THOSE WHO ARE OFF, GET BACK ON SCRIPT!!! " LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST HELP US TO GET BACK ON SCRIPT IN YOUR WORD" To The Church Of Our Lord God Jesus Christ As Your Brother And The Apostle Too All Nations, I Speak In One And As One For You And To You Life, Health And Prosperity In The Lord Jesus Christ! It's Prayer Time With Your Brother And Christ Apostle To The Nations Our Loving And Awesome Father God In The Lord Jesus Christ, Our hearts goes out to women and men in Your Kingdom today. What you intended for grace and beauty, Satan seeks to pervert. What you intended as a "life-giver" Satan wants to corrupt. Keep your daughters and sons from deception and lead them into truth in Your Holy Spirit Jesus. Your heart towards women and menis eternally perfect, You desire good for them, not evil and that they should have an expected end and a future! (Jer 29:11) and You said in( Hebrews 13:4) that Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed is undefiled, But fornicator...