AND I KNOW THAT'S RIGHT!!! The Lord's Kingdom confirmation Word time given by your loving and faithful Church and Nations Apostle James Winfree Sr,.....For the Spirit of the Living God in Christ Jesus would say, He have come to show you The Father's Love. For if you knew The Father's heart you would not tremble, not in weakness, but in His strength. You would not submit to fear for you would know that He is for you since the beginning of time. It would be to your advantage, then, to gain access to the Father's heart so that you would know the way in which He is leading you; so that you would know the way in which He is preparing the way that He has for you and you alone. Each of you is made in the Father's image, but I say unto you each of you is yet different. Thus, the heart of the Father is extended to each one, and He wants each one to understand your identity in Him through Christ alone. He also wants each to understand that you are made unlike any other that He may have the fellowship with and appreciation for and enjoyment with you just as you are. Would you let go of every other thing that is holding you at this moment, and say, "Lord, just as I am, I come--just as I am, I come to know Your love, to know Your acceptance, to know the reality of Your touch, to know and feel the presence of Your power in my life, Lord God; that I might walk as the Apostle Paul did knowing that I am dead to the world but alive unto Christ, alive unto His touch, alive unto His voice, alive unto His leading, and then behold I go Free in the love of the Father in Christ Jesus." ( And this what the Lord in the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, you know that babies and children always eat free at My table, But grown people know that the food comes at a price, so when I send you My Kingdom babies and children feed them and when I send you help they will support you because they know Kingdom business. Amen.


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