
Showing posts from April, 2013


Just Be Ready, Available And Accessible Jesus Believers! Beloved Church Of The Lord Jesus Christ: God has given His very best to us, His only Son Jesus Christ. It is we who belong to Him and Jesus Christ who belongs to us. When we think of what is in store for us, we should think of receiving and walking in God's best. But when approaching God, do we Yes those being remade in Christ Spiritual image Yes approach Him with our very best and be ready, available and accessible Church in this season? Yes there is value in honoring God in Christ Jesus, When I look at the many years since I began to "get it;" I remember where things were then as to opposed to how things are now. I cannot start to tell you what a difference honoring God has made in my personal life. And to know that I've been a servant, but continuous part of seeing His honorable love be spread throughout the World and the Nations by way of His online ministries and loving and faithful prayers...


NO MORE LAZY BELIEVERS OR SPECTATORS IN THE KINGDOM!!! THIS IS THE KINGDOM OF NO MORE LAZY SPECTALORS GOD IS CALLING FOR RADICAL BELIEVERS ( IN ONE AND AS ONE IN OUR SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST ) Most of us have problems with relationships from time to time. When relationships become abusive in our Churches, we all know serious problems are present. if the household of faith needs are not met, it can set the stage for abuse to start. There is one major step before this that should be the FIRST step in improving any interpersonal interaction with Pastors to the members. We cannot have a good relationship with any other person until we have a good relationship with GOD first. Many people know ABOUT God but to have a relationship with Him, we have to KNOW Him. What is the difference, we put everything on the Devil as God's people, But the real true FACT of the matter your Pastors in the most cases are standing in your Way God's Beloved people! Knowing about God can includes us being a...


JESUS CHRIST KINGDOM BELIEVERS YOU ARE GOD TREASURE IN CHRIST! IN ONE AND AS ONE IN OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST 1. THE ENEMY HAS A STRATEGY TO DESTROY GOD'S GIFT IN YOU CHURCH (Matt.2:16; Johnn.10:10). But God already has a plan for your protection in our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom.8:31-39; Johnn.17:9-15). 2. THE FIRST BATTLE IS BELIEVING WHAT GOD SAYS REGARDING HIS WILL AND YOUR GIFT IN JESUS CHRIST (Luke.1:34-35). But whatever your soul realm finds hard to believe, God Himself will confirm (Luke.1:36). 3. ONCE YOU BELIEVE, THE BATTLE IS FOR ACCEPTING THE UNEXPECTED WAY THAT GOD WILL LEAD YOU IN BEING PREPARED (Matt.1:20). But although you struggle to accept it, once you do, God Himself will reassure you (Luke.1:20). 4. ONCE YOU ACCEPT THE TRULY REVEALED WILL OF THE LORD THAT IS YOUR GIFT, THERE COMES A BATTLE FOR THE SOURCE OF YOUR DIGNITY (Matt.1:19-20). But whenever we "lose face," God can then become our true self-esteem (Rom.5:1; Eph.2:14). 5. WHEN ...


SO YOU THINK YOU THE ONLY ONE? DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT YOU AND YOUR MINISTER IS THE ONLY ONES WHO LIVING AND PREACHING THE TRUTH? 1 Kings 19:8-20 8 So he arose, and ate and drank; and he went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights as far as Horeb, the mountain of God. 9 And there he went into a cave, and spent the night in that place; and behold, the word of the Lord came to him, and He said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” 10 So he said, “I have been very zealous for the Lord God of hosts; for the children of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars, and killed Your prophets with the sword. I alone am left; and they seek to take my life.” God’s Revelation To Elijah And To You!!! GOD SAYS I HAVE SEVEN THOUSAND WHO HAVE NOT BOWED 11 Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lo...


One Of The Most Loving Blessings Of Being In Fellowship And Partnership With Apostle James Winfree & Team Ministries" WE ARE A MINISTRY WHERE JESUS CHRIST BELIEVERS COME FIRST STAY FREE AND BLESSED IN OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST!!! YOUR BROTHER AND APOSTLE: JAMES R WINFREE SR, We are A Ministry Of Givers And Not Takers, The Lord Jesus Said It Is More Blessed To Give Than Too Receive!!! Every man according as he purpose in his heart, so let him give not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God love a cheerful giver. Acts 20:19-35 / 2 Cor 9:7 Friends & Co-workers can write us at these email address Become A Giver And A Blessing Too Your Loving Brothers And Dear Sisters In The Lord Jesus Christ. There will always be a need for the proclamation and preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for as the Apostle Paul states, "It is the power of God unto Kingdom Salvation in Jesus Christ." Yet, and perhaps equally important...


Grace and Peace Be Unto You From God the Father and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ In One And As One In Christ Jesus!!! Out of the ashes of my own personal Love and Faith Ministry experience, God has birthed Apostle James & Betty Winfree Sr, Ministries. I Believe that there are times when our passions need to be revived, refreshed, and re-ignited concerning our purpose, and the passion for ministry. Fresh Apostle James Winfree Ministries desires to be a catalyst for re-igniting the flames of passion for the work of the ministry, and the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by providing essential ministry resources through the expository teaching and preaching of God's Word in order to discover and pursue our purpose for life. Spiritual burnout; physical exhaustion; apathy; complacency and the need for healing have permeated the lives of many in the body of Christ from Pastors, Ministers, Church Leaders, to Lay persons. As a result, passion is often loss, and the divine...


THE BLOOD!!!! Applying Our Savior Blood Jesus Christ His Church! IN ONE AND AS ONE IN CHRIST JESUS Just as Priests applied the Blood in the old Covenant, we as Priests in the New Covenant are to apply the Blood of Jesus. This is the Blood of the testament which God hath enjoined unto you. (Hebrew 9:20) The word enjoined means to be given charge of. In the old Covenant the Priest applied the blood of animals by sprinkling. In the New Covenant we receive the Blood by faith and sprinkle the Blood with our words. For with the heart One Believes unto Righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto Salvation. (Romans 10:10) You apply the Blood of Jesus to yourself when you say, “the Blood of Jesus which He shed on the cross was for me, and it makes me free from sin and all unrighteousness.” Overcoming is a continual process in this life. Whatever we apply the blood of Jesus to Satan cannot touch. Whatever we apply the Blood to becomes Redeemed by Christ, it becomes His. Whatever ...


Spiritual Informative Important Information On Your Body Is God's House Church!!! " Our Body Is The Temple Of God Church " In ONE and as ONE!!! Our Loving Father, In Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ, Thank You for Your Love for us as Your very special people. We are Your house and Your temple that you tend and care for, the building that You build as Your very own. You build us as living stones upon The One foundation, Jesus Christ. No other foundation is provided. No other is adequate. Loving Father, We are concerned. As We build on this foundation, and as We are built on You Jesus, may the quality of our lives be such that We will survive the purifying fire of judgment because of Your love, mercy and saving grace. We don't want our lives to be like wood, hay, or stubble. We want it to be like gold, silver and precious stones, so that when our work is tested by fire, it will be proven to be durable, wrought in You and not in our own vanity in buildings cal...


IS HE OR IS HE NOT? Greetings In The Wonderful Loving Name Of Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ: Is Jesus The Father God? When Jesus was here on the earth, about two thousand years ago, He was born as any man would be, but He was actually GOD HIMSELF wrapped up in human flesh. Many could not see His divinity, because of His humanity. Still others saw the power He possessed and the miracles He worked, yet they did not accept Him as the Messiah, the promised Savior of the world. What they were actually looking for was a deliverer to remove the oppression of Rome from their backs. My purpose in writing this is to show that the blindness that many Jews had in Jesus’ day is very similar to the blindness that many Christians have today. To see the blindness the Jews, we need to go back to the book of beginnings. After tempting Adam and Eve, GOD said to the devil, “Because you have done this, cursed are you among all livestock and above all beasts of the field; on your belly you shal...


The Kingdom Spiritual Good News IN ONE AND ASS ONE IN CHRIST JESUS "For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit." Romans 14:17 What a liberating truth and Biblical knowing fact! The Kingdom of God is not about what we're supposed to eat and drink! While I believe in a healthy lifestyle, and eating right, Believers MUST NOT be reduced to a set of rules and regulations. Legalism has crippled many believers, keeping them from the joy and freedom found in the true gospel. But so many get bound in the religion of rules, striving constantly to obtain God’s approval and a sense of spiritual attainment and achievement. But Christ Believers is not about what we put into our lives. The apostle Paul is saying in this verse: Jesus Believers is not about what we put into our lives, but what God has already put in our lives. It’s not about rules and regulations. It’s not about “do this” and “don't do that”. When we redu...


NOW IT'S YOUR NEXT MOVE! Jesus Christ Is Your Choice To Make Now It's Your Next Move All men on earth need God’s Truth in Jesus Christ; His Holy Spirit is all we need for proof, For in God’s Holy Word we read, God’s Eternal Truths we must obey, Future judgment is in store for all who are not in Jesus Christ, decreed by God our Father, from Adam’s fall; Lord Jesus, man’s destiny is all but two, one being in Hell and one with you in heaven. All souls on earth have a choice, that’s to follow Jesus Christ or man’s voice, That is follow God’s Holy Word, or man’s opinions that you've heard, Both will lead to one’s final destiny, but two different places eternally, Both with a changed body my friend, determined by your eternal end. Everyone, while in their present life, must come to know Jesus Christ, As He’s the only one who can, accomplish the desired change in men of all Nations, The change, which after they've died, is into an eternal body, glorifi...


The Church Servant and the Nations Apostle James Winfree Sr, Proclamation and Prayer, Yes I speak to God's chosen Ones. I speak to the Nations. I speak to All people in power. I speak to the poor. I speak to the walls that have been fortified against (God's people in keeping them divided my men and women). I speak to the fortresses of the enemy. I say you are defeated in The Holy and Blessed Name of The Lord Jesus Christ. I declare the ownership of the Lord Jesus Christ over All Nations, over the people of faith in Christ Jesus, over the All those that have not, and All those who are blessed to share and give. I declare the Lordship of Jesus Christ over this FACEBOOK COMMUNITY and our County America. I declare Christ Lordship over every house and over every Church. I declare Jesus Lordship over every establishment in The Awesome and Amazing Name of Jesus Christ who is The Christ of God. And by the breath of the Spirit, We speak forth these things, and say: Devil, give up everyt...


GOD CAME TO SERVE YOU!!! IN ONE AND AS ONE IN CHRIST Words expressed to you and me, that JESUS will set you free, Not simply truth of any kind, but, JESUS which leaves sin behind, GOD spoken of Him; The One Who saves many from sin JESUS, The JESUS available to all of us, is The LORD GOD OUR FATHER Himself, Christ Jesus. Friend in the Bible you will find, God’s Truth in YESHUA JESUS THE CHRIST, GOD'S that is beyond the World and All Nations, Truth which found only in our Lord Jesus Christ, The Truth that’s meant for everyone, coming from God’s Only Son, His Truth, which sets All men and women Free, from the present through eternity. Amazing truths known on earth, for men ,women, boys and girls are John 3:16, All Awesome truths known to humans, access only in God’s eternal plan Jesus Christ, He is better than lies for us, But, He is our Righteousness in GOD, Biblical truth will get us to, Eternity Heaven, prepared for me and you in Jesus Christ. The only Saving tru...


SO MANY IN THE CHURCH HERE IN AMERICA AND AROUND THE WORLD HAVE BEEN BAMBOOZLE BY PREACHERS!!! The Real Truth And Nothing But The Truth So Help Me God!!! NO ONE OR NOBODY CAN EVER JOIN CHRIST CHURCH, ONE MUST BE BORN INTO HER!!! " We Must Stop Wasting Kingdom Time And Money On The Wrong Things " The( entire man made church building system) or as so many calls the house of God, ( and I did say man & women made and built) is wicked deception that exists without God. Churches of men and women has no connection whatsoever with God or eternal destiny, they are entirely self centered and aimed at gain for the church ministers operators and slave owners. Churches as we know them which is men and women made buildings exist totally separate from God, they are in fact opposed to God and His Blessed Son Jesus Christ. Men and women made church building systems are a worldly system only for the pleasing of the flesh and greed of savage wolves in sheep clothes. They do not sub...