Thanks, For Being An Loving Advocate For Christ The Lord!!!

"One of the most loving blessings of being in fellowship and partnership with Apostle James Winfree & Team Ministries is that the results of the choices we make together now will echo and make changes now and throughout time and eternity!"

"Amen. Though we love our family, and pray for them, Jesus said, who's my mother, and who's my brother? Those who do the will of My Father. In the eyes of God, essentially, those who do Gods will are more our family than our family, unless they are born again. The more we move into the spiritual, the more we will see that."

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.Galatians 3:28It's almost impossible not to do it--see the differences in people, that is. We walk down the street, enter a crowded room, or visit a shopping mall, and immediately our visual radar begins to sort people out: tall or short, rich or poor, black, white, or brown; and countless other differences are immediately apparent. The problem starts when we begin to make judgments about those people without even knowing them, or treating them differently once we do meet them.When we play favorites or show prejudice, we are violating God's standards. In spite of our physical, economic, or ethnic differences, God sees all human beings the same way. All have the same Spiritual need (being reconciled to Him) and all are free to have their need met the same way (through the universal offer of the Gospel of Christ). None are God's favorites when it comes to receiving His love and grace. And none should be our favorites when we are representing Him in this world.We can't keep from seeing the external differences in people, but We can keep from acting on them. Lets ask God to give us fresh eyes to see the world as He does.Beware lest we mistake our prejudices for our convictions.

How can we preach the gospel to our world if we the Body of Christ are not in CHRIST LOVE, UNITY, EQUALITY?
Remember that life is only in Christ Jesus our Savior and Lord, So Feel free to study The Lords Website at or Write us at / Apostle James R Winfree Sr, at 832-618-3700 Or you can Write us by Post Mail @ P.O.BOX 5293 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77262-5293We remain True and Faithful to this Vision to all of God's People, Believers. Christians, SaintsYours in Christ Jesus Blessed Kingdom, The Lord's Team


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