (John 3:16, Acts 2:38). You might think, "Well I'm a good person, I go to Church, But the truth and the fact is this you are I can go to Church, We must be born into Jesus Christ to become apart of Him and His Church Kingdom. Surely, I'm going to heaven." Or, "I belong to Denomination ABC or Church XYZ. Surely, I'm going to heaven." Or even, "It doesn't matter which way I choose, I'll go to heaven when I die. All paths lead to God, anyway. the Devil is a Lie people, We Must Be Repent, Get Baptized In Water In Jesus Name And Receive His Holy Spirit" ( Luke 24:47 &...


JESUS CHURCH Body: Jesus Christ Discipleship With Apostle James Winfree Sr, & Team Ministries IF YOU CAN ONLY WORSHIP AND PRAISE AND MEET YOUR GOD IN A BUILDING OR PLACE CHURCH, I DON'T NEED OR DO I WANT YOUR GOD, BECAUSE THE GOD I KNOW AND SERVE CANNOT FIT INTO THE HEAVENS OF HEAVENS AND THE WORLD IS WHERE HE REST HIS FEET. I'M KEEPING THIS REAL AND STRAIGHT FROM HIS WORD YOUR BIBLE CHURCH!!! APOSTLE JAMES WINFREE SR, Have you ever thought about the fact that Jesus Christ had and has hundreds, maybe even thousands of Believers who followed Him around and listened to His teachings, but He only had Jesus Believers disciples who obeyed Him in Acts alone with the Apostle Paul? A Jesus disciple is more than just a Christian or a Church building goer or a listener to teachings of Jesus Christ, They believe ( The Jesus Believers Believe in One Lord, One Faith and One Baptism, One God who is The Father of us All). Most of the Christians of today teach and believe in many wa...

A Prayer For Harmony

A Prayer For Harmony Body: WHEN CHURCH GOING PREACHERS AND PEOPLE DISAPPOINT YOU! IF YOU CAN ONLY WORSHIP AND PRAISE AND MEET YOUR GOD IN A BUILDING OR PLACE CHURCH, I DON'T NEED OR DO I WANT YOUR GOD, BECAUSE THE GOD I KNOW AND SERVE CANNOT FIT INTO THE HEAVENS OF HEAVENS AND THE WORLD IS WHERE HE REST HIS FEET. I'M KEEPING THIS REAL AND STRAIGHT FROM HIS WORD YOUR BIBLE, CHURCH!!! APOSTLE JAMES WINFREE SR, Over the past many years I have heard a great deal of how Church going people have been let down by the actions of many Pastors and their members. Today I was thinking about the many Pastors that have been disappointed and let down by the actions of those leaders they had faith and trust in. As a Apostle in God's Household of faith you want to see the best in Christ Believers live first of all, but at times Church going people seem to choose their own way of doing things, which is contrary to the Word of God and what happens from that choice is that families are de...