This is a Kingdom confirmation Word given for and to All of the Lord's Jesus Christ chosen Men from your Church and Nations Apostle James Winfree Sr, in the household of grace and faith, Our Kingdom year and season of release, a time to be released from all fear and bondage. Rejoice in this special season of the Lord's when you can come again to your inheritance and have a fresh start His Preachers. But, this is also a time when you must release those who have been held captive by your selfish motivations and manipulation. My Men, you cannot enslave anyone through possessiveness and jealousy. Relinquish control and liberate those who have been bound and oppressed. This is the year of Christ favor, and it is His desire that His people be set free, for they are not your and have never been yours, says the Lord. I will redeem and grant redemption on every level Yes, Yes, Yes, soul, spirit, body and finances, but you must position yourselves by faith and proclaim the year of liberty and the Lord's perfect unity in His Kingdom family. Yes, Yes, Yes I am stirring you, My Men. I have given you a sense of restlessness. But, many of you have interpreted that restlessness as boredom. You feel that you have become bored with life and with situations. But, I say, don't look to one another to be entertained or to be stirred up or fulfilled. Come, and go with Me says God your heavenly Father. Journey with Me, says the Lord. There is no greater adventure than that of faith. I am bringing you to a higher level Spiritually My chosen Kingdom Men, to a new plateau, and this restlessness will enables you to release what you currently depend on for stimulation and give you the necessary courage to move forward. Be encouraged, for you are about to experience breakthrough in circumstances that have seemed impregnable in recent times and seasons. It has been as though you have come up against the proverbial, impenetrable brick wall. But, as you quiet your soul and seek My Holy Spirit wisdom, I will give you the key to Victory. Do not be afraid to move ahead with confidence that I am with you and the boldness to know that you are more than a conqueror My Men. Proceed by faith in the power of My Spirit, says the Lord and Yes do your part in helping in seeing My Kingdom Believers come together under one Headship which is Me Christ Jesus The Only Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher, Bishop Over My Church. Amen Men of God Amen.


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