
Showing posts from April, 2010

Lets Pray Together Jesus Believers

Jesus Christ Is The Lord Of Deliverance Please Pray With Me Your Apostle: Apostle James Winfree Sr, Dear Father God in Jesus Christ, Our Great and Gentle One, When I am utterly, unbearably crushed so that I despair of life itself, when I feel as if I have received the sentence of death, remind me that I am to rely not on myself but on you, the Jesus who raises the dead. It is only You who can deliver from deadly peril. I have set my hope on You Jesus Christ. You deliver me again and again and again. How faithful You are! I pray for my many brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus throughout the world, that they will experience relief from suffering, deliverance from peril, and comfort after grief and despair as Jesus Believers. Grant bountiful blessings to Your people, my God in Christ Jesus, in answer to many prayers. We know You will receive this one and make it count among the many others! Thank You, Father in Christ Jesus. Thank You, Lord. Thank You,Holy Spirit in all Your Believer...

Become One Today An Advocate In Christ Kingdom!

APOSTLE JAMES & BETTY WINFREE MINISTRIES We are praying for dedicated representatives to join this vision @ The Apostle Office number @ 832.618.3700 & his Email address Or They are also on Google Seach Web And many other Web sites PARTNERSHIP IN CHRIST JESUS KINGDOM What does partnership mean? When I looked up partnership on this is what it says: Partnership A relationship between individuals or groups that is characterized by mutual cooperation and responsibility, as for the achievement of a specified goal: A good example is joining in partnership with Apostle James Winfree Ministries and Team. When you join you enter into a relationship with us and we are all about teamwork; we are a give-and-take ministry; where each partner gives what they have and Apostle James Winfree Ministries and Team gives what we have. No one party is giving all the time to anyone who is just takin...

2 Men + 1 Family = 1 Blood Acts 17:26

Our Life Is Only Through Jesus Christ Will You Please Pray With Me? With Apostle James Winfree Dear Father In Jesus Christ, Worthy God Of All gods, You have declared that just as death came through the sin of One man Adam which means we all have Adams blood in Us and we are all family and connected too each other, so life comes through One Man's Jesus Christ His resurrection from the dead makes Us One Family in Jesus Believers Kingdom. As in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. But each in his own order: Christ first, then at His coming we who belong to him yes Jesus Christ. Thank You, Father The Daddy of Us All, for the assurance you gave by raising Jesus up. Thank You that Christ resurrection is our resurrection! Thank You for this revelation of the order in which it will come. In the name of Jesus We offer you this thanksgiving and praise for the most wonderful events of history, Jesus Christ's resurrection and ours. Amen.

Wear My Name If You Are My Wife Church!

APOSTLE JAMES & BETTY WINFREE MINISTRIES "Vision and imagine what WOULD and CAN happen when every member in The Body of Jesus Christ in every Town, City, State, Country and Nation come together and Unite in God's awesome Love as One in Unity and Equality in Christ Jesus name!" Apostle James Winfree Ministries Values Our Goal is to see the Whole Body of Christ United and Equal in Our Lord Jesus Christ We are hungry to know God's Spirit, hear His voice, and follow after Him. We desire that Jesus' Love, Unity, Equality, Mercy, Grace, Truth, Purity, Power, and Integrity shine through everything that we do. We honor Jesus Christ as our Head and the Holy Spirit as our Counselor. We seek to be responsive to the Holy Spirit in life and ministry. We aim first to grow personally in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and secondly to train disciples to call others into those same practices We believe that Faith, Hope and Love are essential to...

Food For The Soul Jesus Believers!

Hello, Just sharing some meat for the soul in God's Word In the Bible, God commended a group of people from the city of Berea (the Bereans) because they searched the Scriptures to make sure what they were told matched the Word of God. In Acts 17:11, it says "Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." It is wise for us to know exactly what the Bible says when it comes to how to be right with God and how to receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life. The word "gospel" means "good news." The Bible says in 1Corinthians 15:1-4, "Now, brothers, I want to remind you of THE GOSPEL I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. (2) By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. (3) For what I received I pa...

Say It I'm A Jesus Believer!!!

Yes Say This With Me I'm A Jesus Believer!!! Prayer Time With Apostle James Winfree Sr, Dear Father God King of all in Jesus Christ, How full of grace you and Your Sons are for our sake! You let Jesus share in flesh and blood, partake of our weak and sinful nature, that Jesus through His death might destroys the Devil, who held the power of death, and deliver us from lifelong bondage. Thank You Daddy for making Jesus so like us that Christ can now be a merciful and faithful high priest in our behalf, to make expiation for our sins. Thank You that, because Jesus has suffered and has been tempted, Christ is able now to help us when we suffer and are tempted. How great is Your mercies, O God in Christ Jesus! How desperately we need your sustenance in every moment of our lives! How glad we are that Jesus is there by your side and in our lives in the Holy Spirit, pleading our case, turning away the accusations of Satan about our weaknesses, failures, and acts and thoughts of selfishn...

Are We Yet Holding On Jesus Believers?

We Are Holding Fast To Our Faith In Christ Prayer Time With Apostle James Winfree Sr, Dear Father God which is in our Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You for the confidence I can have to enter your blessed Kingdom because you made Us Your sanctuary here on earth. May I draw near You in faith, full of assurance, with my heart cleansed from a guilty conscience and with my body washed with pure water by Your awesome Holy Word. Grant that I may hold fast to the confession of my faith, without wavering, since I know that You, The One who promised, is faithful. May my enthusiastic expression of faith stir up fellow Jesus Believers to good works. Let me not neglect meeting with my brothers and sisters or fail to remember that we all will be gathered to meet the Lord in the air. May we encourage one another all the more as we see that glorious Day drawing near. I am looking forward to the return of Your Son Jesus, and it is in his Name we live, move and have our very being and You Lord Jesus by the...

Jesus Believers Never Quit!!!

Jesus Believers Keep Sharing God's Marvelous Message ! Prayer Time With Apostle James Winfree Sr, Dear Father Our Daddy In Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thank You for the great numbers of believers in Jesus Christ, for their works of faith, their labors of love, and their steadfastness of hope which they have in Christ Jesus. Thank You for choosing all of us and calling us to Yourself by The Good News about Jesus Your amazing awesome and loving Son. Thank You that this marvelous message came to us not only in word, but in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction. Thank You for the example of Your ministers as demonstrations of what the Good News about Jesus can do in human lives just as He is doing in ours. Help us to imitate their labors, suffering, and joys in the Holy Spirit so that we may become examples to others as Jesus Believers. Let our faith, like theirs, go forth everywhere to all men and women so that all men and women will turn from vain idols and self-worship t...

Jesus Believers Stick Together In Christ!

Jesus Believers Stick, Stand, Strong Together In Christ! Prayer Time With Apostle James Winfree Sr, Dear Father God The Holy One In Jesus Christ, Lifter Of All Our Heavy Loads, Fill my heart with love for my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. If someone is overtaken in some misdeed, help me to assist in restoring that person, in a spirit of gentleness and in Christ awesome amazing love. Let me watch out for myself, lest I also be tempted. Help all of us to bear one another's overload and help, be their for each other and too start supporting one another as Jesus Believers in Christ, and so fulfil the law of Christ our Lord. But help us not to deceive ourselves, thinking we are something when we are really nothing. Let each one of us test our own work, so that our reason for pride may be in what we do and not in what our neighbor does. Teach each of us to bear our own fair load and help all those who do need our support and help. May we who are taught share all our good things ...

B 1 N Prayer With Us Jesus Believers

Will You Jesus Believers Pray This With Me? Time To Pray With Apostle James Winfree Sr, Dear Father God Who Lives In Christ Jesus And Who Lives In All Your Jesus Believers, keeper of every promise in Your most Holy Word, Thank You for disclosing to us the mystery of what is to come! Keep us looking forward to that moment when we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet when we all will be just like our Savior Jesus Christ. Thank You that some of us will not even have to die but will rise to meet the Savior in the air YES! Glory Too God in Jesus Christ. Praise be to You, Almighty Father and our Daddy. By Your will the last trumpet will sound. The dead will be raised imperishable. We shall all be changed. You will make our perishable nature imperishable, our mortal nature immortal. Then you will bring to pass what is written, "Death is swallowed up in victory." "O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?"...

Daddy Said I Got It Right!!!

Time To Pray With Apostle James Winfree Sr, Dear Father God In Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of The Eternal Kingdom, You have made known to us the secret of your will, the purpose which you set forth in Christ Jesus as a plan for the fullness of time. Thank you, O God in Christ Jesus, for what you have made known - that you intend to Unite everything in Christ and every Believer - things in heaven and things on earth. Divine Lord Jesus, You accomplish all things according to Your will. Thank You that we who first hoped in Jesus Christ have been destined and appointed to live for the praise of Your glory Jesus. Thank You also that in Jesus Christ we who have heard the word of truth, the Good News of our Salvation, and have put our trust in Christ Jesus, have been sealed with Your own Holy Spirit as Jesus Believers. We exult in You, Father God in Jesus, because You have given us this awesome loving Holy Spirit, which is the guarantee, the down payment on our inheritance, until we acquire p...

As Jesus Believers Our Love Must Be In Action

Jesus Believers Are Hearts of Love and Action Time With Apostle James Winfree Sr,/ Our Daily Dosage Of Prayer Dear Father God Who Is The Daddy Of Us All In His Blessed And Loving Kingdom, Give us hearts of love, that refuse to say, "Go, be warmed and filled," but instead give what is needful to those full of need in the family of Jesus Christ. Help us prove that our love is genuine, remembering that the Lord Jesus Himself was very rich in heaven with You but for our sakes Jesus became poor that by Christ poverty we might become rich in His Kingdom and by His Holy Spirit. Thank You, Jesus, for this. Thank You, Father God our loving Daddy, for giving Jesus to us to show us the blessedness of giving to other Jesus Believers in Christ Blessed Kingdom. In the name of Jesus the Blessed Name that is above all and every name I humbly ask for your grace in giving us a generous Spirit in helping and supporting one another as Jesus Believers in Christ. Amen. Please stop by and study ...

All Glory And Praise Goes Too Jesus Christ!!!

We are all about Christ Love, Unity ,and Equality and Relationship in God's family We are all about Christ Love, Unity, and Equality and Relationship in God's family Greetings In The Wonderful Loving Name Of Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ: Hello, my name is Apostle James R. WinfreeSr., Houston, Texas born and raised. I am blessed and happily married to my loving wife Mrs. Betty R. Winfree for 30+ loving years and we are still going strong in our love for each other and our marriage. From this loving and holy union God has so very blessed us with four beautiful children. Our first-born is Tarsha, born in 1978 next our son James Jr, born in 1983, our next son Jeremiah J. born in 1985, and last but not least Benjamin, born in 1987 all of Houston, Texas. I have a very diversified and deeply rooted background in the word of God and in my Lord and Savor Jesus Christ, Below is a brief account of my Spiritual background in our Lord's Ministry. The very first Church I joined was T...

Jesus Believers Do Everything In Jesus Christ Love.

Jesus Believers Are Compelled By Love Our Daily Dosage Of Prayer With Apostle James Winfree Sr, Dear Father in Jesus Christ The Only True Saving Lord, Invisible but absolutely Real in our hearts, minds and souls, May We be compelled by the love of Christ, convinced that He gave His all that We might no longer live for ourselves but for Him Christ Jesus, The One who died for Us. So let Us not regard Christ Jesus from a worldly point of view. We are in Christ Jesus. We are a new creation in our Lord's blessed Kingdom. The old has gone, the new has come in Jesus Christ! We are reconciled to you, our loving and Holy Father, through your Son Jesus Christ. Thank You for what you did for Us - through Christ Jesus! In The Name of Jesus We praise and thank You for all Your great mercies and your continuing and constant grace and love. Amen and Amen. Check out our gift of love too all of Jesus Believers in The Lord at

Crying With Tears In My Heart We Will Obey You Jesus!

Dear Holy Spirit, Cause us to be single-minded and sure of Your calling upon our lives. May Your Love,Unity and Equality of heart, mind and spirit prevail in our lives, home and service on earth as it in heaven. Dear Holy Spirit, break down the barriers that separate us and bind us Your people together again in Your love. Raise up those among us who have fallen. Cause Your compassion to stir our hearts and impregnate us with Your purposes of Equality and Unity. May our chief loyalty be to You and to all who share our common bloodline in the Lord Jesus Christ. As Christ believers we have the responsibility to value all people for whom Christ said are lost. God loves His children Equally and with Unity of spirit. No person no matter what ethnic of skin color is too large ,small, big,rich or poor for the love of God and ours. In Jesus' name, Amen. "We are a Ministry of Unity and Equality to Christ's Body"

Church We Do Love You 1 John 4:12

I Love You Jesus Believers In Christ Listen please too the words of my heart By Apostle James Winfree Sr, Dear Father God In Our Lord Jesus Christ, The One Real, True And Only Living God, Give me more love and humility than knowledge, for "Knowledge puffs up but love builds up." People know lots of things, but they let it go to their heads. Help me, Father in Jesus Christ, never to imagine that I know everything, because I know that I do not yet know as I ought to know. What I want is to love You as I should, for if I love You, then I am loved and known by You and awesome Holy Spirit please help me too love all my dear loving Brothers and sweet Sisters You made apart of the body in making us all One. All the things that men and women pursue, O God, seem to have no real existence when compared to You. There is no God but you Jesus, The One God and please know this, You Should Know Jesus Believers In Jesus I am writing you this letter in hopes that it will touch your heart. I w...