
Showing posts from March, 2022


  Please, Help Me To Wish My Queen And Heart, A Blessed And Happy Anniversary Tomorrow: ( Married In Smith- Addition At Jesus Christ Holy Temple On The Date Of March 26, 1978, By Pastor C.V. Dorsey ). When I found you,  Betty , I used to dream that someday I might find a love who would be tender, kind, and passionate... I used to dream that someone whose touch would awaken my heart and fill me with sensations I had only imagined I would ever feel... A partner who would show me how to love was meant to be... I told myself that this was more than I could hope for - more than I could ever deserve. I used to hope that someday I might have a  love  who would know what was deep inside my heart, someone  special  with whom I would be safe to share my secrets, my dreams, my fantasies, and my fears  with ... A  love  I could always count on to listen and understand... I told myself that this was more th a n anyone could hope and much more than I could...


  TO ALL OF TODAY'S SELF-RIGHTEOUS CHURCHES: Our faith actions and godly love decisions determine our truest love for the gospel truth of Jesus Christ. Apostle James R, Winfree Sr, National, and Global Social Media Ministries. ( I am not judging, but over the many years, this is what I have found out personally ) Very sad to write o r  say, but most of today's Churches and their leaders are cold-hearted, self-righteous, self-centered, self-interest, selfish, prideful, condescending, arrogant, respecter of persons, self-seeking, misleading leaderships, selfish-ambition, and they think they are above and better than others because they attend some human-built religious building on Sunday's and worship their God in flesh and lies calling it worship and supporting their one gifted leader and his hand-picked family and friends who do the same things. This is what Jesus said about them in His Holy Word, ( Matt 21-30-32 ) ....30 Then He came to the second and said likewise. And he...


  HERE IS  YOUR BIBLICAL ANSWER, FROM MY PERSPECTIVE: ( So many of you are asking me, could a child of God lose their salvation ) Our faith actions and godly love decisions determine our truest love for the gospel truth of Jesus Christ. Apostle James R, Winfree Sr, National, and Global Social Media Ministries. First, the term  Christ  Churches  must be defined.  God's Spiritual “Ch ildren ” is not  people  who have said a prayer or walked down an aisle or been raised in a Christian family. While each of these things can  not  be a part of the Christian experience, they are not what makes a  son or daughter of God our heavenly Father .  A Christ  Believer or Follower  is a person who has fully trusted in Jesus Christ as the only Savior and therefore possesses the Holy Spirit (   John 3:16 ;   ) (   Acts 16:31 ;  ) (  Ephesians 2:8–9   ). So, with this definition in mind, can a Ch ild of Go...


  ONE MINISTRY GIFTING DOESN'T KNOW IT ALL: Our faith actions and godly love decisions determine our truest love for the gospel truth of Jesus Christ. Apostle James R, Winfree Sr, National, and Global Social Media Ministries. ( God gave some to, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers ), So your Sunday Morning Pastors, Bishops, and, Founders do not know it all, Got it? While the word unity does appear in the Bible, the Word of God does contain a lot of information about working together. Teamwork is evident in the societal structures of marriage, family, community, and ministries. Advice for daily living, conflict management, and related issues is available in Scripture; you just have to know where to look and how to apply the Bible’s principles of teamwork to today’s ministries or worship groups. The most foundational team is the one created when someone accepts Christ as Lord and Savior. From that very instant, the newborn child of God is never alone ( Hebrews 13:5...


  DID YOU BUILD, ARE, OR ARE YOU BUILDING, THE CORRECT ONE? Our faith actions and godly love decisions determine our truest love for the gospel truth of Jesus Christ. Apostle James R, Winfree Sr, National, and Global Social Media Ministries. ( Awesome Holy Spirit opens up our eyes and hearts so that we will understand and obey biblical truth, in Jesus' Name...) In 1 Corinthians 3:16–17, the Apostle Paul preached on the true revelation of the Church as the body of Jesus Christ when he asked, “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you, His sons and daughters? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him or them. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are Christ spiritual brothers and sisters”. We are the temple of God means that we, Christ Holy Spirit-filled believers, His heavenly bound Churches in Jesus Christ, who are joined together in one spiritual family as “His Church” are The Father's holy dwelling place ...