
Showing posts from March, 2015


Join us here online with our many ministries saints of The Highest God in The Lord Jesus Christ To The Church Of Our Lord God Jesus Christ As Your Brother And The Apostle Too All Nations, I Speak In One And As One For You And To You Life, Health And Prosperity In The Lord Jesus Christ! To have a successful Spiritual life Church - We must have a hungry for biblical truths, mentorship, Spiritual guidance and loving education by Christ Holy Spirit in One and as One. With The Apostle of the nations International Ministries we have a deep-down burning desire to help Jesus believers' personal Spiritual and financial growth in God's household of faith. You will experience practical teaching; anointed ministry, revelation knowledge and wisdom to help you work through your challenges as Christ body His real true temple. We will help you push your life to the next level... If this resonates with you, We can assist you in your Spiritual growth and development; and give yo...


WE LOVE YOU THE WAY JESUS HIMSELF LOVES YOU!!! Empowering All Believers In Christ Jesus: Your Church & Nations Apostle James Winfree Sr, This kingdom spiritual of truth confirmation word I will speak unto your hearts Christ chosen ones. Is it not written that Jesus Christ is The Cornerstone of our faith? Do you know in your hearts that the foundation must be built from on The Cornerstone Christ Jesus, The Chief of which He Is? The Spirit of Truth speak to you today to say that Jesus Yeshua is The sure foundation in Zion His Church. The Spirit of the Lord is rebuilding those stones which have been turned over, uprooted and cast out of many human built buildings by ministers. Even as every stone in the temple was scattered abroad, Yeshua Jesus by His Spirit, replacing each one, and He built the sure foundation, that which we are built upon to magnify His Holy Name and to bring His Beloved Bride into the revelation knowledge of all truth meaning you who are in Christ Jesus, f...


WE LOVE YOU THE WAY JESUS LOVES YOU!!! Empowering All Believers In Christ Jesus In God's Love. Apostle James Winfree Sr, Ministries Network is a Jesus Believers Ministry, mission-centered vision, focused on making our Lord Jesus Kingdom Spiritual Biblical Confirmation Word in season freely available on the Web on multiple sites and in many nations. While committed to excellence in the presentation of Biblical content, we are governed by a set of theological affirmations. This is not intended to restrict use of the site but rather to promote trust in our content pointing the body God's chosen people and souls to Jesus Christ The Only True Way. Our Statement Of Faith For Apostle James Winfree Sr, Ministries Network Ministry Doctrine of Scripture. The Bible is God’s unique revelation to mankind, the inspired, infallible Word of God. As such, it is the supreme and final authority and without error in what it teaches and affirms. No other writings are vested with s...


A kingdom spiritual confirmation word from your Church and Nations Apostle James Winfree Sr, Many of you are crying out to the Lord because you are in such a dry spell. You need that anointing that you've once had, and long for His presence. The Lord says to those of you who are barren and dry, the ancient wells are being dug once again and you will be replenished. You will receive such an abundance that you will never be spiritually famished again. Christ Jesus desire to pour into your life more than you can ever imagine. Your wells will be overflowing. The Holy Spirit is showing me that many of you have been just doing building worships for so long, but you have become discouraged because you have not experienced a breakthrough. The Lord says, don't give up. He have heavenly wells to be opened to you. Our God have an abundance of fresh water to be released to you. Don't drink the stagnant water from the past by just doing building worship and trying too please you...


Empowering All Believers In Christ In God's Love! Apostle/ Minister James Winfree Sr, I know when I put effort into something, I hope that it generates value for others in God our heavenly Father family. Otherwise, I wouldn't do it Church. The reason that I decided to write these kingdom spiritual biblical confirmation word in season, is because I hope that they will bring value to others and enhance their relationships with God and Jesus Christ. So whenever, I receive many, many, many emails from my brothers and sisters thanking me for writing these Apostolic Prophetic confirmation word in season, that is a wonderful form of appreciation that I personally cherish. As a result, I feel like the time and effort I put into writing these labor of love and of faith is paying off because I'm helping others all over the world. Even when many don't do something to help me from time to time. But I bless them just the same. I truly hope that you enjoyed reading these kingdo...


WHAT GOD HAS BLESSED YOU WITH TO BRING TO THE TABLE? Empowering All Believers in Christ in God's love: The Lord Jesus Christ Church And Nations Apostle, Minister James Winfree Sr, This is Christ our Savior and Lord purpose, vision and will for All His Ministers and Members; that every soul He gave life too have something to bring too His table , and I was surprised by the number of Believers that have gifts and blessings that are not being used to build His Kingdom. There were more saints than were normal for a ministry, yes, the World takes care of their own, the Church taking care of the World, all kinds of groups take care their very own. But most of God's people in the household of faith are in need and it seems like no one really cares..... Yes even those they love and give their support don't care.... But then a rumbling came and everything fell that was not being a blessing to the Lord chose people. Lights were broken and lamps were put out. And, the Lord God say...


This Is Jesus Way, To Unite in Christ Empowering All Of Christ Believers in God's love. Apostle James Winfree Sr, Hello Father God, The One and only God of us All, Daddy help us never to be part of any division within the body of Christ. Let us be perfectly united in mind and heart with all who follow You. Help us not be one in Jesus Christ Unity and Oneness. Yes Lord Keep us from misplacing our kingdom spiritual loyalties in our Savior Jesus Christ! Yeshua, of whom we're part, is not divided. He is of One mind. So let us all His chosen people be together and in agreement. Let us be like-minded, having the same love, one in spirit and purpose. Help us do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility help us count each other better than ourselves. Let us look out for the interests of each other, not just our own. You getting this Preachers? We bless You, Father, because what You want for each of us Your children is that we may no longer remain...


Are You Married To HIM Yet? ( JESUS ) Those Of Us Who Are Married Knows We Must Have A Name Change In The Marriage!!! Serving Our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, By serving His Beloved Chosen People The Church: “Return, O backsliding children,” says the LORD; “for I Am Married to you. I will take you, one from a city and two from a family, and I will bring you to Zion. Jeremiah 3:13-15 & Acts 2:37,38 Then He said to His servants, ‘The Wedding is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy. Therefore go into the highways, and as many as you find, invite to The Wedding.’ So those servants went out into the highways and gathered together All whom they found, both bad and good. And The Wedding hall was filled with guests. “But when The King came in to see the guests, He saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment. So He said to him, ‘Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?’ And he was speechless. Then The King said to the ser...