The New Kingdom Purpose For The Women In The Faith: On My Kingdom Watch! This is the season of the New! "New Covenant Purpose for the Ladies in the household of faith" This is how it was given to me by the Holy Spirit. The Lord's Church and Nations Apostle James Winfree Sr, "This is the season of the New. This Kingdom season will is new because we will find that in the now new things are being ushered in according to the will of God. These things are pouring out of heaven and invading our now. The no's of the past and that which has become old and out of season will submits and give way to the new. Mind sets and hearts needed to be changed and I have used that which was perceived as delay to prepare you for the now. In order to preserve new wine the wineskin must be made new. The patterns haven't changed, but the hour and the way in which it will be embraced by Christ Leading Ladies is new. Timing will have a great part to play in the implementation of th...