
Showing posts from May, 2010

Our Son Getting Married This Weekend!!!

Cant Wait To Spend Forever With You, Yes My Son Getting Married May 30,2010 Too Mrs. Maria E Barrow To Jeremiah & Maria Winfree Dear New Husband & Wife, From Your Mother & Dad Apostle James & Betty R Winfree The first time I heard you say the words, "I love you", it was like I have been taken to Cloud 9 and I haven't gone down until now. Right after you uttered those words I asked myself, "Do I love you?", and as I look for the answer, I again asked: have you given me any reasons not to? No. I then realized that I have already fallen in love with you, and yes ... I am so in love with you, Jeremiah says too Maria! In the past, I had always yearned for someone to love, to cherish and to take good care of - to whom I would share my dreams with and make them come true. I'd always walked around feeling so empty with a hole in my heart that I thought would never get filled... You filled that hole. I think back to how empty my life was without you, ...

God's People We Just Talk Too Much!!!

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are ALL ONE in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28" Our Ministry & Vision In the New Testament Today, we have a vision. It is a vision deeply rooted in the New Testament. We have a vision this day, that the body of Jesus Christ will become "One" in Him. We Have a vision this day that the Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers, will work together in Unity and Equality side by side, hand in hand. 1. Our desire is to do and teach just what the word of God says from the bible, without imposing our own presuppositions and preconceptions into His word. 2. We are experiencing the bible in our everyday lives, not just knowing the word. The bible, the word of God, the scriptures, we highly value it. 3. We believe that the bible is the very written word of God, and that it is absolutely reliable for all matters pertaining to life. 4. Rather t...

All We Want Is Too Be Just Like Jesus!

"One of the most loving blessings of being in fellowship and partnership with Apostle James Winfree & Team Ministries is that the results of the choices we make together now will echo and make changes now and throughout time and eternity!!" Lord, in every need let us come to You with humble trust saying, "Jesus, help me." In all our doubts, perplexities, and temptations, Jesus, help us. In hours of loneliness, weariness, and trials, Jesus, help us. In the failure of our plans and hopes; in disappointments, troubles, and sorrows, Jesus, help us. When others fail us and Your grace alone can assist us, help us. When we throw our self on Your tender love as a Father and Savior, Jesus, help us. When our heart is cast down by failure at seeing no good come from our efforts, Jesus, help us. When we feel impatient and our cross irritates us, Jesus, help us. When we are ill and our head and hands cannot work and we are lonely, Jesus, help us. Always, always, in spite o...


Dear Friends, And Jesus Believers How are you? I just had to send a note to tell you how much I love you and care about you. I saw you yesterday as you were talking with your friends. I waited all day, hoping you would want to talk with Me also. As evening drew near, I gave you a sunset to close your day and a cool breeze to rest you-and I waited. You never came. Oh, yes, it hurts Me-but I still love you because I am your Friend. I saw you fall asleep last night and longed to touch your brow, so I spilled moonlight upon your pillow and face. Again I waited, wanting to rush down so we could talk. I have so many gifts for you! You awakened late and rushed off to work. My tears were in the rain. Today you looked so sad-so all alone. It makes My heart ache because I understand. My friends let Me down and hurt Me many times, too, but I love you. Oh, if you would only listen to Me. I love you! I try to tell you in the blue sky and in the quiet green grass. I whisper it in the leaves on the t...

Please See And Understand This!!!

The Way To Unity, Equality, Oneness In Christ Church! By Apostle James R Winfree Sr, [This message is to all of God's people, Believers, Christians, Saints and Believing Jews and Gentiles) We are blessed to witness this splendid occasion of God's people coming together to express publicly our commitment to the long neglected doctrine , Christian , Saints Love, Unity, Equality and Oneness in Christ Body His loving Church Family. We stand boldly together this evening against every divisive spirit in the universe as we confidently declare with One Voice that we shall endeavor to keep the Unity of the Spirit and to protect the harmony of the sacred body of Jesus Christ in God's Equality and His awesome grace and love. We gather this day as the body of Christ with the Godly determination to reflect the divine unity, equality, love, oneness that exists within the Godhead between Father, Son, and Spirit. We stand as one person, in one spirit, against every strategy of division de...

Jesus Believers Don't Hate!!!

For Jesus Christ is our peace, who has made both One, and has broken down the middle wall of Separation, Having Abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, So as to Create in Himself ( Jesus Christ ) One New Man from the two, thus making peace. Believers & Christians Jews Are ONE in Jesus Christ! Ephesians 2:14-15 "To All of God's Children in Christ Jesus" Greetings, to all those who are the Seed and Children of Jesus Christ and God our Father: To the Church of Jesus Christ which are scattered abroad greetings! For do we now persuade men or GOD? Or do we seek to please men? For if we still pleased men we would not be Bound Servants of CHRIST. But we make known to you brethren that the gospel that was preached by CHRIST is not according to man (men). For we neither received it from man, nor were we taught it, but it came through the revelation of JESUS CHRIST. We are bound to thank GOD always for you, brethren, as it i...

A Word To God's People

Apostle James Winfree Sr, Subject: No tengas temor a Malas Noticias Salmos 112 1 Bienaventurado el hombre que teme a Jehová y en sus mandamientos se deleita en gran manera. 2 Su descendencia será poderosa en la tierra; la generación de los rectos será bendita. 3 Bienes y riquezas hay en su casa, y su justicia permanece para siempre. 4 Resplandeció en las tinieblas luz a los rectos; es clemente, misericordioso y justo. 5 El hombre de bien tiene misericordia y presta; gobierna sus asuntos con justicia. 6 Por lo cual no resbalará jamás; en memoria eterna será el justo. 7 No tendrá temor de malas noticias; su corazón está firme, confiado en Jehová. 8 Asegurado está su corazón; no temerá, hasta que vea en sus enemigos su deseo. 9 Reparte, da a los pobres; su justicia permanece para siempre; su poder será exaltado con gloria. 10 Lo verá el impío y se irritará; crujirá los dientes y se consumirá. El deseo de los impíos perecerá. Hoy, leyendo la Palabra del Señor, sentí el aliento y consuelo d...

Are You Going Too Listen?

Apostle James Winfree Sr, Subject: Always Consult With The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ ! Always Consult With The Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus I will instruct you and teach you in the way which with will go: I will guide you with Mine eye God says (Psalm 32:8). The Holy Spirit can tell you what to do in every situation for you to always win in life. Many are frustrated because they never consult with Jesus Christ on the right steps to take. They'd rather go to their relatives and friends to help them out of trouble. Sadly, those they meet for help only provide them counsel that doesn't work, because it’s based on human reasoning and sense knowledge. Learn to consult with the Holy Spirit for answers. Ask Jesus for guidance and direction concerning everything you do. When you face challenges that seem insurmountable, call on Jesus, and He'll tell you what to do; He'll give you the strategies to employ. The great men and women we read about in Scriptures understood this tru...

Just Call Me A Jesus Believer!!

What Denomination Are You? “If {anyone suffers} as a Christian or Christ Believer, he or she is not to be ashamed, but is to glorify God in this name Jesus.” I Peter 4:16 We are simply Jesus Believers, no more, no less. That’s what Jesus wants us to be. Wouldn't you agree? Have you noticed that God children seem to have a hard time deciding to be content to be just Jesus Believers? God's children need to be content to be Jesus Believers and all ministers need to be content to be teachers of this truth. What does the Bible actually teach us? Most are unaware that the modern series of divisions that we call denominationalism is actually addressed (in principle) by the Bible. “Now I exhort you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all agree and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be made complete in the same mind and in the same judgment.” I Corinthians 1:10 Look up the word “denomination” in any good dictionary or en...


To all my loving Mother's here online We do love you Mom!!! Just for you Mother, with all my loving heart and thoughts and best wishes, how many cares does a mother's heart bestow?...How many joys does a mother knows, How many heartwarming things has she shed?... How many How many tears has she secretly shed?...How many smiles has she given away? How many kindness, day after day...How many dreams has she had for you? Nobody knows...except for a Mother...through the years she held your hand and helped you as you dreamed and planned... And if you ask her Mom, why?...she'll say...that's what Mom's do!... Through the years she's always there for you and here for me with a special heart smile that say's I love you and I do care... And if you ask her why Mom? she'll say, that's what Moms are for, her love for us has always shown in so many ways, for that I say...I love you Mom on your very special day..your loving son...James! Thank you Mother, for all you...

Only But One Way And His Name Is JESUS!!!

Jesus said a person becomes born again by water and Spirit. One enters the kingdom of heaven by water and Spirit. Jesus, in Matthew 16:19 told Peter, the apostle the following, "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." We know that "keys" are used to allow entrance into a place. In this case, the "keys of the kingdom" allows us entrance into the kingdom of heaven. Since Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is entered by water and Spirit, the "keys of the kingdom" must, then, involve water and Spirit. And since Jesus gave Peter the keys of the kingdom, we should expect Peter to be the first one to tell people how to become born again. Guess what? Peter was the first. In Acts 2:37-38, it says, "When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, "Brothers, what shall we do?"...

The Holy Spirit Is Calling Us Back Too Jesus!

Apostle James Winfree Subject: DO WE HEAR OUR LORDS VOICE CALLING OUT TOO US? Today if you hear Jesus voice do not act like those in days gone by, but stop and listen to our Lord He is trying to get your attention , Christ wants to whisper a gentle love song in your ear, Jesus wants to tell you how much He loves you and that He is proud of you those who trust and believe in Him , Jesus is saying to all of you who have been obedient to His calling thank you I am well pleased with all the things you have sacrificed and done in my name , Jesus watches and all we say and do in His awesome loving name...Jesus Christ works when we work in love and faith , Jesus Christ do and always will not stop pouring out His love to us His children , Jesus Is holding out His arms wide and waits patiently for us to turn to Christ He wants us to need Him, Jesus wants us to talk to Him to communicate with Him , this is His heartbeat that we would praise Him all the days of our lives Jesus on the cross made u...

Jesus Believers Are Coming Together All Are Welcome!

Subject: Let us love and build each other up in the love of God: Thanks again for joining this Jesus Believers family of friends group that is sharing what is important today and for all those who have questions regarding the Love of God which is in Christ Jesus.. There are people joining constantly and we are now over 10.000. This shows me that there is a great interest in others wanting to know more about Apostle James R Winfree Ministries, what God is saying and doing. People are asking more questions than ever and they are being encouraged by what you all have shared. I want to encourage all of you who are seasoned in the Love of God which in Christ Jesus, to start new topics about your own experiences along the way. When I was young in the things of God, I would have dreamed and would have given just about anything to have others who had gone before me share their struggles and victories along the way. So, if you have anything you would like to share feel free to and a BIG thank ...