For Your Eyes Only Church!

"One of the most loving blessings of being in fellowship and partnership with Apostle James Winfree & Team Ministries is that the results of the choices we make together now will echo and make changes now and throughout time and eternity!"
"ONE by ONE we are making Christ Jesus Love, Unity and Equality A Reality In The Body Of Our Lord Jesus Christ!"
Galatians 6:10Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to ALL, especially to those who are of the HOUSEHOLD OF FAITH.
Dear Holy Spirit, break down the barriers that separate us and bind us Your people together again in Your love. Raise up those among us who have fallen. Cause Your compassion to stir our hearts and impregnate us with Your purposes ofChrist Love Equality and Unity. May our chief loyalty be to You and to all who share our common bloodline in the Lord Jesus Christ. As Christ believers we have the responsibility to value all people for whom Christ said are lost. God loves His children Equally and with Unity of spirit. No person no matter what ethnic of skin color is too large, small, big, rich or poor for the love of God and ours.
You can be and you must be
a light and champion for the cause for change in Christ Kingdom. A light and champion is someone who wins for others and you want to see God's love, unity and equality for all in Christ Jesus Kingdom – someone who helps others achieve their goals and realize their dreams and visions– someone who is passionate about the success of others in the same family of God in Christ Jesus. A champion fights not his own battles but battles to win for others in Christ loving Kingdom. He or She is an advocate and a defender; a leader and a deliverer who fights for the rights and honor of other Believers, Christians, Saints and those who need Christ in our World, and not for self or personal aggrandizement of gain.Irrespective of your trade, position, or place, We charge you to be a champion today. God brought you into that place of influence not be served but to serve others in God's Awesome and Blessed Kingdom (Romans 13:1). In other words, Jesus Christ wants you to be a Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Champion, a light and a deliverer a blessing a help a supporter to all in Christ family. So, be passionate about the welfare, success and prosperity of others; fight for their rights; be their advocate and defender – champion their cause of Jesus Christ.You can be the catalyst for a change in the nation and our world for Christ Jesus. You can inspire that change. Remember, it only takes a spark to set a forest on fire. God wants you to be a champion for your Brothers, Sisters and our world for Christ Jesus!
Apostle James R Winfree Sr, Ministries
P.O.Box 5293Houston, TX 77262
Office Phone ( 832 ) 618-3700
Ministry Email address: USA country code: 001
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