You Have Endured God's Committed And Faithful Son, Mr. T

"You have come to this place with many challenges and great difficulty But still you stood the test, Brother Mr.."

Greetings from the great City of Houston and the Lord's Worldwide Global Apostle & Messenger James R Winfree Sr. "You have successfully survived yet another attack of the enemy to steal, kill, and destroy you. Even though you knew what you did not come through by the skin of your teeth, I tell you that the enemy never had a chance against you when you rose in faith and with courage to go forward Mr. And, you are about to come into a place of greater power in warfare as you become as bold as a lion against the devil."

"I see your heart that desires to know more of Christ and to move in the power of His Spirit with great discernment. Know that He always hears and answers your desire for more of Him," says the Lord's power and anointing on and in my life and ministry. "You will not be disappointed. Jesus Christ satisfy the hungry soul."

"You have come to this place with many challenges and great difficulty. Things have not been as you had imagined my Brother in the Lord Christ Jesus. And yet, you have trusted God and not given up. Even now, you face things that create fear and anxiety. But, I say to you, that He will bring you through every situation and circumstance in victory. You are about to rise to new levels of faith in warfare that will make you even more effective against the schemes of the devil as you Brother Mr.T Teach and train others in God's Kingdom."

"You are standing on a new foundation of maturity and responsibility. Things that would have brought you down in defeat even years ago, no longer have the power to subdue you. You have come to a new height, and life will never be the same again. You are about to come into 'your own.'"

"Stability is something that has seemed to evade you at critical times in your life, but your continuing to seek Christ's face and to desire His presence has brought and will continue to bring you to a place of divine stability. Not a stability based on your emotions or your finances, but a strong endurance based on your faith and relationship with Yah Lord God," says the anointing of the Holy Spirit in me His Apostle and Kingdom Messenger. In Jesus Name. Amen.


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