
Showing posts from January, 2021


   TOTAL COMPLETE FREEDOM COMES WITH, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!!! The Moses Laws, Old Covenants, Old Commandments, Were Never Given To Non-Hebrews Or The Gentiles Nations: Apostle James R, Winfree, Sr, I Am Mandated By The Lord To Cultivate, Enlighten, Empower, God's Nations Son's And Daughters In His Love, Inspiring the Worldwide Nations Social Media Churches Of Jesus Christ to reach our heavenly Father's will, plan and His purpose according to our Holy Blessed Savior Jesus Christ new Testament promise, and live their Kingdom lives on earth as it is in heaven: When the Bible speaks of “The Moses Laws, The Old Testament Covenants,” it refers to the detailed standard God gave to Moses to and for Israel nation only, beginning in ( Exodus 20 ) with the Ten Commandments. God’s Law explained His requirements for a holy people and included three categories: civil, ceremonial, and moral laws. The Law was given to separate God’s people from the evil Non-Hewrews and, Gentiles nation...


  Every Knee Shall Bow Before The Feet Of Jesus Christ!!! ( We, Jesus Believers Way Ministries Worldwide, Work On This Together ) Mandated By The Lord To Cultivate, Enlighten, Empower, God's Nations Son's And Daughters In His Love, Inspiring the Worldwide Nations Social Media Churches Of Jesus Christ to reach our heavenly Father's will, plan and His purpose according to our Holy Blessed Savior Jesus Christ new Testament promise, and live their Kingdom lives on earth as it is in heaven: The Truth every knee shall bow comes from the Old Testament book of Isaiah. In the last half of the book Chapters 40—66, God prophesies through Isaiah the coming comfort to His people, Israel, who are in exile in Babylon for their covenant unfaithfulness. The word in question is found in Isaiah 45:23, which reads, “By Myself, I have sworn; from my mouth has gone out in righteousness a word that shall not return: To Me, every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear allegiance.” The main poi...


  FOLLOW, JESUS CHRIST, FOR HE IS, THE ONLY TRUE WAY!!! Apostle James R, Winfree, Sr, I Am Mandated By The Lord To Cultivate, Enlighten, Empower, God's Nations Son's And Daughters In His Love, Inspiring the Worldwide Nations Social Media Churches Of Jesus Christ to reach our heavenly Father's will, plan and His purpose according to our Holy Blessed Savior Jesus Christ new Testament promise, and live their Kingdom lives on earth as it is in heaven: Hi, Good Morning, Love Greetings, sons and daughters of heaven...Sometimes we’re waiting for the Lord Jesus Christ to change our circumstances in life and in the Churches, but the truth of the matter is, God is waiting on you to read, study and obey the Lord Jesus Christ's new covenant word and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you. Arise from that cold dead religious place. Shake off the chains of religious, religion, and Be Free in Christ Jesus's grace and liberty. Shake off what hasn’t worked out trying to keep and obey o...


  READ, STUDY, AND LEARN MOSES, THE PSALMS, AND THE PROPHETS UNTIL YOU SEE JESUS CHRIST IN SCRIPTURES: Apostle James R, Winfree, Sr, I Am Mandated By The Lord To Cultivate, Enlighten, Empower, God's Nations Son's And Daughters In His Love, Inspiring the Worldwide Nations Social Media Churches Of Jesus Christ to reach our heavenly Father's will, plan and His purpose according to our Holy Blessed Savior Jesus Christ new Testament promise, and live their Kingdom lives on earth as it is in heaven: Apostle John wrote his gospel. ( John 1:1-3 ) Jesus, The Eternal Word : In the Beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was at the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him, nothing was made that was made. Our Lord God Jesus Christ: The Word Becomes Flesh And and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the Only Begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. We find Christ'...


  The Churches That Jesus Christ Himself Built , And, Building Is Doing Ministry , His Way: I Am Mandated By The Lord To Cultivate, Enlighten, Empower, God's Nations Son's And Daughters In His Love: Your Apostle James R, Winfree Sr, ( Our Heavenly God And Father Said This! ) “Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of God pasture!” says the Lord. 2 Therefore thus says the Lord God of Israel against the shepherds who feed His people: “You have scattered the Father's flock, driven them away, and not attended to them. Behold, He will attend to you for the evil of your doings,” says the Lord. 3 “But the Lord God will gather the remnant of His flock out of all countries where I have driven them, and bring them back to their folds, and they shall be fruitful and increase. 4 He will set up shepherds over them who will feed them, and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, nor shall they be lacking,” says the Lord God . “Behold, the days are coming,” say...


  God's Son's And, His Daughters Should Have An Addiction On Jesus Christ Only: Apostle James R, Winfree, Sr, I Am Mandated By The Lord To Cultivate, Enlighten, Empower, God's Nations Son's And Daughters In His Love, Inspiring the Worldwide Nations Social Media Churches Of Jesus Christ to reach our heavenly Father's will, plan and His purpose according to our Holy Blessed Savior Jesus Christ new Testament promise, and live their Kingdom lives on earth as it is in heaven: The word addiction has two basic meanings. The first definition and the one most of us are familiar with, is “to cause to become physiologically or psychologically dependent on a habit-forming substance.” Those who are addicted or “given to much wine” ( Titus 1:7; 2:3 ), “ Drunkards ” ( 1 Timothy 3:3 ), or “ Heavy Drinkers ” ( 1 Timothy 3:8 ) are disqualified from teaching or holding a position of authority in the Church. Church leadership needs to be sober and self-controlled so that, by their exam...


  KEEP ON PRAYING AND TRUSTING, AND, BELIEVING THE LORD, GOD'S SONS AND, DAUGHTERS: Our nation's political violence was a tragic illustration of what happens to a nation when it abandons God’s person the Lord Jesus Christ, His holy word, the bible, its principles, and truths. With less than two weeks left in Donald Trump’s presidency, several administration officials have resigned in apparent protest of President Trump’s incitement of the deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol Wednesday, and the White House is reportedly bracing for more departures. Look for a running list of Trump administration officials who have tendered their resignations so far on social media: America is undergoing God's wrath which takes place when Christ's standards are compromised and rejected first with His Christian Churches and, its spiritual leadership ( Romans 1:18-32. ) Former Attorney General William Barr says President Donald Trump’s conduct as a violent mob of his supporters stormed the U.S...

This 2021 Time & Season For Spiritual Renewal

  2021 Is The Time And, Season For Rest And, Spiritual Renewal For God's Sons And, Daughters: Apostle James R, Winfree, Sr, I Am Mandated By The Lord To Cultivate, Enlighten, Empower, God's Nations Son's And Daughters In His Love, Inspiring the Worldwide Nations Social Media Churches Of Jesus Christ to reach our heavenly Father's will, plan and His purpose according to our Holy Blessed Savior Jesus Christ new Testament promise, and live their Kingdom lives on earth as it is in heaven: My personal dictionary definition of renewing would be like this to “make new; restore freshness, life, or quality” or “to make spiritually new.” When the Bible speaks of renewal, it sometimes refers to the physical renewal, rest that is required for our bodies to continue functioning at their best. God Himself instituted a day of rest for His people every week ( Exodus 34:21 ), and ( Psalm 23 ) speaks of a physical rest only God can provide. Physical rest and renewal are a requirement of...