Biblical Truth Time With, Your Serving National And Global Nations Social Media, Apostle James R, Winfree, Sr.
Just to name a few, and this is the absolute main reason that God's people can't come together in loving spiritual biblical UNITY.

The Catholic Religion, The Religious Serperated & Divided Churches, The United Methodist Churches, The Churches of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism). The Churches of God in Christ, Evangelical Churches, Mainline,

Protestants, Baptists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Quakers, Episcopalians, Interdenominational Evangelicalism, Pentecostalism, the Churches of Christ, Jehovah's Witnesses, the Anglicans, and Puritans religion, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Catholicism, Adventism; Judaism, Muslims, the Anglican, Christianity denominations.

This final question gets to the heart of the matter. If there is no other living, loving, breathing, walking biblical true Church fellowship which is the Lord Jesus Christ Church, So then why are there so many today's religious buildings?

the religious buildings of men are just idols, And we as God's sons and daughters in our blessed Savior Jesus Christ should have nothing to do with idol temples, But we know that they are built only for money-making and its members are nothing but cash cows:

For we are the temple of the living God, Jesus Christ brothers, and sisters” ( 2 Corinthians 6:16 ). Then to further support the biblical truth that The heavenly Father's sons and daughters are the temple of God in Jesus Christ, Apostle Paul quotes from Leviticus 26:12, which is also alluded to in Jeremiah 32:38 and Ezekiel 37:27: “I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people” ( 2 Corinthians 6:16 ).

The temple of God is where God dwells, and He says He will dwell among and in His people, making them the temple of His water baptized in His Name, Holy Spirit-filled and led.

We, His sons and daughters are the temples of God, Apostle Paul concludes, “Come out from them and be separate. . . . Touch no unclean thing, and God will receive you.” God's sons and daughters are supposed to separate themselves from idol worship of any kind and All the wealth, money, finances, Abraham and Christ's covenant promised blessings and shouldn't go in supporting religious buildings nor making the ungodly rich with God's people money, it should and must go to the true Church, God's Holy Spirit led and filled sons and daughters in making sure their needs are met and they have the resources to fulfill their God-given mission and ministry to the body of Christ Jesus.

The lies of separation became one of the major teachings of false Preachers and religious leaders around the world in is to belike Satan the devil, he only steals, kills, destroys, and takes from God's people, never really giving or sharing anything but sweet religious empty words of nothing, making your flesh feel good, but leaving you in the same shape after leaving them.

There was a lot of focus on “coming out and being separate” from the world in all sorts of ways, many of which may have been warranted by Scripture. Many Christians back in the day, we're taught that we should separate from anything that looks at all like what “the world” sinful things were commonly forbidden among God's people.

The biblical admonition of 2 Corinthians 6:17 is not so all-encompassing. Apostle Paul wants believers to be separate from idol worship in all its forms, but he called for a complete separation from pagan idol worshipers and the building religious for religious purposes, whom preachers were led to believe by their teachers and mentors that this is God's will for their and its member's lives. attempting in pleasing God in the very thing He hates.

Apostle Paul clarifies the matter of separation in 1 Corinthians 5:9–11: “I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people, not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case, you would have to leave this world. But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.”

Yes, the Lord wants His people to “come out from among them and be separate.” That means, first, that we should be separate from participation in sin. Second, we are to be separate from professing believers who are living in sin. Beyond that, Christians are called to not get involved in entangling relationships with unbelievers, which would lead to compromise (and thus being “Yoked” with an unbeliever).

Balancing that is the biblical understanding that we cannot completely remove ourselves from the world of unbelievers, as that would cause us to lose all Spiritual Light in this very dark world. ” Every Christ Believer and follower has to decide if he or she is influencing the world or if the world is influencing him or her and then make choices accordingly, and God's chosen and ordained Ministers should and must make sure that God's sons and daughters receive their promised inheritance. Amen.

( Thank you All for standing with me in this labor of love and faith! ).
Lovingly, Truthfully, Respectfully, Straight Out Of God's Living Word.
Sincerely, Apostle James R, Winfree, Sr.
( A.J.&.B.W.M. ).


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