Just Be Ready, Available And Accessible Jesus Believers! Beloved Church Of The Lord Jesus Christ: God has given His very best to us, His only Son Jesus Christ. It is we who belong to Him and Jesus Christ who belongs to us. When we think of what is in store for us, we should think of receiving and walking in God's best. But when approaching God, do we Yes those being remade in Christ Spiritual image Yes approach Him with our very best and be ready, available and accessible Church in this season? Yes there is value in honoring God in Christ Jesus, When I look at the many years since I began to "get it;" I remember where things were then as to opposed to how things are now. I cannot start to tell you what a difference honoring God has made in my personal life. And to know that I've been a servant, but continuous part of seeing His honorable love be spread throughout the World and the Nations by way of His online ministries and loving and faithful prayers...