The Vision Mission and Purpose of Apostle James & Betty R Winfree International Ministries - Servants for Christ International Church without walls - a Christ Centered Ministry that intends to believe God for members in every Nation of the World with a balance in its purpose to help its members place the right priorities in their life. By placing Spiritual Biblical Truth as the first priority, it is believed that God will provide the Physical and Financial Support and Needs in that order. Many Church organizations place most ot the emphasis on the financial and it sows the seeds into the World first, But our calling and ministry is to God's people first. It is the goal of A.J.R.W.M to lift the emblem that portrays the message of Love that Christ brought to the earth, and the Word of God is boldly displayed on the home page of the website. In an age when the Anti Christ spirit is gaining so much ground, it is believed that this faith ministry can present a unified message to hel...