
Showing posts from July, 2014


ON MY KINGDOM WATCH WILL YOU FOLLOW ME AS I FOLLOW OUR LORD AND KING JESUS CHRIST? Shared by your Church and Nations Apostle James Winfree Sr, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ keeps on giving us the vitally empowering presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. One of the great blessings about His Holy Kingdom Presence is that He pours love into our hearts through the Spirit of Truth ( Please read Romans. ( 5:5 ). Along with the great example of our heavenly Father's love in sending Jesus showing us how to love ( Church please read ( John 3:16-17), The Father uses the Spirit to teach us to know how to love each other. This is part of the Spirit's fruit (Gal. 5:22-23 ) as well as the work of the Spirit that brings us into fellowship ( Saints please read ( 2 Cor. 13:14), that holds us His body the Church together in the bond of peace ( Jesus bride please read( Eph. 4:3-4), and that fills us as we submit to Jesus Christ first and then to one another ( Jesus Believers please re...


YOU CAN'T STOP THIS!!! A Word Shared By Your Church And Nations Apostle, James Winfree Sr,.... Yes in this amazing grace season and hour you will see a revealing of God's mysteries previously spoken of, which were hidden but now are becoming evident now in these end-times. The real truth is that the Lord's Beloved people are now being flooded with biblical information . There is a purification process that many are coming through as many yield (humble themselves) before God our heavenly Father in Christ. You are being prepared with the love of His presence and the fragrances of intercession and true worship in the Spirit of Truth. In the Spirit Jesus is stirring His gifts in you and your understanding for the truth of His Holy word in a greater measure. This is a part of the fulfillment of great things to come my Kingdom loving Spiritual Brothers and Sisters. Please be joined to each other as Jesus Christ bride and you will experience great favor with Him and each other...


JUST COME TOO JESUS BARE AND NAKED HIS CHURCH!!! "ALL I EVER WANTED IS YOUR NAKENESS, SO I COULD COVER YOU" To The Church Of Our Lord God Jesus Christ As Your Brother And The Apostle Too All Nations, I Speak In One And As One For You And To You Life, Health And Prosperity In The Lord Jesus Christ! Will you follow me as I follow the Lord Jesus Christ? One of our main mission of Apostle James & Betty R Winfree & Team Ministries is to see many people come to Christ for Salvation and for their lives to be changed through The Lord Jesus Christ that we promote and share here online free of charge to all. If you do not know The Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, please read the following: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). "Believe on The Lord Jesus Christ, and YOU WILL be saved" ( Acts 2:38 ) And ( Acts 4:12 ) And (Acts 16:3...


THE BIRTHING OF ONE MAN IN CHRIST! Unity and Maturity In The Body Of Christ Is Our Calling Ministers 1. As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. 2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 3 Make every effort to keep the unity of The Spirit through the bond of peace. 4 There is One Body and One Spirit, just as you were called to One Hope when you were called; One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism; One God and Father of All, who is Over All and through All and in All. 7 But to each One of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. 8 This is why it says: “When He Ascended on High, He took many captives and gave gifts to His Church.”[ 9 (What does “He Ascended” mean except that He also descended to the lower, earthly regions? 10 He who descended is The very One who Ascended Higher than All the Heavens, in order to fill The Whole Universe.) 11 So Christ Himself gave the Apostles, the Proph...


I MUST BE ABOUT MY HEAVENLY FATHER'S BUSINESS!!! On my Kingdom watch will you follow me as I so faithful follow Christ Jesus? Yes in the Holy Spirit, I have had a sense of us being divided from one another by false preachers and fake Christian. I have been asking the Lord Jesus what it is. I believe He has shown me that we have spent much time masking our insecurities and living in a realm of superficiality. There has also been a real relationship with God all this time, but now there is a division, and it is a divine division, for God is separating out that which is superficial and not real (that which has been masked, that part of us that has been striving after affection and achievement ) so that we can see it for what it really is. This process is going to bring Spiritual maturity that we have never had yes because God in Christ Jesus is All about Love, Grace, Mercy, Unity, Oneness in His Kingdom. Suddenly we will begin to see truth because of the humility that is the res...


REASONS WHY JESUS IS GOD! ~ CHRISTOLOGY ~ BY: APOSTLE JAMES WINFREE SR, ~ CHRIST SERVANT TO HIS CHURCH AND THE NATIONS ~ WILL YOU FOLLOW ME AS I FOLLOW JESUS CHRIST?…1TIMOTHY 3:16 There Are Twelve Primary Reasons Why Jesus Is God In My Eyes And Heart: 1 ~ Jesus is part of The Godhead . ~ References: Genesis chapters 1 & 2, Matthew chapters 3 & 28, Colossians chapters 1 & 2, Gospel of John chapter 1 & 17, 1st. John chapter 6, Titus chapter 2, Hebrews chapter 1, Revelation chapter 1. 2 ~ Jesus created the universe. ~ References: Gospel of John chapter 1, Colossians chapter 1, Hebrews chapter 1, & Revelation chapter 1. 3 ~ God the Father called Jesus God the Son. ~ References: Gospel of John chapters 1 & 2 &3, Matthew chapters 3 & 17, Hebrews chapter 1. 4 ~ The Father and the Son are Equal. ~ References: Gospel of John chapters 1, 5, & 14, Colossians chapter 1, Philippians chapter 2, Hebrews chapter 1...


THE NEW AND THE OLD ANOINTING COMPARED! Will you follow me as I follow Christ on my Kings watch? Your dear Kingdom brother and Church and Nations Apostle: James Winfree Sr, MEMORY VERSE: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." John 14:12 BIBLE READING: 2 Kings 13:20-21 20 Then Elisha died, and they buried him. And the raiding bands from Moab invaded the land in the spring of the year. 21 So it was, as they were burying a man, that suddenly they spied a band of raiders; and they put the man in the tomb of Elisha; and when the man was let down and touched the bones of Elisha, he revived and stood on his feet. One difference between the old and the new anointing is that the new anointing begins where the old ends. Prior to the event of 2 kings 2:9-12, Elisha hardly did anything supernatural; he was only serving his master. But after Elijah le...


"THIS IS SERIOUS" The Main Point In Life In Jesus Christ In One And As One!!! On My Kingdom Watch, Will You Follow Me As I Follow Christ? The main point and real meaning of the God life, begins at The Cross of Jesus Christ, The cross on Mount Calvary, where Christ died for you and me, Anywhere you travel on this earth, the Cross of Jesus points men and women, boys and girls to God our Father in Jesus Christ, With a Spiritual meaning far much Higher, than any human earthly desire or plan for our lives. The Cross ,the main purposed in this life, for man’s Savior, is Jesus Christ, For the earthly life of Christ Jesus, not for Him, but for All of us in every Nation, Jesus purpose came with a price, which was to be God’s sacrifice for All times and seasons, As The Lord God purposed for Christ, to be The Lamb for our sin. Christ’s example is for All men, women, boys and girls in this world, God did condemn, After sin had entered the earth, then The Lord G...


WE TOGETHER MUST DO AWAY WITH INEQUALITY AND LACK IN GOD'S HOUSEHOLD OF FAITH!!! Preachers & Members What Are Your Plans For Loving Reconstruction Building In Your Work? Kingdom Breaking News. (ASAP) - Your Church and Nations Apostle on my watch is angry, mad, upset and condemned the do Nothing just talking pastors and preachers and their members gridlock crippling our Country and Nation, calling on chosen Believers and Christians alike to lead the Church "out of this mess" while insisting that Pastors and it's Ministers share the Kingdom Blessings and wealth of dollars( money ) to help the believers and nations Church body who are in need of help and support, Yes even many of the Lord's servants need support with the wealth that belong to God and His people. "The way Ministers and Pastors have gotten today, and I'm not singling out any Preacher or any group of Believers - the ministry politics, the culture in Church, it's become too persona...


Getting Back To Biblical Kingdom Essentials!!! Shared by Apostle James Winfree Sr, Christ Jesus Kingdom Servant: Follow me as I follow Christ The Lord.... A Kingdom confirmation Word from your loving and faithful Church and Nations Apostle Minister James Winfree Sr, Yes so many of preachers have played the harlot and have led many of God's people to join them; you have come dancing into your human built houses you are calling God's house, but I say unto you, God know your hearts. He have seen your lusting's after money, power, sex and things of this World; Yes Christ have seen your lusting's after men, women Yes even men with men and women with women....... those that are bound in sin. God have seen your lusting's after the things of this World because of your blind leaders of the blind, and Jesus will not tolerate it in His house any more, for it is written that My house is a house of prayer. My household of faith which is His Kingdom born again Believers His...


( PASS THIS ON ) PLEASE, ENOUGH OF CHURCH ENTERTAINMENT, PREACHERS!!! PREACH THE LIVING WORD OF GOD AND ALLOW THE HOLY GHOST TO HAVE HIS WAY IN HIS PEOPLE. A Kingdom confirmation Word To His chosen people the Church: Behold follow me as I follow Jesus Christ as your loving and faithful Church and Nations Apostle, I say unto you, a new thing Holy Ghost will do, says the Lord Jesus. For, He is the your Eraser, and Jesus is the One that removes from the chalkboard of your mind those things that hinder you His Kingdom born Believers.Yes He is the One who cleans the slate to give you a new beginning, a new day, and a new time in which to live.Yes our heavenly Dad is The One who, with one swipe of His pure blood, can remove the hindrances that bind and hold you. Yes Christ is The One who cleanses you from the problems of the past. And, when the slate is clean and those things that are harmful have been removed, God the Father of us All will write a New Beginning for you and I; a New Day...


MONEY DON'T MAKE YOU ANOINTED! Your Church And Nations Apostle Is On My Watch: Minister James Winfree Sr, The Time Is Now To Be Imitators Of Us As We Imitate The Lord Jesus Christ!!! While in my time with the Lord Jesus our God and Savior, this is His confirmation Word to His Church in America and His Church in the Nations, God in Christ Jesus is about to bring His chosen Kingdom children to Higher ground. Yes Jesus our soon coming King is bringing them up to the pastures in the green meadowlands where the grass has not been fowled by self centered preachers and people, where there is still feed to be received, feed that will sustains you, where the cool waters flow. You can come to the place of comfort; you can be nourished and refreshed. You can come to the place where you know Christ is God our heavenly Father in the heart of the Holy Ghost where we are bound together as One, you and Christ, for His heavenly Kingdom purposes. His purposes is for you to know that your body i...


Your Church And Nations Apostle Is On My Watch: The Time Is Now To Be Imitators Of Us As We Imitate The Lord Jesus Christ!!! The God Of Israel Said His Name Will Be Only In The City Of Jerusalem And That Name Is JESUS!!! Yes, God's leaders in the Old Testament spoke by the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus the Christ is God in human flesh, and Luke emphasizes that Jesus spoke with the authority of God Yes giving "instructions through The Holy Spirit." These words that Jesus speaks to His "chosen apostles and Believers" are His last words with them on earth. As we eavesdrop on this conversation in John 17, we must be convicted of the importance of these words to what lies ahead. Jesus will pour out The Holy Spirit on Pentecost. The Holy Spirit will both empower and inspire these once fearful and deeply flawed apostles to speak with the authority of Jesus. But, Jesus' first words are "wait"! They had witnessed great things. They were chosen to expe...