
Showing posts from April, 2021


  COME OUT OF IT, GOD'S SONS AND DAUGHTERS: Apostle James R, Winfree, Sr, I Am Mandated By The Lord To Cultivate, Enlighten, Empower, God's Nations Son's And Daughters In His Love. Know this, I'm Not in the Work or Ministry For Any Income, But I am in God's Work and Ministry to hear Him say, Well Done, this is the Income I am looking to receive. ONLY JESUS CHRIST SAVES!! ! ( Thank you All for standing with me in this labor of love and faith! ) S econd Corinthians 6:17  says, “Therefore, come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord; do not touch any unclean thing, and I will welcome you”. The  biblical truth  that  says   comes out from them  is a reference to Isaiah  66:1-2 . Isaiah  66 :1 -2  speaks of the Israelites who are returning  to idol building worship in trying to build God an earthly home . (   When Jerusalem fell, many of the people were carried away to Babylon, but some of the people fled to Egypt, thin...


  How Much Time, Money In Our Day, Would King Solomon's Temple Be Worth? Some research I have done on the worth of king Solomon temple, the price tag, and how much it would cost to build today would cost today: Apostle James R, Winfree, Sr, I Am Mandated By The Lord To Cultivate, Enlighten, Empower, God's Nations Son's And Daughters In His Love. ONLY JESUS CHRIST SAVES!!! How Much Money In Today's Dollars Would King Solomon's Temple Be Worth?, And know the biblical truth, the wealth, money, and riches today in the Churches are for the saints, Christ's Churches of Believers, God's sons and daughters. Period. This what it says in my research, the writer wrote here, in his reading a magazine article on The Second Temple and it estimated the value of the treasury of the Second Temple at about 1 trillion dollars by today’s standards. They estimated the stonework, the labor, the gold, the silver, the incense, the oils, the income per year, the land, everything ha...


  IN MANY OF OUR SPIRITUAL TALKS, MY SECOND OLDEST SON, JEREMIAH WOULD SAY TO ME, POP'S, YOU CAN'T RIDE A DEAD HORSE: Apostle James R, Winfree, Sr, I Am Mandated By The Lord To Cultivate, Enlighten, Empower, God's Nations Son's And Daughters In His Love. ONLY JESUS CHRIST SAVES!!! This Just What Jesus Christ Meant When He Said: "Let the dead bury the dead" ( Luke 9:60 ). Teach us, Awesome Masterful Holy Spirit Teacher: Jesus said, “Let the dead bury the dead,” in response to a disciple who wanted to spend time at home before committing himself to the Lord. Jesus said, “‘Follow Him.’ But the man replied, ‘Lord, first let me go and bury my father.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God’” ( Luke 9:59–60 ). This man may have wanted to fulfill the oldest son’s duty to bury the father, to be near the father to obtain an inheritance, or to remain near the body of his father for up to one year to rebury the ...


  LOVING GOD'S CHOSEN AND GRACEFUL PEOPLE, YOU ARE NEVER ALONE. Apostle James R, Winfree, Sr, I Am Mandated By The Lord To Cultivate, Enlighten, Empower, God's Nations Son's And Daughters In His Love. ONLY JESUS CHRIST SAVES!!! Let Us, Together, Go Foward: Fo Precious God's Sons and His Daughters, Greeting in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! In the midst of all the bad news & even discouraging news headlines we read of today; I've got Good News for you! The Good News is not really from the natural! It's from the Supernatural realm - from The LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST, Himself! And the Good News is this: Don't Look Back Anymore! It's Time to Begin to Look Forward! I know you might have been in places or situations in your Past that you keep looking back to; or better put, the enemy keeps reminding you of those past experiences, failures, setbacks, defeats, and even disappointments; and he's been trying to use those memories & experiences to t...