Believe In Jesus Christ & Love God & Give From Your Heart
We are A Ministry Of Givers And Not Takers,

The Lord Jesus Said It Is More Blessed To Give Than Too Receive!!!

Become a giver and be a blessing too your loving brothers and dear sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ.

We Are Christ Jesus Body His True Church And It Is Time For All Jesus Believers To Be Blessed And Be A Blessing In God's Awesome Loving Kingdom...
Your Apostle: James R Winfree Sr,
“Believe,” “Love” & “Give”

We know that Christ Jesus poured the essence of who He was into His disciples His Spirit. They lived together, ministered alongside Him, traveled as one, and shared all things equally. One day, in response to one’s request for instruction on prayer, Jesus emphasized that they must “believe, love, and give” (Lk.11:1, 9). Putting this into perspective: the Twelve had already previously the call to become Jesus Believers (Lk.6:13). But this was well before knowing they would eventually be commissioned for Believers to the nations, however (Mat.28:18-20). So through this command, Jesus is building into them a foundational understanding of living lives of prayer, faith and sharing with others in the family of Jesus Christ. Through such intimacy they were to recognize the necessity of yielding to God’s authority in word and in love, acknowledge the absolute essentiality of His revelation, and become and remain dependent on God for timing and strategy doing what Jesus did by giving and loving first His very own and then the world.

From the beginning, Jesus emphasized that faith, love and prayer preceded action; moreover He modeled it (Mk.1:35; Lk.5:16; 6:12). It was through such communion Jesus received direction; it was by this interchange that gifts, discoveries, and needed openings would later be discerned and actualized. Faith, Love and Prayer was to be the foundation stone for true Jesus Believers in Christ (Mat .7:24). Therefore, today, prayer will be the arena in which Faith and the Holy Spirit Voice will be apostolically received and successfully established.

In the church, however, we have most often applied the “Believe, love and give” teaching much more generally, predominantly for member’s private lives. As a result, we have generically encouraged people to approach God for expressing and acquiring according to their perception of need and want. Such prayer is about accomplishing, very often at the expense of relating. We have promoted a double standard by doing so. Meaning, we have prophetically emphasized that God is The Giver of All “,” He gave us His very best when He gave us JESUS.” That said, we have often failed to provide a redefinition of prayer that rightly approaches God in ways that first and foremost submit to His Lordship, while also acknowledging His desire to increase His people ,we together must become the living word of God in Christ Jesus made flesh in our bodies His Church.


Add to this: we often emphasize that excellence in church leadership only comes by learning to negotiate complexities of theory, knowledge, skill and other’s successes. Therefore, leadership is reserved for a select few meaning Kingdom money is only for ministers and sinners and this is Not the truth. Kingdom Money Is For Kingdom Believers in Jesus Christ. Furthermore, there may very well be concerns which leadership should privately address from time to time. But if we do not properly prioritize sharing and giving by making it an love foundation which directly impacts and involves all persons in the faith and aspects of the church of Jesus Christ, we fail to receive and lead by grace which can only be activated through personal engagement with God. At the level of faith as a means to an end, we endorse and promote the lifestyle of being personally self-absorbed and actually lead people into “praying amiss while at the same time God's loving go lacking without their needs met in His blessed Kingdom” (Jas.4:3).

We must not approach ministry as a way to “get” from God just our own needs but the needs of all in God's loving Kingdom... rather than as a relationship to actively enter into with God. When doing so, we prevent both ourselves and others from receiving that which God desires to give us; that which is really needed. Revelation of God’s specific intention and action, direction for involvement with what He is doing, and wisdom for carrying it out all of these only come through relational intimacy with God (Jas.1:5; Rom.10:17). This must apply to individuals through blessings modeling of the same on all in His family. To move in real faith and the authority of God’s Voice, this must be held in the highest esteem in Jesus Christ.

Believers are to concede that absolutely every aspect of establishing Christ’s Church requires an intimacy which results in the revelation of God’s perspective, specific guidance and divine strategy. If Believers treat ministry as the way of obtaining God's blessing for their life, rather than the bedrock relationship by which God reveals and imparts His heart and then reveals and empowers His steps, they will be without what is both necessary and fulfilling. Lacking in their own lives, they will therefore also hinder others from receiving what they need for the same. Furthermore, by treating ministry this way, they will actually prevent their entire “church” from discovering and moving in what the Lord longs to do, both in and through them to make all His children One in Jesus Christ.


Above all others in the church, it falls on the backs of leadership first the apostolic, second the prophetic to “BELIEVE, LOVE, and GIVE” (1Cor.12:28; Eph.3:4-5). First and foremost with all believers, relational intimacy provides the foundation of love, acceptance, security, protection and self-image which anchors one with confidence in God. Without this foundation, it will most likely be impossible to trust and carry out any direction the Lord provides. Moreover, without such “rock” to stand on, it becomes highly improbable that the importance and significance of personal activations of faith and revelation in the Spirit would become a priority in the first place (Mat .7:24).

A foundation of ministry that is personal, not perfunctory, and precious, not just powerful, builds the believer’s life on a foundation with God which makes “eternal life” a reality actually experienced, not just a promise of God’s provision after death (Jn.3:16). “Abundant life” becomes both more and different than possessions, success and security with those who are built on a foundation of actually knowing the Lord, not just teachings about Him or methods to “get God to move” (Jn.10:10). How much more, then, does this apply to an Apostle. And imagine the impact there could, should, and must be on those moving with such authority.


This in place, receiving Spiritual “keys” for experiencing God and advancing with Christ as ones “sent too the Church (Mat.16:19; Rom.10:14-15). This is not just for territory or realms of influence revealed which must be taken and occupied, but for “the nations” as well (Ps.2:8; Mat.24:14). So, if anyone in the church is to be acquainted with “FAITH, LOVE, and GIVING,” it should be those “called,” “BELIEVERS” and “set.” And who are these? “First Apostles, second Prophets, third Teachers” (1Cor.12:28). These Gifts of Christ, appointed and placed by the Lord, must not allow themselves to develop emphases which only compel the Body to pray. As we see in Acts 13, these ministry gifts “sent” and “set” not only function as the result of prayer, but are sent out by prayer, and also guided by prayer (Acts 13:1-4; 16:6-10). The apostolic moving forward of the Body of Christ must be the result of the establishment of the Lord Himself within apostolic leadership (Mk.3:13-15). On this foundation, Christ=S Headship can authentically function and govern through them as they equip and utilize the body parts (Eph.2:20-21).

The first function of all believers who comprise the body is relational intimacy with the Lord through the Spirit. Although this essentiality of intimacy is even more pertinent to Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors and Teachers, Apostles of Jesus Christ are to be those who first and foremost “BELIEVE, LOVE, and GIVE” (Lk.11:9). The only way to adequately fulfill such callings is intimacy with Christ.

Experiencing Him in fullness, true Apostleship will be established (Acts.6:4; Eph.3:3-14). Then, impartation of Christ in His fullness can take place. As believers develop such a lifestyle, “keys” for specific strategies of Kingdom mission will be received. As established, the church then not only harvests the field, but also salts the earth, and lights the way. That is how God designed the Church to become the actual manifested presence of Christ in the world (Eph.3:9-12). Through authentically representing Jesus by first knowing God through Christ, proclaiming and demonstrating by the Spirit leads to an establishment of Faith and God’s Voice built on the foundation it belongs: the power of God (1Cor.2:5).

Apostle James & Betty R Winfree Ministry
Loving Father In Jesus Christ You Will Be Done, Your Kingdom Come On Us As It Is In Heaven!!!


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