COME OUT OF IT, GOD'S SONS AND DAUGHTERS: Apostle James R, Winfree, Sr, I Am Mandated By The Lord To Cultivate, Enlighten, Empower, God's Nations Son's And Daughters In His Love. Know this, I'm Not in the Work or Ministry For Any Income, But I am in God's Work and Ministry to hear Him say, Well Done, this is the Income I am looking to receive. ONLY JESUS CHRIST SAVES!! ! ( Thank you All for standing with me in this labor of love and faith! ) S econd Corinthians 6:17 says, “Therefore, come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord; do not touch any unclean thing, and I will welcome you”. The biblical truth that says comes out from them is a reference to Isaiah 66:1-2 . Isaiah 66 :1 -2 speaks of the Israelites who are returning to idol building worship in trying to build God an earthly home . ( When Jerusalem fell, many of the people were carried away to Babylon, but some of the people fled to Egypt, thin...