Its Time Jesus Believers /Attitude & The Spirit Of Jesus Believers

Apostle James R Winfree Sr, always said, "Attitude determines altitude in Jesus Christ awesome loving Kingdom." It’s a powerful message that made an impression in my life and service too Christ Jesus and His Believers a gift for motivating God's beloved children to achieve their full potential as Jesus Believes.


"Don't limit yourself in home ministries. Many of God's loving children limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as the Holy Spirit lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve with faith in Jesus Christ."

"Every failure, obstacle or hardship is an opportunity in disguise in Christ Jesus Kingdom. Success in many cases are failure turned inside out with God on our side. The greatest pollution problem we face today is negativity and a lack of God's love and faith. Eliminate the negative attitude and people from your lives and believe you can do anything in God' will. Replace 'if I can vision it, If I can dream it, I know we can do all things with Christ Jesus working with us' , We will and We must work and serve together in our Lord's Kingdom here on earth Jesus Believers.'"

"I always greet our Brothers and Sisters with a warm 'greetings in Christ love! How are you?' When a new Jesus Believer answers the call of God in Christ Jesus, '' I'll say, 'You're not just good, you're great and very blessed in Jesus Christ!' Each time I see him or her afterward, he or she will say, 'I'm great and blessed in Jesus Christ!' and the smile will gets bigger and bigger. If you act enthusiastic, you become enthusiastic – and it spreads like wildfire! God's people"

"Do you know that within your heart and spirit lies every step you ever dreamed of stepping in God's perfect will for your lives, and within the Holy Spirit power lies every joy you ever dreamed of seeing in Christ Jesus? Within yourself lies everything you ever dreamed of being. Become everything that God wants you to be in Jesus Christ our Lord God. It is within your reach. Dare to grow into Christ vision and claim this as your personal word from God in Christ Jesus: Let it be me Let this be us together as One and In One In Jesus Christ who is The Savior of all men and women." For more information please study our Web site @ and You all can write us at &

its Time Jesus Believers!!!


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