Greetings from God's appointed chosen anointed Global Nation Social Media Apostle and His Kingdom of God Messenger here in Houston, Texas, That which is being spoken of is God's Holy Living Word and will now begin to move in your hearts. It will move forth as a mighty rushing wind, even as it is spoken out of the Holy Spirit in me His Messenger... remember His Word that on the day of Pentecost there came forth from heaven the sound of a mighty rushing wind. I say, if you listen, you can hear the sound of this mighty rushing wind, the wind of the Holy Ghost anointing that comes forth, the wind of Christ's promise in God, the wind of God's power, the wind of His Kingdom purposes is about to move in All of His anointed Spirit-filled sons and daughters. When it does, watch out! I say, watch out, for you have not understood nor have you been able to perceive the magnitude and the power and the force with which it will be birthed through the hearts of His obedient ones. 

It is even now beginning to flow. I say it is even now beginning to flow. It is coming forth; it is up to your ankles; it is up to your waist. Now, get in the flow of the Holy Spirit wind and receive all that He has for you my spiritual brothers and my sisters in the household of faith. Yeshua YAH is pouring forth a fresh anointing RIGHT NOW; He's bringing forth the anointing oil that will bring light to His true living Churches and this world and the hearts of many. You shall see the manifestation of the sons and daughters of glory, As His Global Social Media Kingdom of God sons and daughters Nations Apostle and America sons and daughters Messenger for I have decreed it, I have spoken it, and now He is transforming your lives Even Now!!!.

Yeshua YAH the Eternal GOD! All things are possible with Him. I say that all things are possible for those who live in faith, those who will walk in faith, and those who will believe are those that perceive that which Jesus Christ will do for them. He is not a God that withholds from you. But, you must have faith in Him and believe Him to receive Him. That is the way that God creates and that is the way that He works within His kingdom of sons and daughters. This is the Kingdom of faith; you come in by faith, you live by faith, and you receive by faith. You must perceive, then, in the God of power those things which are necessary for you. For, I say to you they are there and they exist for you. If you will allow His hand to come upon you, 

He will lead you forth, and you will see things that you have never seen before and understand mysteries that you have never understood before. There are mysteries in Yeshua's Kingdom that you have not yet perceived, nor do you understand, but His desire is to reveal them to His beloved ministers in this dispensation, in this time, and in this hour, for I am unsealing the books, and I am revealing the hidden mysteries that were set aside for this time, the time in which you live, I say the last generation upon this earth. So, I say, come up. Come up here! Come up here where Jesus Christ can open your eyes. Come up here where God can take your hand. 

Come up here where the Holy Ghost can walk with you. Come up here where He can lead you forth into your purposes my spiritual family, the purposes that God our heavenly Father has predestined you to walk in. Move from complacency. Move from the hindering spirits that are against you. Move out of the ministries of the Spirit, and move into the anointing of God's presence. I say unto you, Christ did not create you to be victims, but to be conquerors. He did not create you to lose the battle, but to have victory in the battle. Our Father God did not create you to give in, but to overcome. So, come forth, His children! Rise up. Rise up! Come forth and see Him as He is, for if you can see Jesus as He is, all things that you need will be provided for you as His new covenant and new testament blessings reach you, and you will be found in safe hands. Amen.

Given And Written By, Apostle James R Winfree Sr.

In His Service:


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