About Apostle James & Elect Lady Betty Winfree Sr. Ministries:

 Attention this is very important, I'm a National, International Global representative of our Lord Jesus Christ and this is His Ministry, I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for all of you who do support me, I'm your Senior God-Ordained Chosen Apostle, Christ Jesus, Ambassador & Messenger, ( Spiritual Biblical Revolutionists ) and He sent me, Elder James Winfree Sr, to serve all of His spiritual Kingdom sons and daughters in the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Ministry & Vision In the New Testament
Today, we have a vision. It is a vision deeply rooted in the New Testament. We have a vision this day, that the body of Jesus Christ will become "One" in Him. We Have a vision this day that the Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers, will work together in Unity and Equality side by side, hand in hand.
We have a vision this day that the Words of Jesus Christ and His Apostles and Prophets will become evident in our lives. "Neither was there any Christian or believer among them that was in need because they had all things in common in Jesus. Yes, we have a vision this day that the Church, the body of Jesus, and the people of God will become "One" in Him.
With this vision, we will go out and transform dark yesterdays into bright tomorrows. With this vision, we will be able to achieve this new day when all of God's people will be exalted together and when all men, Jews, and Gentiles will come together and join hands while working in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Apostle Winfree James R. Sr, Servant, Teacher, Blogger, Publisher, Biblical Mentor, Kingdom Leader, Spiritual Word Counselor, I'm on a Christ-centered mission to build up the Church of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, to Encourage, Equip, Empower and Serve in the Love, Anointing, and The Grace of God in Christ Jesus.

Yes, We will, and Yes We will obey God's Word and Voice.
(1 Corinthians 12:28 )
And God Has Appointed these in The Church: First Apostles, Second Prophets, Third Teachers, after, Miracles, then Gifts of Healing, Helps, Administrations, Varieties of Tongues. Amen.
Sincerely, God's Honorable Serving Senior Apostle & Messenger, Elder James R Winfree Sr.
Yes, I Dare you to be Free,
( But Most Importantly, The Lord Jesus Christ DARES you to Be, Stay, and, Remain, FREE ).
I Do Love you with godly love in Jesus Christ!
Are you, Ready For A Spiritual Biblical, Revolution?
Sow a continuance financial blessing into this God Ordained National, Global Nations Ministry!
Sincerely, Senior Apostle & Elder James R Winfree Sr.


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