Shared by your Church and Nations Apostle James Winfree Sr,
Here I start, the next day came. many people had stayed on the other side of the lake. These people knew that Jesus did not go with his followers in the boat. The people knew that Jesus' followers had left in the boat alone. And they knew that it was the only boat that was there. But then some boats from Tiberias came. The boats landed near the place where the people had eaten the day before. This was where they had eaten the bread after the Lord Jesus gave thanks. The people saw that Jesus and His followers were not there now. So the people got into the boats and went to Capernaum. They wanted to find Jesus. The people found Jesus on the other side of the lake. They asked Jesus, "Teacher, when did you come here?" Jesus answered, "Why are you looking for Me? Are you looking for Me because you saw Me do miracles that prove My Power? No! I tell you the truth. You are looking for Me because you ate the bread and you were satisfied (Yes full). Earthly food spoils and ruins. So don't work to get that kind of food only. But work to get the food that stays good always and gives you life forever. The Son of Man will give you that food. God the Father showed that He is with the Son of Man." The people asked Jesus, "What are the things God wants us to do?" Jesus answered, "The work God wants you to do is this: to Believe in The One that God sent." So the people asked, "What miracle will You do to prove {that you are the One God sent}? If we can see you do a miracle, then we will believe you. What will you do? Our fathers (ancestors) ate the manna (food) God gave them in the desert. This is written in the Scriptures : 'God gave them bread from heaven to eat.' " Jesus said, "I tell you The Truth. Moses was not the one that gave your people bread from heaven. But My Father gives you The True Bread from heaven. What is the bread of God? God's bread is the One that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world." The people said, "Sir, give us this bread always." Then Jesus said, "I AM THE BREAD that gives life. The person that comes to Me will never be hungry. The person that Believes in Me will never be thirsty. I told you before that you have seen Me, and still you don't believe. The Father gives Me My people. Every one of those people will come to Me. I will always accept every person that comes to Me. I came down from heaven to do what God wants Me to do. I did not come to do what I want to do. I must not lose any person that God has given Me. But I must raise those people on the last day. This is what THE ONE who sent Me wants Me to do. Every person that sees The Son and Believes in Him has life forever. I will raise that person on the last day. This is what My Father wants because I and My Father are One in The SAME." In Jesus Name Amen And Amen!!!
In the service of King and Savior Jesus Christ:
Apostle James Winfree Sr & J.B.A.N.A
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