
Showing posts from April, 2011

Greetings & Blessings Jesus Believers

This Is A Vision Born In The Heart Of Our Lord Jesus Christ In The Holy Spirit of God Our Father. " The Time Is Right Now" We are here if any need and wants more loving biblical information and too network with us search us out at Or Write me at & We are about Restoring the respect and the love of Jesus Christ in our hearts and in our homes. We are about being led and filled Wholeheartedly in the Holy Spirit and declaring Jesus Christ as The LORD GOD and Ruler of All Jesus Believers. We are about seeking Jesus Christ Blessed and Loving Kingdom first, above ALL earthly things in The Holy Ghost and in The Holy Word Of God our Bibles. We are about Loving & Accepting and supporting the Body of Christ Jesus in it's fullness with our faith prayers.Love, Unity, Equality commands the blessing and favor on All Jesus Believers in Christ. We are about Praying in Love, Faith, Unity, ...

Are We Ready, Yet?

"One Of The Most Loving Blessings Of Being In Fellowship And Partnership With Apostle James Winfree & Team Ministries Is That The Results Of The Choices We Make Together Now Will Echo And Make Changes Now And Throughout Time And Eternity The Right Time Is Now!!" " Jesus Christ Have Already Made All Jesus Christ Believers One" The Church The Lord Jesus Christ Built In Jerusalem In Acts (40) And with many other words he testified and exhorted them, saying, “Be saved from this perverse generation.”( 41 )Then those who gladly received his word was baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them.( 42 )And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.( 43 )Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles.( 44 )Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common,( 45 )and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them amon...

Is It Jesus Time, Yet?

This is a Ministry where we come together get to know Jesus Christ and get to know each other in God's loving family. As we grow Spiritual to have a personal relationship with God, Jesus Christ. Where we share our blessings, support, prayers, or anything else you wish to help those who are in need in Christ family. The purpose of this online ministry is to see Jesus Christ save the lost, the sick healed, the distressed relieved, the broken restored, and the discouraged empowered to Victory in Jesus Christ. This can be done Through Jesus Christ. Jesus Rein over every problem we face today. Jesus Christ Rein's today He is the Same yesterday, Today and tomorrow. Lets join our faith together and believe in outstanding Victories across the World. Join in my faith to Believe for this online ministry to grow to new heights and come public across the nations from one end of the earth to another. If you do not know Jesus Christ we are here to help you. Lets worship together in Spirit an...

Its Time To Get Back Too Just JESUS!!!

We Remain True And Faithful To This Jesus Given Vision To All Of God's People, Believers. Christians, Saints Yours In Christ Jesus Blessed Kingdom, The Lord's Team " The Time Is Right Now" OUR HEARTS PRAYER UNTIL WE GO HOME TO BE WITH JESUS CHRIST Father in Jesus blessed and Holy name, thank you once again for the commission that Christ laid upon the apostolic ministry for yesterday and for today. All five are indispensable and we need each in order to become what You ordained for us in this generation. We are limited by time and space - while still living in these tents (natural bodies) so help us use our time wisely to be most effective for You on helping in bringing all your Christ Jesus Believers together in Your awesome and amazing grace as One body wit many members around the World. Amen. OUR CONFESSION IN THE HOLY SPIRIT IN JESUS CHRIST FOR ALL TIMES Jesus is The Apostle and High Priest of our confession. I accept the role of the apostle in Him and through oth...

Jesus Said To Pray Always Believers

"For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart." Hebrews 4:12 (AMP) " The Time Is Right Now" Who Then Will Condemn Us? Will Christ Jesus? No, For He ( Jesus Christ ), Is The One Who died For Us And Was Rraised To Life For Us And Is Ssitting At The Place Of Highest Honor in God our loving Father, Pleading For Us. Romans 8:34 Our loving and Awesome Holy Father in Christ Jesus: OUR FATHER IN JESUS BLESSED NAME :I LIFT UP TO YOU THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE HURTING .. BROKEN.. ABUSED.. ABANDONED.. REJECTED.. FILL THEM WITH YOUR LOVE.. EMBRACE THEM LORD..AND HEAL THEIR HEARTS.. TO SEEK A DEEPER RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU AND NOT WITH ...

Its Just Prayer Time Jesus Believers!!!

Welcome to Apostle James & Betty Winfree Ministries Prayer Request Page We want you to feel comfortable about sending us your prayer needs, all prayer needs will be kept private. As soon as you hit the submit button the prayer request will go directly to our email address. When we get your prayer request we will commit it to prayer daily. When your prayer request has been answered we would love to hear all about it so that we can rejoice with you. Also any praise reports of any type we would love to hear them as well. If you would like a reply from us than please include your email address. Since all requests will go directly to our email address no one but Apostle James & Betty Winfree Ministries will see your email address. We look forward to hearing from you, Apostle James & Betty Winfree Ministries and Team *WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE US TO PRAY FOR? All Prayer Requests will be sent to the Ministries email address and will be kept private. If you would like us to email you tha...

What Are You Looking For?

That, is what we here looking for here at Apostle James Winfree Ministries and Team, people who are willing to work with us in cooperative effort as a team to achieve to a common goal. When you join you enter into Partnership with us, and you are saying that I am willing to be in cooperation with this ministry. You are saying I am willing to give what I have just like the early Church did after the Holy Spirit fell upon the people. They shared everything and no one was in lack of anything: Acts 2:41-47

The Holy Spirit!!!

"One By One Jesus Christ By The Holy Spirit Are Making Christ Jesus Love,Unity and Equality A Reality In The Body Of Our Lord Jesus Christ!!" " We Really Do Love Our Beloved Brothers And Sisters In Our Lord Jesus Christ Blessed Kingdom" Enter To Love And Learn! Exit To Love And Serve! The Holy Spirit is Our Helper and He Empowers To Become Jesus Believers In Our Lord Jesus Christ. Dear children of the faith, Which is in The Lord Jesus Christ I'm writing to you about The Mighty Baptism of The Holy Spirit that Jesus promised to every Believer in Jesus Christ. Here are two absolutes: 1. When we were born-again The Holy Spirit came to live inside of us; we drank from the fountain of Living Water who is Jesus Christ. 2. When we are baptized in The Holy Spirit that Living Water comes out of us like a flowing river; The Holy Spirit comes up on us and live in us as Jesus Christ in Spirit. You could say; Salvation is Jesus Christ in us, but The baptism of The Holy Spirit...