Attention this is very important, I'm a National, International Global representative of our Lord Jesus Christ and this is His Ministry, I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for all of you who do support me, I'm your Senior God-Ordained Chosen Apostle, Christ Jesus, Ambassador & Messenger and He sent me, Elder James Winfree Sr, to serve all of His spiritual Kingdom sons and daughters in the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. )
Awesome and All-Knowing and Knowledgable Holy Spirit,
You are The Teacher here and we want to learn from You!
( Cursed are the ones who do not continue in All things that are written in the Moses Hebrew Laws ).
During the lifetime of Jesus Christ, the holy temple in Jerusalem was the center of Jewish religious life. The temple was the place where animal sacrifices were carried out and worship according to the Law of Moses was followed faithfully. ( Hebrews 9:1-9 ) it is written that in the temple a veil separated the Holy of Holies, the earthly dwelling place of God’s presence, from the rest of the temple where men dwelt. This signified that sin separated man from God ( Isaiah 59:1-2 ). Only the high priest Aaron and his sons ( only ) were permitted to pass beyond this veil once each year ( Exodus 30:10;) ( Hebrews 9:7 ) to enter God’s presence for all of Israel and make atonement for their sins ( Leviticus 16 ) by Aaron and his sons only,
Solomon’s temple was 30 cubits high (1 Kings 6:2), but Herod had increased the height to 40 cubits, according to the writings of Biblical teacher Josephus, a first-century Jewish historian in one of my many study books. There is uncertainty about the exact measurement of a cubit, but it is safe to assume that this veil was somewhere near 60 feet high. An early Jewish tradition says that the veil was about four inches thick, but the Bible does not confirm that measurement. The book of Exodus teaches that this thick veil was fashioned from blue, purple, and scarlet material and fine twisted linen.
The size and thickness of the veil make the events occurring at the moment of Jesus Christ’s death on the cross so much more momentous. “And when Jesus Christ had cried out again in a loud voice, He gave up His spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom” ( Matthew 27:50-51 ).
So, what do we make of this the Believers in Jesus Christ? What significance does this torn veil have for Jews and Gentiles today? Above all, the tearing of the veil at the moment of Jesus’ death dramatically symbolized that His sacrifice, the shedding of His blood, was a sufficient atonement for sins. It signified that now the way into the Holy of Holies was open for all people, for all time, both Jew and Gentile.
When Jesus Christ died, the veil was torn, and GOD moved out of that place never again to dwell in a temple made with human hands ( Acts 17:24 ). GOD was through with that temple and its religious system, and the temple and Jerusalem were left “desolate” ( Destroyed by the Romans ) in A.D. 70, just as Jesus Christ prophesied in ( Luke 13:35 ). As long as the temple stood, it signified the continuation of the Old Hebrews Covenant. ( Hebrews 9:8-9 ) refers to the age that was passing away as The New Covenant was being established ( Hebrews 8:13 ) By Jesus Christ.
In my Biblical studies as His Senior Apostle and Messenger found out, that the veil was symbolic of Christ Himself as the only way to The Father ( John 14:6 ). This is indicated by the fact that the high priest had to enter the Holy of Holies through the veil. Now Christ is our Superior High Priest, and as believers in His finished work, we partake of His Better Priesthood. We can now enter the Holy of Holies through Him. ( Hebrews 10:19-20 ) says, “We have the confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus Christ by A New and Living Way opened for us through the curtain, that is, His Body.” Here we see The Image of Jesus Christ’s flesh being torn for Jews and Gentiles just as He was tearing the veil for us.
The profound significance of the tearing of the veil is explained in glorious detail in Hebrews. The things of the temple were shadows of things to come, and they all ultimately point us to Jesus Christ. He was the veil to the Holy of Holies, and through His death, the faithful now have FREE ACCESS To GOD.
The veil in the temple was a constant reminder that sin renders humanity unfit for the presence of GOD. The fact that the sin offering was offered annually and countless other sacrifices repeated daily showed graphically that sin could not truly be atoned for or erased by mere animal sacrifices. Jesus Christ, through His death, has removed the barriers between GOD and man, and now we may approach Him with confidence and boldness ( Hebrews 4:14-16 ). So, why are Ministers and their followers still trying to please GOD, by serving, supporting, building religious things, and building so many call their places of worship or Church homes? If you do these you are under the Curse of the Law and cannot please God. Amen and again, Amen.
The size and thickness of the veil make the events occurring at the moment of Jesus Christ’s death on the cross so much more momentous. “And when Jesus Christ had cried out again in a loud voice, He gave up His spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom” ( Matthew 27:50-51 ).
So, what do we make of this the Believers in Jesus Christ? What significance does this torn veil have for Jews and Gentiles today? Above all, the tearing of the veil at the moment of Jesus’ death dramatically symbolized that His sacrifice, the shedding of His blood, was a sufficient atonement for sins. It signified that now the way into the Holy of Holies was open for all people, for all time, both Jew and Gentile.
When Jesus Christ died, the veil was torn, and GOD moved out of that place never again to dwell in a temple made with human hands ( Acts 17:24 ). GOD was through with that temple and its religious system, and the temple and Jerusalem were left “desolate” ( Destroyed by the Romans ) in A.D. 70, just as Jesus Christ prophesied in ( Luke 13:35 ). As long as the temple stood, it signified the continuation of the Old Hebrews Covenant. ( Hebrews 9:8-9 ) refers to the age that was passing away as The New Covenant was being established ( Hebrews 8:13 ) By Jesus Christ.
In my Biblical studies as His Senior Apostle and Messenger found out, that the veil was symbolic of Christ Himself as the only way to The Father ( John 14:6 ). This is indicated by the fact that the high priest had to enter the Holy of Holies through the veil. Now Christ is our Superior High Priest, and as believers in His finished work, we partake of His Better Priesthood. We can now enter the Holy of Holies through Him. ( Hebrews 10:19-20 ) says, “We have the confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus Christ by A New and Living Way opened for us through the curtain, that is, His Body.” Here we see The Image of Jesus Christ’s flesh being torn for Jews and Gentiles just as He was tearing the veil for us.
The profound significance of the tearing of the veil is explained in glorious detail in Hebrews. The things of the temple were shadows of things to come, and they all ultimately point us to Jesus Christ. He was the veil to the Holy of Holies, and through His death, the faithful now have FREE ACCESS To GOD.
The veil in the temple was a constant reminder that sin renders humanity unfit for the presence of GOD. The fact that the sin offering was offered annually and countless other sacrifices repeated daily showed graphically that sin could not truly be atoned for or erased by mere animal sacrifices. Jesus Christ, through His death, has removed the barriers between GOD and man, and now we may approach Him with confidence and boldness ( Hebrews 4:14-16 ). So, why are Ministers and their followers still trying to please GOD, by serving, supporting, building religious things, and building so many call their places of worship or Church homes? If you do these you are under the Curse of the Law and cannot please God. Amen and again, Amen.
Yes, We will, and Yes We will obey God's Word and Voice.
(1 Corinthians 12:28 )
And God Has Appointed these in The Church: First Apostles, Second Prophets, Third Teachers, after, Miracles, then Gifts of Healing, Helps, Administrations, Varieties of Tongues. Amen.
Sincerely, God's Honorable Serving Senior Apostle & Messenger, Elder James R Winfree Sr.
Yes, I Dare you to be Free,
( But Most Importantly, The Lord Jesus Christ DARES you to Be, Stay, and, Remain, FREE ).
I Do Love you with godly love in Jesus Christ!
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