Dr. Dennis Aikoriogie

Greetings from the USA in the City of Givers Houston, Texas, and from God's National Global Apostle and Messenger James R Winfree Sr. You are God's temple Dr. & Brother Dennis Osahon Aikoriogie there in Benin, Nigeria, Africa, God's original dwelling place Beloved, Beautiful, Valuable and Pioneering Great Mother Africa. It is up to each one to make yourself a fit habitation for Yeshua Holy Spirit. Yet I hear and read about many there who have nothing more than a pile of rubble as they lie in ruins and are unable to be what they were born and called to be Brother Dennis. It is time for the entire continent to rise and rebuild your lives in the Spirit of love truth and grace so that God can live fully in and through you all. To those who have been traumatized by circumstances, I want you to know that God understands and sees your discomfort and stresses His great people. And God will bring you through this time stronger, wiser, and more resilient if you will keep the ...