The Holy Spirit Told Me Too Tell You!!!

Please, Stop Hating We Are One Blood!
" Stop Hating Me because we are Family"

By Apostle James R Winfree Sr,

Our Belief and Conviction is that we are many out of One. We are all One-man seed and blood. We were originally separated into different groups and language of people because of sin, disobedience, and evil rebellion, because of our own stubbornness and pride to do things our own way.

At the Tower of Babel-So at the tower of Babel headed by Nimrod in Genesis Chapter II, it reads as follows, now the whole earth had one language and speech. And they said come, let us build ourselves a city and tower whose top is in the heavens, let us make a name for ourselves, or we will be scattered over the earth. The Bible says in Matt 1:21, Mary will bring forth a son and His name will be called Jesus, for only Jesus will save His people from their sins. In Acts chapter 2:21, the Word says and it will, shall come to pass, that whoever calls on Jesus will and shall be saved. In Acts 4:12, the Word says there is Salvation in any other or no other name other than Jesus The Christ. For whoever and all call on Jesus will be saved from their sin. This is the good news that God's kingdom from Heaven has come to earth by His Beloved Son Jesus The Christ. Our Father rule and reign is in the hearts and minds of All Believers, Christians, and Saints. Christ came to establish His life in us that we might or may represent God's kingdom here on earth. Our vision, mission, ministry is to all-First Jesus Believers, Christians, Saints and then to all those who our Lord God shall and will call into His blessed, kingdom.

We do not claim to be all knowing or exclusive in biblical study or knowledge of Jesus truth, but we do share in the faith and love of all Jesus Believers, Christians, and

Saints witness we are and always will be, submitted to the Lordship of our Savior and King. We stand together in loving perfect harmony in Christ and with One another in Spiritual real loving fellowship calling all God's children, his sheep to join in as One voice, One body, One church, One people into our Lord's blessed kingdom regardless of skin color or person into loving unity equality in Christ the Lord. Our Lord said in John 10:16 He have other sheep other than His Jewish people. These Gentiles are not of the Jewish sheep, but He, Jesus says He must bring with Him. He said the Gentile Believers, Christians, and Saints will hear and listen to His voice and they will heed His call in this. He says He will make One people under One Head, Christ Himself. Caiaphas being a priest said it is in prophecy and this is His prediction that Jesus' death would be not for Israel only, but for the gathering together of all the children of God scattered around the world. John 11:49-52. We together must demonstrate and live out God's plan for His church, Let this be established, Let this be done.

By: Apostle James R. Winfree Sr,

"Christ Servant"


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