For The Spirit Of The Lord God, Said To Tell His sons And His daughters, To Keep Your Faith And Belief In Jesus Christ Simple:
Apostle James R, Winfree, Sr, I Am Mandated By The Lord To Cultivate, Enlighten, Empower, God's Nations Son's And Daughters In His Love. Know this, I'm Not in the Work or Ministry For Any Income, But I am in God's Work and Ministry to hear Him say, Well Done, this is the Income I am looking to receive.
( Thank you All for standing with me in this labor of love and faith! )
( The Truth, The Whole Truth, So Help Me, God!!!
The “simple Faith” believes is basically a move to make the modern-day grace experience as close to that of the early churches of the New Testament as possible in the book of Acts. Adherents to the simple faith movement would say that early believers met in people’s homes and their worship had very little structure, and they, therefore, believe in doing the same. The simple grace movement advocates believe that we are to be led by the Holy Spirit in all that we do and that a “return to basics” is needed because so many structures and traditions have polluted the grace by faith experience.
the Simple faith movement in grace, and the house fellowships movement in general, is that we view the book of Acts as a model for All fellowships, which it was intended to be. The book of Acts is the history of the first church, a mandate for church structure throughout the ages. Acts is “descriptive” in that it describes the first church, but is always “biblical” in that it is always stating how things are supposed to be one for all and all for one in perfect love and unity and oneness. The books of 1 Timothy and Titus give specific outlines for church government. The Lord was very clear in His Word about how He wishes His church on earth to be organized and managed, with Christ as the head of the church and its supreme authority ( Ephesians 1:22; 4:15;) ( Colossians 1:18 ) and governed by spiritual leadership consisting of five main offices—Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers. When today's spiritual leaders and their members decry the establishment of leadership within the church, they reject God’s plan for the church, rather than affirming it, as they claim. One spiritual gift or leader ministry is Sin and this is why many of you can't handle biblical truth or food today.
A few other things seem to be overlooked within today's religious movement as a whole. Limiting the other spiritual God-given gifts to be used to bless His sons and His daughters in the faith... as it is mandated in the Bible. We know from Acts 2:47 that the church Jesus Himself added to it daily. We also know from studying the Corinthian letters that grace believers began to organize as larger bodies to come together to worship together. We also know from Corinthians that this larger congregation of believers had some very significant problems that had to be dealt with, which would seem to reiterate the need for godly leadership within the body. It is unscriptural for a one religious person leadership such as Pastors, Bishops, Founders in His church, this is very our of biblical order, it is ut right sin!!!.
The “simple faith” movement is basically a move to make the modern-day church experience as close to that of the early churches of the New Testament as possible. Adherents to the simple church movement would say that early believers met in people’s homes and their worship had very little structure, and they, therefore, believe in doing the same. The simple church movement advocates believe that we are to be led by the Spirit in all that we do and that a “return to basics” is needed because so many structures and traditions have polluted the church experience. The Jesus in the bible met needs, do your spiritual leaders do the same, or do they just repeat in words only what Jesus has done and did? the very ones who you believe in and support?.
A “simple fellowship” may meet anywhere with or without trained leaders, formal liturgy, programs, or structures. Like many house churches, a simple church is usually a small group of no more than 20–25 persons. The term simple church is often used interchangeably with other terms like organic church, essential church, primitive church, relational church, and micro-church. All have in common a rejection of larger churches organized along denominational lines, formal leadership, church buildings, and formal worship services. The emphasis in simple churches is on building relationships within the spiritual family first and missionary outreach.
Perhaps the biblical blessing with us the Simple fellowship movement in grace, and the house church movement in general, is that we see the book of Acts as a model for the church, which it was intended to be. The book of Acts is the history of the early first church fellowship, a mandate for church structure throughout the ages. Acts is “descriptive” in that it describes the early church, but is not always “biblical” in that it is not always stating how things are supposed to be. The books of 1 Timothy and Titus give specific outlines for church government. The Lord was very clear in His Word about how He wishes His church on earth to be organized and managed, with Christ as the head of the church and its supreme authority ( Ephesians 1:22; 4:15;) ( Colossians 1:18 ) and governed by spiritual leadership consisting of five or more main ministering spiritual gifts—Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers. When today's leaders decry the establishment of leadership within the church, they reject God’s plan for the spiritual fellowship, rather than affirming it, as they claim these one and only religious leaders, this is why many of you are still spiritual babies after all the years.
A few other things seem to be overlooked within today's fellowships as a whole. Limiting the members to a few spiritual gifts such as Pastors, Bishops, and Founders, is not mandated in the Bible. We know from Acts 2:47 that the church grew daily and when they had all things in common and laid the blessings, money, and wealth at the Apostles feet, the God-ordained Apostles gave it to those who were with the faith and in the faith who had needs and met their needs... We also know from studying the Corinthian letters that believers began to organize as larger bodies to come together to worship together. We also know from Corinthians that this larger congregation of believers had some very significant problems that had to be dealt with, which would seem to reiterate the need for godly leadership within the body. There is nothing unscriptural about a large church and nothing to indicate that small groups meeting in a home are any more in tune with a biblical model than a church of two or three.
In addition, some critics are concerned about doctrinal purity and accountability in the Simple fellowship movement. The Holy Spirit is ultimately the one responsible for ensuring purity within the worldwide church body, but God has given us the model for today's churches structured under the leadership of the Holy Ghost, godly Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers. Yet God can certainly work both within a formal loving structure and in the midst of believers gathering in someone’s home. As with all things, Christian love and acceptance are the rules to follow. Those who “are not against us are for us” ( Mark 9:40 ), and whether we worship in large fellowships or small home gatherings, the important thing is the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost world, the upholding of the Word of God as the sufficient model for faith and practice, and the love we have for one another.
In addition, true God-ordained leadership is where the leaders are just like Jesus their spiritual head who met the needs of His believers first and then all others... Christ-followers and believers gave to the Apostles, not to the other spiritual gifts such as Pastors, Bishops only, and the Apostle gave it back to the ones in need, they did not bank it all up for themselves and their families and hand-picked friends...just read Acts 2 & 4, please. Amen.
My Life's Aim, Mission, Ministries Is To Get All To Fall In Love With Jesus Christ Alone,
And, Help To Get You All Names Written In God's Lamb's Book Of Life, In Christ Love. Catch Up & Come Up Higher In Christ Total Biblical Freedom!!!
God's Churches & Nations Messenger & Apostle, James R, Winfree, Sr. God Loves A Free Will Cheerful Giver, Will you Be One? ( I accept your love, prayers, and financially free, will love support!!!
( Apostle James & Betty R, Winfree Global Social Media Ministries )
( Be Spiritual Elevated In Jesus Christ, Truth- Rev21:6 ).
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