
Showing posts from October, 2015


Apostle James Winfree Sr, Ministries is an all labor of love faith online media ministry  International, a fully recognized labor of faith ministry, Your gifts will make it possible to expand the scope and vision of your church & nations Apostle James & Betty Winfree Ministries throughout the United States and abroad. All contributions and love gifts are needed in helping us pay our bills and the ministry, Thank you for Believing in and supporting what God in Christ Jesus has invested in us. We need you support and help our spiritual Kingdom family.


OUR LORD GOD IN JESUS CHRIST, WE NEED YOUR HELP.   Being Real, Being True, Being Genuine.( In Today's World this is not so easily ) There is only one of you. You are an original, and there is no one like you. You cannot be replaced in the kingdom of God, for you are unique and precious. Refuse to be molded and categorized into a stereotypical box because you must be free to be who you are in every respect. The world would have you conform to its general pattern and image, and institutional society would try to standardize your mentality through forming your opinions according to that which is politically correct and pressuring you into prejudicial attitudes. But ( With tears in my eyes ), Resist the pressure to be shaped by family, friends and those around you for the purpose of acceptance. Break out of the mold and only be conformed spiritually into the image of God in Christ. Maintain your individuality, for you have unique qua...

May I Be REAL?

Could You Stand For Me To Be Real?   Dear Father GOD, In Christ our Savior Don't let me be deceived by the empty words of church people or worldly people. It is because these things that your wrath will come upon the sons of disobedience of this world. Father and Daddy, if I have to stand alone, so be it! ( But I know Jesus You have a chosen people who will stand with me and I with them ) Let me stand for you if the whole world stands against You! Don't ever let me forget your commands or forsake You. Heavenly FATHER GOD, In The Name of Jesus I ask for the purity of mind and spirit in Your blood, love and grace. Amen. Blessing & Building & Empowering You Our Lord Jesus Christ Church! His Church & Nations Apostle/ Minister James Winfree Sr,


Many are saying, THE DAYS OF MIRACLES, SIGNS & WONDERS ARE LONG GONE. Hello everyone, one the most controversial topics today in the Church is the issue of miracles, there are people who don't believe in signs & wonders, they argue that miracles only happened in the days of the bible and they strongly believe that God doesn't use anyone today in performing miracles in the name of the Lord Jesus they say miracles only happened in the days of  Jesus Christ the Apostles and Prophets in the bible. I myself still strongly believe in miracles and I also believe that God does not change, if He healed people in those days then I Believe that He stills does. ( And before this week ends Sister Betty and I need a Miracle ) I want to know, what's your personal view on this matter?.


KNOW THE FACTS       Yes, Hopefully the biblical teaching and sharing of GOD 'S Holy Word with your Church and Nations Apostle James Winfree Sr, Ministries, this amazing gospel great new's inspires you  to ask questions about your belief, your Sunday worships, the ways you give  instead of pointing fingers or believing anything blindly what you been taught by ministers today. Please, don't go poking fun or tossing around the “I told you so 's. The biggest danger of faith is when people believe what they want to believe, defending against any and all evidence; especially when that evidence revolutionizes their foundation from the ground up. And the biggest culprit to that danger is the ego trap: rejecting/criticizing others, for being unlike you. For centuries, the “defense” of blind faith has driven nations to war, violence, discrimination, slavery and to become the society of automatons that we are today; and for just a...


FEAR AND LACK OF TRUST ARE KEEPING US FROM CONNECTING! The key word is indeed connecting  in Jesus Christ. We have to get out from behind our computers, log off our screens, meet  our Lord's Kingdom family, and talk face to face to make this connection with others who also in the faith of Jesus Christ, We want to effect change and getting out of our boxes, in really getting to know our brothers and sisters in Christ" -  We are Not making any real connection and Kingdom fellowship with all this time we spend here online each and every day and Sundays worships and it's leaders are Not helping at all in bringing us together in Christ, Is Jesus happy the way we are getting alone and we're still strangers in the faith. SAD BUT THE TRUTH!!!   Blessing & Building & Empowering You Our Lord Jesus Christ Church.   His Church & Nations Apostle James Winfree Sr.


TWELVE COMMON MISTAKES  PREACHERS & LEADERS MAKE in the faith 1. Not receiving counsel from biblical holy spirit led older, more experienced leaders in the faith 2. Being too dogmatic in human built religion and worlds view 3. Having zeal without loving biblical knowledge and operating in presumption 4. Being driven by ambition and a need to succeed more than serving for the glory of God in Jesus Christ 5. Using the body of Christ and people as objects to get to the next level 6. Rarely living in the word of god and walking in the spirit 7. Preaching what has not yet been personally experienced or encountered with God and following the wealthy and rich preachers and leaders 8. Preaching and teaching what they heard and not staying with new covenant teaching. 9. Gifting that exceeds character development and not helping and supporting others in the faith 10. Driving the church instead of leading the flock into the arms of...


YOU MUST BE RE-BORN TO UNDERSTAND : Jesus say's Know that He is indeed among His born again people. And Know that He have come in this, the end of the age, to lift you up, that you might live in His sight and that you might know Him face to face. I say as His Minister and Apostle to His Church and the Nations, get ready for His Holy Ghost fire from heaven. He's coming as in the holy Spirit of fire. Is it not written in My word that I would baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with Holy fire! We will submit ourselves to the Holy fire of GOD'S conviction, the fire of His chastening, then we will be cleansed and empowered with Christ our LORD fire. Then, His words will come through our mouths with fire, and we will become the ministers of His Holy Ghost fire. We will become the torches of fire that the Spirit of Truth send into the Nations of harvest....


YOU MUST BE RE-BORN TO UNDERSTAND : Jesus say's Know that He is indeed among His born again people. And Know that He have come in this, the end of the age, to lift you up, that you might live in His sight and that you might know Him face to face. I say as His Minister and Apostle to His Church and the Nations, get ready for His Holy Ghost fire from heaven. He's coming as in the holy Spirit of fire. Is it not written in My word that I would baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with Holy fire! We will submit ourselves to the Holy fire of GOD'S conviction, the fire of His chastening, then we will be cleansed and empowered with Christ our LORD fire. Then, His words will come through our mouths with fire, and we will become the ministers of His Holy Ghost fire. We will become the torches of fire that the Spirit of Truth send into the Nations of harvest....

Thank you Bishop

It is just so sad and frustrating to see folks throwing money at rich preachers and the ones that have a heart to do the will of God and be a blessing to others have to struggle so hard just to make it sometimes. I trust God and I have seen His hand move time after time, but it always seems like it is something trying to block us or hinder us from making strides and getting things running smoothly. Jehovah Jireh shall come through and we put Him in remembrance of His Word. NO GOOD THING will he withhold from them that walk upright before Him. I am expecting God to do what ONLY a God can do!!!! Amen. God bless you and keep you always Apostle. In His service, Bishop Tommy J Haygood and you All know that this Man of God and Apostle is a true blessing too all of us here and you can send him something to bless him and the ministry. Why don't you all do right by him. God bless.


Titus 3:14  Jesus said to let those know that could and will help you. We must have this amount by the first of each month we trust the Lord for His kingdom supporters.   And let our  people  also learn to maintain good works, to  meet  urgent needs, that they may not be unfruitful. Our bills are due as we labor in the gospel of faith. Thank you for allowing GOD to use in helping Betty & Myself. This is the amount we need per month $ 8,860 dollars. Elect Lady Betty and I thank you all from our hearts. Blessing & Building & Empowering You His Chosen People, The Church.


 PREACHERS JESUS SAID TAKE THE ( VE I L ) OFF HIS BRIDE THE CHURCH. PERIOD TAKE THE VEIL OFF HER!!! A Kingdom Spiritual Biblical Confirmation Word From Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to His Ministers. The Spirit of Truth is saying He's drawing His called out and chosen remnant back to an Upper Room of Freedom in His Holy Ghost experience. Let the wind blow and let the fire of GOD fall, but not just to speak in tongues! The LORD wants to empower each of you to be witnesses, ( Not just in buildings, but everywhere and in every place you go ). Our heavenly Father desire is that we would be about the Father's Business and Not our personal business. Many of you have gotten sidetracked by seeking after the signs and wonders, but didn't JESUS say that these signs would follow those that Believe? Instead of seeking weak flesh of men and women, He wants to see His signs of real love, real unity, real fellowships, real brothers and sisters helping and supportin...


We Are Here To Do Ministry Together In GOD'S Love! Apostle James Winfree Sr, Ministries is only interested in the revealed Word and Will of GOD'S made known to all through The Scriptures which are why any teaching can be challenged with Scriptural proof from GOD'S .  We welcome you and hope you join us is studying and fellow shipping in His Word and please be blessed by our web sites, groups, and confirmation ministry and may God enrich you with blessings throughout the time you send with us,  Blessing & Building & Empowering You His Church. Yes, Give & Share Your Support As GOD Lead You. GOD Bless.


We especially need ongoing support from our kingdom family & partners who commit to donate a specified amount each month. You can do this through Our home office in Houston, TX or PayPal (which offers several different levels of monthly gifts) or by sending a check each month to Apostle James Winfree Sr, Thanks!!! Blessing & Building & Empowering You His Church In GOD'S Love.


Revelation 2:20      Called Herself!!! 20  Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow   that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, ( a pastor ) ( a bishop ) ( a elder ) ( a prophet ) ( a apostle ) ( a evangelist ) ( husband ) ( a man ) to teach and seduce  My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols. This is why we're in the Mess we are in because weak  buts, sex crazy, money hungry and sold our men to evil spirits have did this, and their in No true biblical order in America's and most Nations churches today. What a  Mess, What a shame, What a Sin. Period.