WHERE ARE THE LORD'S BIRTH MOTHERS AT AND FATHERS? Apostle James Winfree Sr, Kingdom Biblical Confirmation Word Time: It doesn't feel good and at times it hurts, can you feel and hear the sound of all kinds of Kingdom Spiritual Birthing? You say, what sound? I say, the sound of groaning's in the Spirit and soul. Can you hear the sound of the groaning's? I say, the groaning's of all of the Lord chose people. I say, the groaning's of all of the called out preachers. I say, the groaning's of your spirit. There is a groaning of your soul, for the Spirit of our God is working within you, and He is bringing forth something that is Brand New in our New Season. Yes, Yes, Yes the Holy Spirit is bringing forth His children in the power of His Anointing Spirit in unprecedented ways. He have already promised faith explosions, and so that word has come upon you and for some of you it has gotten down into your spirit like it did in me. There is a groaning, and you might...