
Showing posts from November, 2022


  TOO MUCH OF DOING NOTHING, FOR SOME OF US!!! Deuteronomy 15:11 For the poor will never cease from the land; therefore I command you, saying, ‘You shall open your hand wide to your brother, to your poor and your needy, in your land.’ Help me with this Master Teacher, Holy Spirit, In Jesus' Name...The riches that God wants for us: “I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being” ( Ephesians 3:16 ). The greatest verse for New Testament Believers concerning riches is Philippians 4:19: “And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” This statement was written by Apostle Paul because the Philippians had sent sacrificial gifts to take care of Elder Paul’s needs. First Timothy 6:17 gives a warning to the rich: “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us ...


  GOD, TOLD Me TO TELL HIS CHURCHES, THAT YOU ALL WILL ALWAYS BE POOR, BECAUSE YOU HAVE BEEN HOODWINKED AND BAMBOOZLED, THROUGH YOUR NON-PROFIT LEADERS, AND THE MONEY SEED YOU, HAVE SOWN INTO NON-PROFIT MINISTRIES ARE NON-PROFIT. THE GROUNDS YOU ARE SOWING IN ARE NON-PROFITABLE!!! You reap what you sow  is mostly likely directly referencing one of two verses in the New Testament. One is  2 Corinthians 9:6 , “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” The other is  Galatians 6:7 , “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” As a general principle, it is true that sowing leads to reaping. It’s true in agriculture and it’s true in life choices. So, “you reap what you sow” is biblical, So you are waiting and believing expecting God to bless the financial seed you have been sowing into Ministries, Churches, Missions, Visions that are Non; for profit making your giving and sowing Unprof...

My spiritual Kingdom Brother

  Our Lord God sees the burden of your soul and that you have become weary in waiting to see a breakthrough in the body of Christ's leadership. Brother Jenkins Boween You must rest, but take your rest by having faith in God our heavenly Father to bring His Churches through. Refuse to fuss and fume over things that are beyond your control my spiritual dear brother. Christ the King sees your heart, and your way to peace is through Him. Trust YAH to make a way because He is The Only True Way. Embrace change in biblical knowledge. For it will be small things that need to be tweaked, improved, or re-arranged in Christ's love and grace. For you the need to exchange or replace that which is no longer relevant for your spiritual life and service. And, for this will be a time of complete renovation in Christ's complete freedom. His Holy Spirit speaks of your spiritual condition as well as your emotional, mental, and physical state of being. He's preparing you for the days ahead ...


  You thought you were doing what God wanted when you stepped out and joined some religious group under religious leadership. The lesson here is that you are not your own the Lord's Churches, you belong to Him. You must follow the Lord God Jesus Christ's new testament love and grace biblical lead and not follow your own religious ways. Make sure that who you are and everything that you do is according to God's will and purposes and not your selfish and self-centered control leaders. Get back on track by repenting and receiving forgiveness and stop doing nothing but repeating the Scriptures just like your Pastors, Bishops, and Founders, they speak religious words without love and without actions, telling God's people that He is going to do everything for them and they do nothing at all, is this the Jesus Way or how Jesus did ministry? . We are His body here on earth and in this world of ours and we must stop just using religious empty words and start doing the works of t...


  Beloved Pastor Satya Suvarna Raju, and my nation's global brother and partner in the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit confirmation words of wisdom through God's global nations social media Messenger and Apostle to the Churches there in India: Many of the rest of you are coming into newness in your walk with the Lord, a newness in understanding, and new opportunities, for this is the season of blessing to All in Christ spiritual family. It is the season of coming together in unity. But, it is also the season of a spiritual attack, and I must reveal this to you because even as IGod in Christ has spoken through His Prophets and His Apostles that the His Church is One, as a body, if you will go to the book of Ezekiel, and if you will read in the 37th and 38th chapters about the war, this war has to do with physical Israel, but the Church is fighting this war spiritually in this day, and the spirits that come are the spirits of Gog and the spirits of Mag...


   Seek righteousness and morality Sir, Elon Musk. Refuse to give in to the temptation or compromise God's godly standards. Be free from sin and guilt in Christ. You will never regret being honorable and virtuous. Hold fast to your moral compass.   You thought you were doing good when you made all the wealth and power you worked to get. The lesson here is that you are not on your own, you belong to God in heaven, because All souls are His.  You must follow His lead and not follow your assumptions. Make sure that who you are and everything that you do is according to the heavenly Father's will and purposes and not your own Elon Musk. Get back on track by repenting and receiving the Lord's forgiveness. Every day is a new day.  It is time for you to begin to broaden your horizons.  You will have opportunities to increase your range of knowledge and experience, and you will be able to see more opportunities and make better choices. Seize every moment to gr...


  Prayer For Online Fellowship Jesus Believers All Nations Church, Unity Dear Heavenly Father, You have called us to be Your heavenly Father's sons and daughters, Your Body, and Your body, and have made us members of one another and joint heirs with Christ. We pray for grace and unity in the Church and ask that You would help us all to live in godly fellowship and brotherly love, and may we be united as one in Christ. Give us tender hearts, and may we edify and encourage each other as we fellowship together in the Spirit, knowing that when two or three are gathered together in Your Name, there are You in the midst. Help the whole Church Family of God to live together in joyful harmony and sweet unity, and may we learn to work together with one mind and one purpose, to lift up the name of Jesus and to point people to the Rock of our salvation. Keep us from selfish ambition and foolish arrogance and may we become humble in spirit, thinking of others as better than ourselves, as we lo...