Grace and Peace Be Unto You From God the Father and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Out of the ashes of my own personal Ministry experience, God has birthed Apostle James & Betty R Winfree Ministries. I believe that there are times when our passions need to be revived, refreshed, and re-ignited concerning our kingdom purpose, and the passion for ministry in Christ. Apostle James Winfree Sr, Ministries desires to be a catalyst for re-igniting the flames of passion for the work of the ministry in GOD'S love, grace, unity and in His Oneness, and the advancement of the gospel of Jesus Christ by providing essential ministry resources through the expository teaching of God's Word in order to discover and pursue our purpose for life here at home in America and the Nations. Spiritual burnout; physical exhaustion; apathy; complacency and the need for healing have permeated the lives of many in the body of Christ f...