YOU MADE A HEART-TOUCHING PROMISE TO GOD: You Made Jesus A Promise, That You Wouldn't Forget ( Underwritten by the Senior Apostle & Elder James R Winfree Sr. ) When you were PO and Not Poor and did not have a pot to piss in and a window to throw it out of, or as we said, you did not have a penny in your pocket or a dollar to your name...You made God a promise that He would bless you, I will never forget what He has done for you. You lived in that old small house, in that poor neighborhood, praying over small change to try and pay your bills and feed your family...Do you remember that government cheese, milk, and food stamps?, Do you remember how neighbors used to help neighbors in the community? Do you remember when the Christians used to care and help? Preachers, do you remember when you had five members in those very limited small buildings and a few dollars taken up to support your ministry?... And now that you have made it out, and have money coming from every place and e...