It's Kingdom confirmation Word time with your loving and faithful Church and Nations Apostle James Winfree Sr, In the Holy Spirit I see many of the Lord's sheep scattered and unable to focus on the Lord's Kingdom perfect purpose and plan. Too many things to consider and circumstances to deal with will spread you too thin and wear you out. Yes, Gather yourself together in Jesus Christ Kingdom unity, prioritize, and get focused on what really matters to our heavenly Father. Guard your new Kingdom Spiritual family so that other preachers, people don't exploit or take advantage of them or your time or energy. But you will also have to separate the legitimate draw on your resources from the frivolous and unnecessary, says the Holy Ghost you know as the Holy Spirit. Set a watch. Yes, The Holy Spirit will go before you to remove every hindrance and to pave the way for you to achieve all that He have set before you His Church that lives in freedom. Refuse to allow uncertainty or worry to undermine your faith or cloud your judgment. Let Jesus Christ lead you, for He will do so skillfully in His amazing and awesome love, mercy and grace. But, you must stay focused and keep your priorities in order so that nothing can draw you off course, says the Spirit of God. Walk in the Spirit! Yes the Lord's chosen and Beloved people, Keep your eyes wide open and watch as Jesus our Savior expose corruption on every level in His household of faith. But I speak to your hearts as your Apostle and Brother, God's people, to never take advantage of anyone for your personal gain don't become like the leaders of the day just for themselves only, they are not in ministry for you or My sheep. Treat each other with high regard and respect and without prejudice in My Spiritual family. Your love for God is proven in how you treat others, says the Lord. Be kind and generous in your attitudes. Amen Church and our Lord Jesus Christ of Nations, You, beloved, are Christ ambassadors sent to represent Him in America and the Nations. Make sure that your lives are an accurate representation of Christ Blessed Kingdom. Your true heart will be revealed not just by what you say but by what you do His Believers and loving Followers. See that you treat others with kindness and love, says the Lord. Be a vessel where Christ Spirit can dwell. Amen Church 2 Corinthians 3:2-3 You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart. Say Amen Church. In The Service Of The KING Over All kings And LORD Over All lords!!! Come Up To High Heights In Jesus Christ. J.B.A.NA Apostle James Winfree Sr.


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