My Ministry Calling:
My Call To Ministry & Apostleship:
Attention this is very important, I'm a National, International Global representative of our Lord Jesus Christ and this is His Ministry, I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for all of you who do support me, I'm your Senior God-Ordained Chosen Apostle, Christ Jesus, Ambassador & Messenger and He sent me, Elder James Winfree Sr, to serve all of His spiritual Kingdom sons and daughters in the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. )
Awesome and All Knowing and Knowledgable Holy Spirit,
You are The Teacher here and we want to learn from You!
Gal 1: 10-12, 10 For do I now persuade men ( Religious people ) or God in Christ Jesus? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.
11 But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man. 12 For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Am I now seeking the approval of man ( Other Ministers ) or God In Jesus Christ, or am I trying to please man ( Or today's religions )? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.
– Galatians 1:10
In the Biblical context of Galatians 1. Apostle Paul is addressing how Jesus Royal Believers Way Saints in Galatia were deserting the grace of Christ and turning to a gospel of works. This is a theme he’ll come back to over and over again in God's Holy Word.
Galatians 1:10 Presents the choice to live to please others or God In Christ.
But here, he distinguishes living for the approval of others and living for the approval of God. He says, and that’s the last part of verse 10… If I was trying to please others then I would not be a servant of Jesus. Galatians 1:10 is a reminder to all of us, to you and me today, that we have a choice. The choice to live to please others or live to please God.
We can live as servants, as slaves of others’ opinions of us. We can live today, tomorrow, and the next day and the next day constantly thinking about what others think of us, how others perceive us, try to gain standing with others. But as long as we are slaves to pleasing others, as long as we are slaves to others’ opinions of us, we will not be able to serve Jesus and we will not be able to please God.
It’s not that when we please God and we serve The Lord God Jesus we don’t care about others. We love others as ourselves. And we serve others. We lay down our lives for others. The Bible calls us to do things in relationship to others, but it’s not for their approval. It is not because we want to be liked. It’s not because we want them to think well of us. It’s because we want to please God. And it pleases God to love others. It’s serving Jesus to serve others.
But there is a fine line there when we start looking to others and their opinions of us for our worth, our value, and our confidence. I just want to encourage you today. Find worth, find value, and find confidence, first and foremost in being a son or daughter of God. Be a servant of Christ and live to honor Him, Jesus Christ.
Galatians 1:10 Teaches that we can please our heavenly Father by Grace.
Seek His approval by His Grace. And know that when you do, you’ll not only have a secure foundation for your own identity, worth, and value. You will not be pulled up and down by what others think or what you think others think about you. You won’t be on this roller coaster ride that will inevitably take you on in this world feeling good about yourself if you think they think well about you. Feeling bad about yourself, if you think they think poorly of you.
Oh, don’t live like that. The Bible is telling us, to live with the security we have as a servant of Jesus Christ. Live for the approval of God, for the pleasure of God. When you do this, it will not just be good for you in all these ways, but it’ll be good for others because you’ll not be self-serving in your relationship with others. You will be selfless and you’ll be free to love them, to care for them, to serve them regardless of what they may think about you because that’s not what’s driving you. Your eyes are fixed on Jesus as his servant, and your eyes are fixed on God as you live to seek his glory.
God made us this kind of Church Believers, the kind of Galatians 1:10 type of believers who are seeking not the approval of religious lukewarm, and spiritual dead people, We who are living as living stones of Jesus. Free us, we pray, from being enslaved to being liked or being approved by others in this way or that way. God help us to love others for your glory. Help us to love others for their good and help us not to live not for what others think about us, but for what others think about us.
Jesus Christ, even in light of the context here in Galatians 1, helps us to be intentional, we pray, to spread the true gospel, not concerned about what others will think of us. Forgive us for being silent with the gospel because we’re afraid of what others will think about us. God, Free us from that. Help us to love others and you enough today to share the gospel with somebody else. God, help us to lay down our reputations for the sake of others’ salvation and your glory. Lord, we pray this for people around us that we’ll interact with today. In Jesus Name. and let His Church responds typing. Amen.
Yes, We will, and Yes We will obey God's Word and Voice.
(1 Corinthians 12:28 )
And God Has Appointed these in The Church: First Apostles, Second Prophets, Third Teachers, after, Miracles, then Gifts of Healing, Helps, Administrations, Varieties of Tongues. Amen.
Sincerely, God's Honorable Serving Senior Apostle & Messenger, Elder James R Winfree Sr.
Yes, I Dare you to be Free,
( But Most Importantly, The Lord Jesus Christ DARES you to Be, Stay, and, Remain, FREE ).
I Do Love you with godly love in Jesus Christ!
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