Attention this is very important, I'm a National, International Global representative of our Lord Jesus Christ and this is His Ministry, ( So, whether you don't believe or trust or follow me, that's unfortunate on your part, But, I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for all of you who do support me, I'm your Senior God-Ordained Chosen Apostle & Messenger and He sent me to serve all of His spiritual Kingdom sons and daughters in the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. )
Luke 11:49
Remarkable, Awesome, and All-Powerful LORD GOD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, I ask for a spiritual breakthrough into deeper realms of faith, wisdom, and intimacy for Your Apostles, Prophets Teachers, and Prophetess. Revive the inner fire of devotion that has dimmed under the strains of our lives and ministries. Fan into flame fresh passion and zeal. Increase hunger and capacity for your Word and presence. Expand our Kingdom territory. Enlarge our thoughts, vision, and dreams to align with your Kingdom's purposes—open rivers of living water to flow through dry, barren places in our lives, homes, families, and ministries. Teach us mindfulness to walk in step with your Holy Spirit always. Thank You that you can do far more abundantly than We could ever ask or imagine or think.

Omnipotent Father Yeshua, I come before You, the great Door Opener. I am asking for Your supernatural power to go before Your God-ordained chosen appointed Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, and Prophetess and open every door that You have ordained for us. Smash through every obstacle, opposition, and resistance that stands in the way of our destiny breakthrough. I declare in The Name of Jesus that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Cause every crooked path to become straight!
Lord Jesus and our King, You are The Way, The Truth, and The Life. Our Chief Bishop, Shepherd, and Apostle... I am asking You to kick open the doors of Worldwide Kingdom spiritual opportunity that have been sealed shut by religious leaders. I am requesting divine intervention to break through any spiritual forces, negative mindsets, or generational curses trying to keep us stuck in a season of delay. By the authority given to me in Christ, I rebuke every demonic assignment of stagnation, procrastination, or setback.
Spirit of The Living God, I welcome You to move like a mighty, rushing wind over our lives your Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, and Prophetess. Release Your breakthrough anointing to flow through us and propel us forward into our promised covenant blessings of both body, mind soul, and spirit. Give us eyes to see the open doors of favor that others are blind to. Fill us with boldness to seize divinely orchestrated opportunities without hesitation.
Heavenly Father our One and only God who is the Savior of All souls, thank You that You are the God of more than enough. I declare over our situation that the breakthrough is already manifest in the unseen realm. I call it forth from the spiritual into the natural realm. Cause Your favor and breakthrough to chase us down and overtake us. Let Your Kingdom reality override any opposition or lack trying to restrict our access.
Risen Savior, thank You for disarming every opposing force at the cross. I announce that the enemy’s plans for obstruction, delay, and discouragement have been derailed by the power of Your resurrection blood and power! I hold up the victorious shield of faith, believing that the breakthrough pathways are opening before us. I expect to see mighty breakthroughs where You receive all the glory.
I rejoice by faith that the doors are opening, the chains are breaking, and this lingering delay is ending. Outpours of financial blessing and breakthroughs are coming in Jesus’ Mighty Name! And Let All of His chosen, anointed, appointed ordained Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, and Prophetess respond by agreeing by typing. Amen.
Yes, We will, and Yes We will obey God's Word and Voice.
1 Corinthians 12:28
And God Has Appointed these in The Church: First Apostles, Second Prophets, Third Teachers, after, that Miracles, then Gifts of Healings, Helps, Administrations, Varieties of Tongues. Amen.
Sincerely, God's Honarable Serving Senior Apostle & Messenger, Elder James R Winfree Sr.
Yes, I Dare you to be Free, But Most Importantly, The Lord Jesus Christ DARES you to Be, Stay, and, Remain, FREE.
I Do Love you!


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