Going To, Or Being A Member Of A Religious Building, Doesn't Guarantee You Going To Heaven: Attention this is very important, I'm a National, International Global representative of our Lord Jesus Christ and this is His Ministry, ( So, whether you don't believe or trust or follow me, that's unfortunate on your part, But, I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for all of you who do support me, I'm your Senior God-Ordained Chosen Apostle & Messenger and He sent me to serve all of His spiritual Kingdom sons and daughters in the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. ) Luke 11:49 Salvation is found in The Lord Jesus Christ. “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). God gave His Son so that we may have eternal life, thus destroying our need to perform good works, including going to any religious buildings, to go to heaven. Eternal life is attained by faith alone in Christ Jesus a...