The Voice Of Yeshua Spirit

Voice Of The Holy Spirit" Its Family Time In Christ Body!This is the teaching on The Holy Spirit Love, Unity And Equality In Yeshua Kingdom!
.There people who, wondering why their lives are out of joint, are quick to blame the preachers or churches for their woes. Some others feel the reason they're going through hard times is because of the wrong things they did in the past. The fact that you're going through some trying times in your life may not be the result of what you did wrong, but what you aren't doing right. It is time to Unite as One body in Christ Jesus. When we get saved, The Holy Spirit automatically grafts us into the Body of Christ and unites us with other Believers, Christians, Saints World-Wide. We are united with each other in the Spirit as one people and members of the SAME FAMILY OF GOD, irrespective of gender, age, socioeconomic status, race or tribe or countries where we live. The various churches we belong to are to Believers in Jesus Christ and in one another. We must teach others these truths so that we will enjoyYeshua love,unity and equality of the Faith. Ephesians 4: 1- 7. Unfortunately many members allow their minister to divide us in Christ Church. That is what is called the spirit of denomination. It is not of God and works against the interests of God and frustrates the prayer that Yeshua prayed for His Church His Believers in John 17. We are one in the Spirit and what ever God has given me is for you and vice versa for all of God’s children. We are not to commercialize or withhold any gift or grace, But we must have the same respect, love and care for one another in the same body His Church!Scriptures dealing with the uniting work of the Holy Spirit are as follows: Ephesians 4: 1 - 7, 11 - 16; Ephesians 2: 19 - 22; 1 Corinthians 12: 7, 11 - 27, When we realize this uniting work of the Holy Spirit, we have only one acceptable response: LOVE, UNITY, EQUALITY/ 1 Corinthians 13. DEMONSTRATE. The Holy Spirit empowers believers to demonstrate the power of Jesus Christ so that they can fulfill the Great Commission effectively with signs and wonders following. That is why He told His disciples not to run off and preach the gospel until they were endued with power from above. Acts 1: 4 - 8. It is the power we receive that is manifested as Spiritual Gifts with which God confirms the ministry He is calling us into. True ministry therefore is the EXPRESSION OR BRINGING FORTH of what WE ARE IMPRESSED WITH BY THE HOLY SPIRIT. When we bring forth what He put in us, we are engaged in ministry! Every Believer is thus equipped by God to be a conveyor of the Power of the Risen Christ through the particular gifts of the Holy Spirit we receive. We are not just to be satisfied with just speaking in tongues and having good time in our buildings which many call the house of God, But the truth of the matter every Believer, Christian, Saint is Christ true real House. And, God's people without Yeshua which really means Jesus we must have love for each and one another and start helping and supporting one another not just give our money to preachers and their own little kingdoms and lifeless buildings... Yes, stop all this fleshly induced disorderly behavior done supposedly in the name of the Holy Spirit! love are a sign of what is stored inside! Romans 12: 3 - 8 and 1 Corinthians 12 analyze the gifts we receive. 1 Peter 4: 10, 11 tell us that we have a duty to exercise the gifts of the Holy Spirit we receive as an obligation to the Body in respect for each other not just to the rich and powerful in the Kingdom!Scriptures which confirm this are: Mark 16: 15 - 18; Acts 1: 4 - 8; Acts 2: 1 - 39, Joel 2:28 - 32; Romans 12: 3 - 8; the whole of 1 Corinthians 12, especially verses 1 - 11, 28 -30 and Ephesians 4: 7 – 12.. To be continued because The Word says give us this day our daily Bread and you can find us here at or write us at or Our office number 832-618-3700---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please pray for The Lord's team, that The Holy Spirit will preserve us by the Blood of Yeshua; that the wicked one will be far from our camp and that God will provide all we need to continue to train, equip, activate and release Believers, Christians, Saints across our world into productive ministry, free of charge, according to the pattern the Lord showed us in His blessed Word.


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